collaroy sea wall protest

That's the most sensible thing I've read so far. I think we have already seen 19 cm of sea level rise on the east coast - and at least up here it hasnt translated to any significant/extended erosion issues. When deciding to spend rate payer dollars, on what metric do they use without using the big IF ? The Gold Coast has undoubtedly the most at risk coastline in Australia. Hey BD. Mind you theyve only been around for a year. Kook survives a brutal seawall bashin' well almost! How about dredging narrabeen lagoon?? The DA for the Collaroy seawall was approved while the Northern Beaches Council was under administration. With increased ocean levels comes all those properties around Botany Bay, Parramatta river, Georges river. 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Normally large swells from the SW have very little affect on the beaches around here because the great ocean rd is comprised of Rocky headland after headland. Wetsuits may never be the same again. Any system that affects the coast from a different angle upsets the balance of that orientation and the system then takes considerably more time to re-adjust. Rather than a natural ebb and flow of wave energy, a hard structure increases reflective energy and turbulence, making it difficult for sand to settle and accrete. and the second last line of your article states- Until then the owners can continue to enjoy their delightful seashore experience. This forms a foredune and a backdude. nothing that a annual maintenance fee paid for by the taxpayer can't fix. Of the people that Swellnet spoke to, the opinions of how we got to this point swung from nefarious (It was rushed through during COVID because they knew people were occupied) to inept (It was signed off by a mid-level planner with no knowledge of coastal processes). Probably not council's fault then, happy to blame the owners! The wall is set to be seven metres tall, but three-quarters will then be covered by sand brought onto the beach. "There's no sense at all in building something like this from an engineering perspective. Council and State Government contribute 10% each. Adjacent a second wall constructed just to the north, the half finished revetment was torn to rubble with dangerous rebar, boulders and cement being washed into the surf zone. I think the re-sale value of their properties trumped their ability to access the from their back garden. The protest was backed by the growing greens movement at the time and successfully pressured the then Warringah Council to knock back the protective walls. Just take the hit cost wise now and return the area to something close to its previous natural state. I assume this would all depend on the power of the state government/council etc to cap buyback prices, similar to land buybacks for roads, airports etc. The local community group has been protesting against a seawall for almost 30 years. If it were replicated along vulnerable areas of the NSW coast (and that of other states) we would never be able to afford adaptation. Has any one ever suggested an off shore reef, seems like a win-win or is the sea floor unsuitable? btw- that one is a tiddler compared to what they have here. Was it some random guy off the street? The properties were bought in good faith, said one local who wished to remain anonymous, and the owners must feel an obligation for the authorities to protect them, but a seawall is last century thinking.. As the article states, in terms of erosion, vertical walls don't work and actually exacerbate the problem. Contrast man-made against a natural barrier like mangroves (apologies for the sound, not my video), Trees work well for preventing erosion ONLY when the wave power is very minimal. You have a decade of good conditions somewhere along the way and everybody builds on the beach or on a river bank and then there reminded of the risks being swell generated by a low and annual big tides in cyclone season who woulda thought ..or flooding by jingoes fuk wouldnt you rather walk an extra couple of hundred metres and leave nature to do what it does . stupid white poeple ..classic. I tear up and swear to myself. I am safely 140m above sea-level now so that should be safefor a while hahaha. My working assumption is that they have behaved unethically on this matter. Insurance companies know this. Big walls like this one are getting smashed and although for the most part they are still there, everything behind them is going. And please take a look at all the other ridicules things Coastal engineers are doing around this country so you can see the pattern of incompetence I am referring to. There's been a lot of work done to gain a better understanding of the value of the beach re both market and non-market economic benefits. Wow, that is ugly even by brutalist/modernist standards. Cyclonic activity isnt forecast to increase at all - I think the jury actually out on that at the moment, east coast of Australia in a 500 year dip too on cyclonic activity. A band of knowledgable people have gotten together and are in discussions about it and coming up with arguments and alternatives against it. I doubt there will be a demand for the effected given the inevitable. Mr Horton said there has been some very minor erosion at Collaroy/Narrabeen Beach this week, along with other NSW beaches, but it is not a cause for concern. When the CBA or risk assessment work is done with good information about the things to be lost (eg the beach, public access, amenity, etc) it can shift the outcome of the analysis significantly, particularly the "do nothing" which is actually doing something. governments recently built a bunch of groynes around the Murray street area. Will it make Carties better or will kooks just ride into the wall even more. Like I said at the start, IF he is an "expert coastal engineer" then we are in a much deeper hole than I imagined. As you know we have the Great Ocean Road down here , which was a huge Tourist attraction ( before Covid.) Hows the Seawall holding up? And this is on a small, weak windswell from the south-east. Check this out. Yep. This has cut into the base of the dunes below the surf club. consultant reports and community consultation no doubt funded by state money. Just ugly, clog up the waterways etc. You don't have to look around the world because the Gold Coast has implemented the only effective "non- ugly as fuck" option at Palm Beach Qld. I'd reckon the road, arterial services (electrical, sewerage, etc) and the houses all factors. A few pics. For those who object to it, there is something hostile about Collaroy's multi-million-dollar sea wall. Granted the Reality series and Aero are ludicrously expensive at the $2,000 barrier, but they're promising to push a more immersive, satisfying VR experience that delivers on incredible fidelity. Our timber guide wall formwork is not only reusable and 100% recyclable, it also prevents dangerous polystyrene fragments from entering the ecosystem. @dawnperiscope My comment in the other article also notes that across this region, "it is illegal to establish, maintain or use a spoil ground or other ocean disposal point (including dumping materials at sea)". Sounds like you are pretty deep in that world! High-quality Collaroy Beach Wall Art designed and sold by artists. This also creates problems when people try and keep claiming land as shorelines migrate seaward in times of accretion. From deep state secret spot to modern media darling, what lessons can we learn from Cape Solander's evolution? Seawall construction isn't mentioned. EDIT: Just to be clear, the issue of erosion has nothing to do with sea level rise, climate change, or buying the latest board. bit of a worry but, when you buy a nice piece of land by the ocean in high risk erosion zone..why do tax payers have to buy the property back,,,surely the owner knew the risks ? Premium ad-free surfcams, dawn surf reports, and more had been lodged 18 months earlier in July 2018, These contracts to the construction companies are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Rise seems nearly double than the run. Staged retreats seem the best option, but also some councils are genuinely desperate to embrace the most apocalyptic climate change forecasts. And the properties either side?? This was done to ensure the wall would be up before people realised what it was. Multiple reports have previously shown a better cost effective way to protect public infrastructure on that stretch. Hourly Multiple Swells Wind Highlighting Model Units ft, mph. I posted links to the relevant council pages in the previous story. Or boarding a jumbo jet to go for a surf and buy the latest board all things responsible for the needing of the wall in the first place. when roads and buildings are about to fall into the sea. Wonder if he has been down there in the last 2 days to check on status of wall? I guess that the levees will give me a 100% guarantee that it'll never happen in my lifetime". Im not trying to be a dick about it. Do you know how deep the bedrock is? My experience is that if the responsible authority wasn't involved in the valuation process they struggle to comprehend it, let alone see how it legitimately applies to their own patch via things like benefits transfer. With expected sea level rises obviosly making those matters worse - however there is some irony in the fact Gina Reinheart whose carbon footprint is horrendous, just bought the most exposed land in sunshine beach to these very issues - but im also stressed people like her etc will want to build sea walls down the track. In 2017, Gold Coast City Council funded, in conjunction with threatened property owners, an artificial reef offshore from Palm Beach. This will give all all a better insight into what's going on with these projects. Man, that'd get old real quick, happy to pass. Link any useful papers youve found. the above-average wave heights and elevated water levels are to blame. Sure, but wowee regarding that huge backwash and wave entering back into the surf zone. The Collaroy Beach coastline on May 6, 2016 before major storms swept the shoreline. As far as I know their job was to asses the designs given to them by the Coastal engineers, not to actually create any designs. This seawall will not only protect our homes but also Pittwater Rd, and the many communication and public services installed under it, from inevitable future storm events. However, Craig, when you say "Comparing the swell to those of last year it wasn't of any major significance but it shows the futile efforts trying to protect property with a hard structure." Great stuff. If a construction like that ends up being the only realistic option then so be it, but at least they need to be transparent about how they got to that point, and ideally accountable in future if it goes south. Is Carties a perfect candidate for a coastal engineering and resculpting project that kills two birds with one stone: that fixes the harbour entrance shoaling problem and turns Carties into an actual quality wave? Beaches like Bondi still had sand dunes and likely better banks all around. A "macabre" scene greeted surfers followinga mass kill of invertebrates. I wonder whats worse this concrete monstrsity or the digital identity certifcate which is about to be become a reality unless you put some energy into being another voice presenting a social inclusivity rather than If there is an identity card, then people in authority will want to put it to use.What is at stake is nothing less than the nature of our society and the power and authority of the state over the individual. Not sure how they would fix them to the sand though. First completed by the French in 1735, the Pondicherry seawall reaches a height of 27 feet above sea level. Statements such as the two below can only be classified as opinion unless you link to references. It is all about the road. Such a shame that it's not like California or other US states where the owner has no right to protect their land from erosion etc. 314k members in the sydney community. Seawalls have the inevitable effect of reflecting and concentrating wave energy and accelerating erosion. Seawalls form a defining line between sea and land. In the Doc below, They advised to do more Numerical modeling [Physics simulations] to be sure of the walls effect. Both Brendan Donohoe and Angus Gordon, and other people Swellnet spoke to, admit to being blindsided by the construction. Those days are gone, but we can make the future even better IF we use our brains like you say! Nothing can ever excuse extremely poor and ill-conceived designs. The Local Government Act allows the council to set a special rate to pay for that. Moreover, the current DA makes no mention of sand nourishment from sand sourced elsewhere, such as deeper water offshore. Further to the north, sand that was built up in front of properties has been scoured away leaving an eight foot drop-off. 42 online submissions ALL supporting the wall but many seem to think it would be a sloping rock construction. From their perspective building the wall before further erosion took place and moved closer to the road was another advantage as was disregarding the impact on the beach for a potentially more permanent solution. My experience with compulsory acquisition had to do with a Sydney motorway a few years back. The council now will not release the relevant documents without a formal application and even then would no doubt find reasons to withhold the significant parts. Meanwhile, those on the other side of the divide are fearing the precedent of a return to hard structures and what this might mean for the rest of the Collaroy and Narrabeen beachfront, not to mention Wamberal, Old Bar, Byron Bay, and any other area where bad planning policy has created a wicked problem. We can mess things up in a colossal way, and then keep doing it repeatedly. Point being that the experiment is a gimmick as it would be quite easily modelled in a software program given all geometric surfaces and the regular wave pattern. I guess that makes offshore options quite limited, So I'm a little confused as to why there are hardly any real solutions put forward to deal with coastal erosion in 2021, despite our huge body of scientific knowledge regarding the issue. There are three main types of seawalls: vertical, curved, and mound. Im just saying its a difficult issue, beachwall terrible and if its sets a precedent huge chunks of the coast stuffed. The Act was introduced by Rob Stokes, the NSW Minister for Planning and member for Pittwater. Surely a planned retreat is the only way forward. Where I live though the beach has no erosion issues but the council is trying curtail landowners rights significantly due to potential sea level rises combined with 1 in 100 year storms etc. Not to mention the many brutalist houses dotting its once beautiful headlands. We have trouble performing numerical analysis on complex near shore environments, so what we'll do is create a slab sided wave tank with perfectly geometrical structures and wave forms and see what "actually happens". Lol. I also presume the view of the houses will be enhanced by the no trespassing signs in large red writing. OK this is the real one. I hope this Collaroy wall hasn't set a precedent. Dont lynch me its only an idea. Weve long known that putting a hard structureparticularly a hard, vertical structure, on the beach increases erosion., Northern Beaches Council puts up the big don't argue (Photo Craig Brokensha). Harmer and husband have been protesting for 14 years to stop surf barrier She led 2002 lobby against $12 million wall proposed by Warringah council A monster Sydney storm wiped out properties. Both!! Google "End-wall effect erosion" and you'll find many papers/studies on this. Will be interesting after another summer if potential strong easterlies due to the La Nia. The best thing about it is that you can output actual 3d animations of the simulation so that EVERYONE can understand the results. Certain death. Well, it (and a lot of us) could possibly be in for a real test within 3-5 years with the Thwaites Glacier (Doomsday Glacier) suggested to be at risk of sliding into the sea and potentially raising sea levels by 65cm. It would be the same as for any development adjacent to the cables where they make landfall. Some relevant links from when I had a dig around before. I get informed about a proposed bike lane two suburbs away, questions an aghast Donohoe, but I hear nothing about construction abutting a nearby public beach?, Gordon was equally puzzled: I guess people become frustrated with the bureaucratic process and find ways of not involving the public. Angus Gordon, an engineer with fifty years experience in coastal engineering, assumed the same. There have been high profile storms on the NSW East Coast since the mid-70s. I dare say the neighbours are on notice too. The main issue is that the cables are protected in whatever is proposed. Holds more water and replenish the beach? They were concerned the sand directly in front of the seawall would be washed away, eroding their beach, and, on Tuesday, that's exactly what happened. But there will also be a range of other social and environmental grants on offer that the LGA will use to leverage off for on-going maintenance. IT WILL NOT FUCKN WORK YA FLOGS.. 5/6 NE SWELL NOW.. a proper ECL .. will destroy it .. this frustrates me .. Yep need to see front on pic This can easily be achieved by creating offshore reefs that reduce the energy to a level the beach can cope with. The obvious one is disaster relief which will be a given in the medium to long term for the repair of the wall and its impacts to adjacent beaches. More to come once the other residents agree to pay their contribution. (As we all know, unfortunately, money/wealth/property seems to be many people's priority, and corrupt opportunists step in to "help" with that). They might be looking for a new 'environmental' consultant after the next major swell. She had reigned as Queen for 70 years. It may not happen in my lifetime [fingers-crosssed] but it's a real issue when thinking about your children who eventually inherit your home. For a couple of furlongs it was quite close to the ocean but nobody cared. The facts stand as such, an Engineer/s designed this monstrosity and no amount of excuses can change that. Imagine the carnage during the next ECL. that concrete is a lovely blank canvas for some choice words. A horizontal reef is also a "Hard Structure" yet it acts in a very different way to a Vertical Sea Wall such as the Collaroy one. Completely agree that not all beach owners are cashed up pricks. The project is part of the 1.3-km seawall proposed from South Narrabeen to Collaroy to protect both private and public assets in the suburb. It pisses me off that people wilfully or ignorantly choose to buy in areas that are not for purpose, enabled by the property industry and then scream out for taxpayer help when the inevitable disaster occurs. We spoke to expert coastal engineer, Peter Horton, about the current situation and the coastal protection works he designed to protect the properties from large and powerful surf. That's appalling if it's the case, BB. Maybe you New South Weleshpeople do things differently. Stop wasting money and do something that will achieve the intended goals. I do however feel there needs to be more separation regarding fact and opinion in your article. You shouldve known by 1990. Can't wait to see the classic "Dick and Balls" painted on that big ugly fucker. The lessons, it would seem, are still being learnt. There is a significant risk that, as Craig suggested, end wall erosion will simply move the problem and lead to calls for extending the wall. A quick trip Todos Santos way during a belting nor'west swell. Climate projections will have some Australian surfers rejoicing, and others not so. But obviously no owners want to give up tax free capital gains.. dunno has to be a solution that doesnt destroy the beach like collaroy or completely crush home owners, they arent all pricks. Im not sure that councils have the legal authority to acquire the land, pretty sure that resides with State governments and the Feds only in certain circumstances. There is no evidence whatsoever of accelerated erosion seaward of these newly constructed works. Yep. !.Basic, crude, primitive, a fcukn disgrace and no regard for the beauty of the areajust shit!.Year 7 school project standard. The Collaroy wall is not subtle. " Theyve introduced these gently sloped walls to broaden the widths of the roads to protect them from erosion. Between these three, you can protect any shore from water erosion. This would be a better solution, I think. As good as a house on the beach would be imagine how much more beautiful the East Coast would be with a 1km + building buffer from the coast depending on the terrain. But thats about it . They've had a very very blessed life compared to anyone else in this country and that in return they would do such harm to a public place to save their private property is a bit sad. Hey there - well I live in Noosa, Sunshine Beach specifically. It didn't last long and within 12 hours the sand that was built up against the near finished first wall was 2/3rds washed away. This issue is not exclusive to the NB or sea level rise or storm surge. This wicked problem is a result of intergenerational dumbness. A bit like asking journos writing about climate change to include references scientific papers talking about how CO2 is a greenhouse gas. there is no excuse for purchasing a property on the beach in the last 30 years let alone 5 without an inkling of understanding of the risks. Lance any surf info about Middleton Reef ? I find the whole thing fascinating, I had guys from the council to my face tell me of a future with 52 day heatwaves & in the same breath tell me of being concerened about extreme cyclones & erosion. Premium ad-free surfcams, dawn surf reports, and more, Separately at the Collaroy pool end of the beach when the walk way became unstable they just craned in these massive bags of rocks on top of each other and said job done - ugly as fuck. A few years on when I visited I suggested a stroll along the cliffs at the estuary and they replied that its to dangerous now as theres been heaps of erosion for some reason. Am I missing something with the job title there? A man whose million-dollar beachfront property on Sydney's northern beaches was damaged by king tides says he and his neighbours are happy to chip in for the construction of a sea wall. Btw when I say 4ft these waves 99.99% of the time are sloppy, they break for half a second and then dissapear and its an ugly wash for kms out to sea. Collaroy homes along Pittwater Rd have been cordoned off today. It never stood a chance. property owners in Collaroy have seen the value of their asset increase by around 20-30% in the last 12 months alone. This is on a small, weak windswell from the south-east yamashita 2020! Spend rate payer dollars, on what metric do they use without the... Difficult issue, beachwall terrible and if its sets a precedent huge chunks the... To protect both private and public assets in the Doc below, they advised to do with a motorway... Of dollars from deep state secret spot to modern media darling, what can! Even by brutalist/modernist standards Bay, Parramatta river, Georges river or sea rise... Cables where they make landfall cost wise now and return the area to something to. 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collaroy sea wall protest