bantu semitic language

No, it is exciting evidence of common roots of the two species! * from Wiktionary: From Middle English porpeys, purpeys, borrowed from Anglo-Norman porpeis, purpeis, Old French pourpois, porpois, pourpais, porpeis (porpoise), from Vulgar Latin *porcopiscis (porpoise, literally pig-fish), from Latin porcus (pig) + piscis (fish). If you can get into Nature, you must get into Nature, unless you already have tenure and are happy with keeping your job until retirement. *not sure if English speakers do it, consider it my martian accent. Guided by the PCA, we began by using three groups of individualspresent-day Dinka (28), ancient Chalcolithic-period individuals from Israel (25), and the~4500 B.P. Many of the modernist papers do not really have much to say about the purpose of classification, except where they continue and link it to dates, geography or human genetics. Not strictly an ox, but definitely an aurochnoid.). The orders NounPostposition, VerbAuxiliary, Relative ClauseHead Noun, and AdjectiveNoun are all correlated and thus they tend to co-occur with SOV order cross-linguistically (see Word Order). If anything, being westernmost (ie, closest to Daju) would seem to make it somewhat more likely that words were borrowed rather than developing separately. Separate reflexes for intervocalic *h and *h, namely vs. , seem to be consensus. No it hasnt (And what is a basal lineage in historical linguistic terms, anyway? But I only know this because Ive already done a lot of reconstruction before even thinking about trying any lexicostatistics. (Caveat lector; for one thing, the tables should not be confused with etymologies or cognate sets.). . Kusaal nb /b/, Dagbani ubi chew, and it would be nice to be able to explain the remainder similarly, but that doesnt seem possible. First the authors rarely engage with the literature, failing to describe the errors that presumably characterise the proposals of those who want to argue for the reality of particular phyla. However, just now looking at the actual Swadesh 100 list, I can only see four French loans offhand (and four Norse.) It just wont be necessarily amenable to quoting six items and declaring QED, the way good grammatical evidence might be. Moreover, Oti-Volta shows clear evidence of, for example, new classes being created rather than inherited, and of entire semantic groups of nouns being transferred from one class to another diachronically. But it is easy to see where this can lead to a wrong result. n person nb people) but its affinity is clear from lexical correspondences, which also include things like the pronoun system. Epigrues I doubt whether Kitchen et al* even know why real historical linguists think that shared innovations matter. Bei den Khawtna in Nordost-Syrien als Ungeheuer belegt (TAY-1:75). If such a migration took place, then there should be scattered loaned livestock terms in Nilo-Saharan languages all the way between the Nile and Lake Chad. (I think Blench has a bit of a nerve in moaning about methodological errors by those who respond poorly to hand-waving.). But his leading idea actually leads him wrong even in his few examples, in ways that I can detect from Oti-Volta data: for example from Proto-Bantu *-tm- send and his Proto-Potou-Akanic *-s- he reconstructs Proto-Potou-Akanic-Bantu *-t. Maybe its for the best, then. Anyway, grammar is not quite the same as lexicon. >, When you click on a link, and really its one of the fifty tabs already open in your Firefox window, I again cant begin to assess the quality of the work, but heres a cognate-hunting paper for Birgid, described as the westernmost of the Northern East Sudanic group, and Daju, considered quite distant from NES. Id be truly delighted if someone produced good evidence for the relationship. When we formulate questions as related or not? we may actually confuse the matter. Hmm. -Most verb/noun roots consist of 3 consonants. But Sanskrit+Greek will get you faster to PIE than French+Armenian. *ramc people). Personally I can use it just to express surprise (it is just me). If, in fact, Niger-Congo-like noun class systems spread to (parts of) Niger-Congo under the influence of Nilo-Saharan, there seems to be no reason why this process should have been limited to languages which were, in fact, already genetically related to one another in the first place. Afroasiatic (Afro-Asiatic), also known as Afrasian or Hamito-Semitic, Semito-Hamitic, or Erythraean is a large language family of about 300 languages that are I wish Id watched the game, but after suffering through CRO-BRA and ARG-NED yesterday (the latter almost killed me Viva la albiceleste! In Arabic Hamito-Semitic remains somewhat more widely understood, but theres no original research on the subject to speak of in Arabic. And the authors were careful to insist this was not lexicostatistics (although it was based on cognate judgments). This suggests one of two possibilities: either the word for fish entered Proto-Albanian from Latin in Imperial times, as fish was an imported item, or was later borrowed from Adriatic Romance varieties in post-imperial times as Proto-Albanian was expanding at the expense of Romance. Now that the affiliation of Meroitic is settled was that Bantu preserved the system of the protolanguage, from which everyone else has degenerated (nicely matching nineteenth-century conceptions of language change in general.) Megachadic is probably going too far in the opposite direction . (Faroese is closely-ish related to Icelandic, both historically and modernly.). Greenbergs method can produce a good preliminary classification. . Etymologisches Wrterbuch des Deutschen Can someone recommend a good basic linguistics text. Basal lineages in many cases really havent changed all that much in eons. Looking at the map, I can imagine three scenarios: 1. Its presence is only evidence for a genetic relationship if you can show regular correspondences of form and meaning. Neither looks anything more than what you might find by chance to me. and would advise. However, of the polysynthetic branches, some of the inflectional morphology of the one in Sichuan and some of that of the one in Nepal is evidently cognate, so it does seem to go far back. Dimmendaals belief that Songhay is definitely related to Nilotic. Respect! If you had two completely isolating languages where most of the lexemes could be shown to match according to regular sound changes it would be reasonable to conclude that they were genetically related, so long as there were good reasons to exclude creolisation or massive borrowing as the explanation; even then, you would be entirely justified in saying that the relationship was not mere chance. Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (Open Access PDF version of volumes A M and O P) We found an association between movement and admixture of populations in the region and the spread of Semitic languages. Tis craven to survey the morrow! His name looks more Danish than Norwegian. Similarly, the inlanders had no children (plant) apart from those they imported from the coast. But even apart from the good evidence that much of this morphology was created and not inherited, the phonological system of Proto-Bantu is far too stripped-down to be a reasonable surrogate for any Proto-Volta-Congo: there must surely have been a lot of mergers on the way to that. In fact, if the two groups did live together, why didnt the Proto-Berbers respond in the same way to changing climate and migrate east as well? (DE). (This can lead to myopia, though: Id have realised that the verb sit was reconstructable to Proto-Volta-Congo a lot earlier were it not for the fact that all of Western Oti-Volta has adopted a quite unrelated root, just to throw me off the scent. This is just one morphological feature, in only two branches of AA, being studied with care and detail, and that only three years ago. Im not sure though that even this method gives better results than pencil and paper. BTW, what do you make of Kloekhorsts recent work on Hittite phonology (multiple laryngeal reflexes, ejectives and geminates thereof)? And they both characterize the roots as good/very good candidates for cognates, weak candidates (um, Vydrin actually writes week candidates) and definitely different. The most striking case is Altaic, where one group of scholars produces thousands of reconstructed forms, and another denies that the major branches are even related. Development of gender is immodest by the definition of modesty! That could be wholly unrelated to what I call a blunder; Ill need to check. However, in the rare situation where the areal traits do coincide at a clear boundary, the definition of a linguistic area matching their boundary is relatively secure. No, I cannot explain the Bantu languages being similar to Hebrew because they aren't similar to Hebrew. I speak Hebrew fluently and I have a degree Above, breeding in fresh water, not on land. For the same unknown reason that hound got supplanted by dog, I suppose. Languages online Digital Dictionaries of South Asia I didnt believe in Nilo-Saharan at that time any more than I do now; the possibility that I was interested in is that maybe Songhay-Saharan was a valid family. Berber -slVm fish has been compared to Latin salmon. dubina a club (dub an oak). Aridification of Arabia 6 kya in the paper quoted in the original post intrigued me. I meant ghoty, yes, * laughter:( Several good grammars of Oti-Volta languages are by L1 speakers: Ive found Lar Kantchoas grammar of Moba very useful, for example. The paddlefish is a commercial food fish in all 3 areas (American paddlefish were introduced in China), but not an important one. Also in bezobrznyj ugly (image-less). Using that many genes allows the detection of incomplete lineage sorting and simply adds more data. APiagetian orientation will explain them in terms of general cognitive principles and shared conceptual underpinnings which provide a universal epistemological basis for acquisition of linguistic knowledge (Slobin, 1985). He knew of Semitic through his study of Arabic, Hebrew, and Aramaic. Wikipedia rather describes them as Cossack nobility under construction. The quoted dictionary records this usage for everywhere outside the Southern Cone, which in my country is a distant world (and the Brits business anyhow). And I assume language arose with modern humans if not before, so certainly more than 70 kya. There seem to be a lot of coincidences of population movement that align with Out of Natufian, that you have to wave away to believe Afroasiatic Out of Africa. I guess if youre getting a university degree in Africa, you may arrive at more practical ideas of how to improve your familys financial position than to pursue a lucrative linguistics career. David E.: [Blench is] good at writing, unlike one or two perfectly capable linguists one can think of, who have everything except the gift of clear exposition. However, the Plains Indian model is incomplete, its evolution was forcibly interrupted by the US Government, so we dont know what would have been the end result. we used the qpAdm software(35,36), which provides a flexible framework for testing admixture models and estimating mixture proportions. The opposite idea, that Semitic originated geographically close to the other AfAs language families (so, in Africa), has been proposed a few times but not been widely accepted. What languages families are spoken in Africa? an eudmonist The Swahili for fish is samaki, which I presume is from the Arabic . Sentence first This is a pretty unfair caricature of Blench. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. may testify to the arrival of these new population groups. Well, recognising IE words and morphology was the key to interpreting Hittite texts in the first place, so without that we wouldnt be able to understand it. I have a poor knowledge of Korean, and I would be interested if someone who knows more could enlighten me on this point. Maybe one tribe would have conquered the Plains and imposed its language, resulting in linguistic uniformity similar to demic diffusion. Its a limitation imposed by the algorithm, French /-s/ is not cognate to English /-s/. And the Iranian languages must be comparatively recent arrivals in Iran (though at the relevant time and place I would imagine that the pre-IE population in reality spoke Elamite, not Proto-Semitic.). @David L. Gold: I couldnt pull up a text offhand, but its something I learned in first-year high-school Spanish and have heard reiterated since. I dont believe Egyptian *ramc has any known cognate in Semitic. Dravidian *mn and Austronesian *Sikan (or at least Malayo-Polynesian *hikan) look quite stable as well. Contamination from *du- DWDS (Der deutsche Wortschatz von 1600 bis heute) He divides Erythrean into Cushitic, comprising Beja, Agaw, and East-South Cushitic, and North Erythrean, comprising Chadic and Boreafrasian. According to his classification, Boreafrasian consists of Egyptian, Berber, and Semitic. Conscientious, Favorite rave review, by Teju Cole: With Mande, in particular, there is zilch in the way of morphology (no noun classes, no sign that there ever were any, no sign of Volto-Congo-like verb extensions) and the list of supposed cognates in vocabulary is (a) embarrassingly short and (b) almost a textbook demonstration of the perils of relying on mama/papa words and onomatopoeics (the latter is even more of a problem in West Africa than most regions. I was actually thinking about this when comparing the Oti-Volta noun class system with Bantu. With respect to the criterion of the bundling of areal traits, some scholars had thought that such clustering at the boundaries of a linguistic area might be necessary or at least helpful for defining linguistic areas properly. Everything could be. 1994. This helped me get a ground sense of how the grouping may not be as strong as some would have it, DE. Consider examples la and lb below. but A compound with a horse tethered outside belongs to a chief. The comment on Pre-Sumerian substratum made my eyebrow go up. The survey paper I was reading in Human Molecular genetics mentioned Natufian affinities for Kelif el Boroud*. Did he legitimately think that Proto-Potou-Akanic had triple vowels? Im fairly sure that a Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of the currently spoken Germanic languages based on Swadesh lists would show that English was basal. Rigorously , (From which it follows that the Germanic languages originated in the North Sea. Umm el-Marra, Syria. Nonononono, quite the opposite; Darwin says explicitly that his methods are the (up to date, in the news) methods of comparative philology. Like many have answered before, its a semitic language. If you are interested in linguistics, you should check a book of language families in your Very interesting. And in the acquisition of the lexicon, again across languages, children move from a restricted vocabulary of nursery terms and over or underextensions of conventional items to a period of creative innovation; eventually the conventional lexicon takes over, while at the same time vocabulary growth is both constrained and elaborated by socially and culturally appropriate distinctions of register and usage, lasting into adolescence. Table 6.3 shows the example of the word #a for cow, cattle which is reconstructible for Erythraic and is loaned into Nilo-Saharan. You are right, but that is not the full extent of the use of the word pez. Substrates look like a plausible explanation, though of course that means little unless you can actually identify at least the language family of the potential substrate. To make life even more complicated, the Moor ygempende hedgehog has a variant zgempende (the second element is presumably pende lower abdomen, cognate with Kusaal pn vagina.) It confirms at least that the -d- of Kusaal yugudir hedgehog is some sort of derivational suffix, but that is actually clear in any case from the general principles governing Kusaal noun stem formation. However, the term is pretty common in American cultureespecially, as I indicated, but not entirely, in the West. Proto-Berbero-Semitic) will require further investigation. litva 1. Omniglot shifted to the more common inflection type -os : -okse-. Indeed, Ringe et al. This is how I understand his intent: exploring overlooked possibilities. I can get away with inputting alternative words, like ordenador instead of computadora; sadly it hasnt taught me voseo forms so I cant test if they work for either 2nd person. A et al. Coffi Sambinis Le Proto-Oti-Volta-Oriental, . As if we had a reconstructable IE word for dhoti, True enough: the *pisk- word seems to be just Italic, Celtic and Germanic. *reversible copula. Heres the eDIL entry. The authors are different (they write Taforalt but Kelif al Boroud). The Millions Mitochondrial and Y-chromosome haplogroups in these samples are prominently found in Anatolian and European Neolithic samples. The former was spoken millenia before the later and hardly in the same place. Akten der IX. Is there a mechanism among bands of hunter-gatherers that would have systematically done that across a region as large as that in which even non-Bantu Niger-Congo is spoken, other than demic replacement? According to Hamalainen (The Comanche Empire) horses gradually diffused in the American west only after the Pueblo Uprising of 1680, but it didnt seem to take long for the Comanche and Dakota to develop their versions of the nomad lifestyle. It would be interesting to see how much of the expansion of AA can be accounted for as purely pastoralist, though. Blench likes the first proposal (Afroasiatic). It seems in Oman these words entered fish territory. That could be accounted for in various ways, e.g. But the usual word for jackal is wbaa bush-dog.. [Morphology is not just affixation, either, and few languages, fortunately for the sanity and moral uprightness of comparativists, lack all morphology, including all derivational morphology. Pez, ya est dentro o fuera del agua, sea comestible o no. Contact!!! I have a Kusaal word sakarg fox in my materials, but I dont know what species it refers to exactly. In (post-) Roman Britain one would find the same two possibilities as to the chronology/motivation of the borrowing (In imperial times, as the borrowed word designating an imported food item, or in post-imperial times, as a Romance substrate word). I asked his work; he dealt in coal, In 2b, subjects did not substitute the future form of the verb with the present form (/v/, a -infiected form) as in 2a. Such an editor is going to have trouble finding qualified referees, I suppose. Dont quote me on this, but I seem to recall that my high school maths teacher used cono not just for the solid, but also for its two-dimensional projection as a triangle with a curvilinear convex base. They (well, Robin a name the owner of which should be required to provide their pronouns) come up with 17% of their list of 258 etymons. Melville knew that whales are not fish,but whales fit into the fisheries group. There seem to be three major groups that established themselves on the ground across large areas in Africa. (And then I read this last paragraph and scoff at the preposterousness that I have any knowledge base for saying it. (Almost all of the southern aspirating area has undergone the High German Consonant Shift, i.e. This should of course not be true, but it is. It is the case that some of the verbs that dont match within WOV itself have cognates in the non-Western branches: for example be lying down in Mampruli-Dagbani is do, with cognates in all the other Oti-Volta branches except Byali, but not in the rest of WOV itself (Kusaal digi, Moor ge ). Someone else could comment on this more knowledgeably, but I dont like this argument. I can see why they think Akkadian is basal, at any rate, though the concept is clearly out of place in this context. Welsh is quite fond of making singulatives out of plurals, which then oust the original singular form, as with llygoden mouse In truth, the difference between morphological characters and lexical ones is quantitative rather than qualitative. That takes care of the supposed reflex of *h. The second is a much more general problem, a major hiatus in theory among historical linguists everywhere and not just among Nilo-Saharianists. 1966. The consonantal script of South Arabia spread northward to be adapted for use by early North Arabian languages (distinct from Arabic) and westward to the horn of Africa, where it was employed for writing the Semitic language of Ethiopic. With the inspiration provided by the monoconsonantal Egyptian symbols, these people designed a fully phonetic and greatly simplified writing system which consists entirely of symbols for individual consonants. A good many Hausaphones (some pretty eminent) have published on Hausa, for example. Instead of Hamito-Semitic, the Russian linguist Igor Diakonoff later suggested the term Afrasian, meaning half African, half Asiatic, about the geographic distribution of the familys constituent languages. I have to assume youre talking about biological phylogenetics as derived from genomic studies. Therefore the people who put together the standard trees should check their trees and see where they went wrong. My knowledge of either would be limited to the barest understanding of Hebrew grammar. l k to lick (Hebrew ). My favorite is that they somehow tracked down a 500-word article I wrote in the late 80s about a high school girls badminton game for a local daily newspaper, and theyve asked me at least 100 times to claim its authorship, but I wont give them the satisfaction. We do not have porcuines here, likely he was translating a book. But I suppose thats what you meant by dissimilation. Farefare and Dagaare have the same etymon as Moor, though the three languages dont seem to constitute a branch of WOV together; its difficult to be sure with so many criss-crossing isoglosses. Worse yet, lexicostatistics is based on quantifying vocabulary change due to semantic drift, and that is one thing nobody knows anything at all about why it happens. In fact by modern classification shad, alewives, and herring are all fairly close relatives of each other (Clupeidae), but sharks are so distantly related that whales are in fact closer (Euteleostomi). Individual-generic on one hand, and individual-collective(mass) on the other, where mass can be applied to fish that you eat (cow/bull beef), to fish in the river or a basket and to many kinds of fish. Our IE database includes only two WGmc languages, OE and OHG, and they are at the extremes of the WGmc group. Biol. There is genetic continuity from the Natufians; no known movements of people into the Levant that would establish proto-AA through demic spread; no known technological innovation flowing from Egypt into the Levant that such people could have harnessed to impose themselves, and insufficient state control to understand how a hypothetical pre-literate state that arose in a small area with a small intrusive population of proto-AA speakers could have established Semitic everywhere from Ugarit and Biblos to Akkad. (in English) Same root of course (also tug which makes my Old Norse loan senses tingle), just not the same ablaut or Verner grade. Looks like an iterative that forms part of a Kluge mess to me. All of those sound reasonable, or close to reasonable, at first glance, except Akkadian (for which I suspect that their sources probably reflect a far earlier state) and to a lesser extent Hebrew (for which I suspect that their sources probably reflect a somewhat later state). I do not know. Following Isaac Schapera and rejecting Meinhof, he classified the Khoekhoe language as a member of the Khoisan languages, a grouping that has since proven inaccurate and excessively motivated on the presence of click sounds. Principal component (Figure 1), phylogenetic trees (Figures 2 and 3), and admixture (Figure 6) analyses all reveal the African taurines as being the most diverged of the taurine populations. Thank you for this example. It is absolutely vital in comparative work to accept that there is a possibility that the evidence may be insufficient to establish or refute your claim. Based on typological differences with the other Cushitic languages, Robert Hetzron proposed that Beja had to be removed from Cushitic, thus forming an independent branch of Afroasiatic. Then theres an interesting idea I once saw somewhere on, that Proto-Semitic was spoken in the Rub al-Khali before it dried out, and East Semitic spread north while West Semitic spread in a semicircle along the coast of Arabia The same seems to have been true of Chadic peoples, Cushitic peoples. @Y: Did you copy some of those dates wrong? By I am no Greenberg, to be deluded by such pretty baubles . The phylum has six branches: Berber, Chadic, Cushitic, Egyptian, Semitic, and Omotic, however the inclusion of Omotic remains controversial, and several linguists see it as an independent language family, which stood in long-term contact with Afroasiatic languages. of, relating to, or denoting a family of languages spoken in southern India and Sri Lanka, or the peoples who speak them. In Greek, the earliest attestations seem to come from scholia, but figuring out when they actually date to is beyond me right now. and it doesnt mean people arent aware of what the live animal looks like. An odd thing about Swadesh lists (and broader lexical comparison) in Oti-Volta is that there is very noticeably more agreement among nouns than verbs. Logeion (Greek-to-English and Latin-to-English dictionary search) As if we had a reconstructable IE word for Ghoti, @de, AntC Dravidian. The data will eventually be fed into one of those phylogenetic contraptions which Blench hates so much (the biggest intellectual fraud since Chomsky.). . or a great fish; any great fish (LANE) hat im Gegensatz zu samak fish die Nebenbedeutung gro. More at mereswine. These words entered fish territory have a degree Above, breeding in fresh water, not land. Oti-Volta noun class system with Bantu etymologisches Wrterbuch des Deutschen can someone a. O fuera del agua, Sea comestible o no in Semitic of Blench knows could. No children ( plant ) apart from those they imported from the coast used the qpAdm (. 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bantu semitic language