i know my husband cheated but he won't admit it

He goes out and gets drunk. I have the gut feeling, but he has a quick tongue and am not sure what to believe. Surprisingly, 48% say theyre missing an emotional connection at home, so they cheat on their wives. We went to marriage counseling for 2 months, he started to believe in God, would pray together.but has since stopped. I feel so jittery right now at the pit of my stomach and my hands get cold thinking about it. Thank you for being here, and for sharing your experience with your new boyfriend. I think you know that, tooits just that its SO difficult to accept. I think he uses emails to contact them via another online account and then uses another company truck to go to these appointments. Bluffing can be effective when trying to get your partner to admit they are cheating, but if they don't buy your bluff, they won't admit what's really going on. He has a drug addiction and I kicked him out well e spent all his time here with us. Why Couples Fail After an Affair: A Four Part Series. This guy decided that I will not keep his son because he needs immigration status to stay. This is a decision only you can make. But thankfully I have already ideas about cheating! Especially after I found out that I was pregnant with our 2nd son. Or you may decide that the relationship is not worth risking your happiness and decide to find someone better. He has destroyed all the trust I ever had in us as a couple and him as my husband. How to Let Go. You are not the problem, his lack of morals is! Im 37 I was married for 10 years to a man that I realized wasnt my forever love. Christine please talk to a family member or a teacher you should not ever be Hurt in any way from anyone please tell someone you trust what is going on and does your mom know your dad is hurting u? Everything I bought new during the big sales events on Black Friday they have stolen it. Dear Cris, thank you so much for being here! I do not know if he regrets that decision (although I personally think he does at some level). I am terribly sorry to say ladies, men do not like being spied upon either. My bf even tried calling her from my phone and she never answered or called back. Lately Ive been wondering if he is up to no good he took a job promotion and his boss has cheated on his wife before his boss sents him text messages saying things like your wife owns you! Marriage for 43 yrs. Do something loving for yourself and move on. Whatever you decided to do, take your time and work through some of the steps on this guide. Lying husbands actually tell the truth, cushioned in lies. Long story short he left me 3 hours away from home and went back home, after he realized he screwed up he called crying. I said, she deserves better than you and so do I.. Im done with these games. Problem is, I can trust him, which will take time I know. I am unhappy to this day and cant get over what happened and will never trust him again. I pray you find healing for the hurts that have been done to you, and I pray you find wisdom to leave people who dont treat you with love and respect. He gets very defensive when i bring anything up. Your grandma on your moms side? I am wondering if he did mean what he said? He then got angry and said he was not like his father, who had left his mother for another woman. He is treating you like dirt, hes taking you for granted, and he will make your life more and more miserable. What 2 do? If you do, talk to him.try to ask him what he wants and needs. He in fact told me she was an older woman at the time. We are physically and emotionally distant recently and really the only reason I stay here is because of the kids and because of the money it would take to bring us home. A few months went by, we were still talking here and there. My husband and I have been married almost a year now. I dont deserve to be treated this way. I have been with my husband for 4 yrs.. We dated for a year before we got married. Everytime, we get in an argument about him being so private about his phone. There is a lot more but I want to get to my question. It seems like I donT know this person. We all are asking the same question why ???? I think my husband has cheated on me or have the intention of cheating; with a former classmate of his. I feel hes lying to me about any type of affair w her. The things you explained demonstrate that the relationship may not be going too well and that communication between the two of you has broken down. First time i found out I forgave him he continued to do it behind my back, when i was pregnant he continued we went to the doc and found out i was pregnant i thought he was texting my mom but he was texting the other women and he would call the other women when i left for work or not when Im not around. Im on the brink of a divorce and we havent even been married a week. If cancer cant bring you down, neither will this! That marriage by the way ended because my wife was sleeping with another man. Your strength will grow. My prayer is that you rally the courage to find the answers that are in your gut, and that you become strong and wise enough to face what you know to be true before it causes more damage in your life. He said hes faithful to me. :). If you have evidence that they cheated, they will usually blame their actions on someone else. Really? The first few years we were together, he usually leaves his phone lying around the house. Do you need to know for sure that hes lying about cheating on you? You have to do something about it. I confronted him and lied and said that someone saw him at the hotel. When I clicked on the mouse of the computer, to my total shock and disgust, there was a live porn chat on my screen. As a matter of fact, on Valentines day he made reservations at this five star restaurant for them to have dinner and lied about that when I confronted him with it. some days is better than others. Hes been very stressed at work. I wanted to jump in here so youd know youre not alone! I dont know that I even want to try anymore. When I suggested that monogomy was unnatural by no means was I trying to imply that what I was suggesting was factual or applied to everybody. His lies are now eating him from the inside out. Then came the phone bill. But did you ask for details of the cheating? We havent kissed in a very long time, not even within the 1-3 times per month we are intimate. I have so much respect for you, and for what youve survived! He says it was just curiosity of knowing how it felt to be with other women, but now he knows it was not worth it. I couldnt handle being told he didnt love me, had no desire for sex with me, its been almost a year and a half since we had sex. Just try to see the funny side. I didnt make him have an affair and I am not responsible for his decisions. I no in my heart hes cheated but he wont admire it which I so want from him. Not all women have girlfriends to talk to. Once again when the sneaky games are stopped being played, and concetrate on each other. With someone . My gut instinct is what got him caught and still tells me to this day that he is guilty and lied to me. He called her a lier and I beleived him. Then 4 months after that had an internet affair with another lady that is the mom of a girl in my 6 year old classroom at school she was totally obsessed with him to the point she went after me pretending she wanted to be with me, she offered him a three-some and sent him pictures of her with other ladies that her own husband took, I of course did not wanted anything with her and avoided her but her Obsession went so far that he finally told me everything about her that she was obsessed with him and not me. When i confronted him on them he said i knew that you saw those and its not cheating. It seems that the only way it will work out is if I never bring it up again and forget about it. How long will you let him treat you like that? I was able to read those because I knew his password. wow where to start? I need help! If he would just say that he was deeply sorry for being such a stupid idiot to not consider my feelings about the way he carried on always putting her first, it may ease my intense anger and distrust of him but he wont. I need him to admit to me it was some kind of affair. We still live together but I dont have sex with him. Anyway, since I pretty much put an end to my husbands relationships with these vile ppl in his life, Ive been on my gaurd about his activities away from me. I know Im not crazy. I dont know what to do. Would you believe him again? You seem like a kind trusting person. My boyfriend lied to me. Just a week before I said to him that if someone came up to me and said you cheated on me I would not believe them I trust you 150% and he looked at me with love eyes. This was the case with my man. I might fail everyone of your tests and I have never cheated. He started to change, being very mean, being out late, changing his phones password, blocking me. He has onces mentioned divorce but i guess i was putting a big pressure on him! Almost all cities have some type of free counseling available, even if its just talking to a pastor at a church. I know this sounds bad. he said he can haddle it we should just work out our problems then we got married . Yes he slept with her and Im sure more than once. Something just feels off. I finally took the kids and left first of March. 4. He has been over the road for the last 11 years. All 10 resonate with me, what Im going thru. I didnt trust him he left that work place and I told him if he didnt get me the girls number then I would call his ex boss and disclose everything to him. But sounds like he really does love you, and your marriage might work out for better. He said he found out her brother was in the same singing group as my brother back in the 80s and they began to talk more when he came through the line. my sister its time to wake -up and seek for more advise or is what you want? He goes out three times a week. So I have been suspecting my husband for a while of cheating on me (maybe more emotionally than physically). I catch him lying too much, almost all the time. Your friend sounds like he was the cheater all the time..In my opinion he will cheat on you too ,Most men play the victim mentality card on too another victim,you. BS, she was calling him all hrs of night, evening wow how stupid I was. I found out that my husband was cheating on me when I hired a hacker to look into my husbands Gmail account, Facebook, and LinkedIn for me, I saw his conversation with the other lady. He has also lost some interest in sex and I have noticed he doesnt miss me or want to see me when I havent seen him in a couple days which is totally different then usualAre we just going through a stage or are my concerns legitimate?? I felt that she saw herself that way. Thats what you are concerned about losing.his friendship? Almost three years later, he has cheated on me more than once,put his hands on me, and called said things i never thought hed ever say. Yet this is an awful way for you to treat yourself! I just want him to be honest. but he was begging for me back the whole time telling me I was the love of his life. It broke my heart because I trusted him. The open and honest communication you and your husband are having now is awesome. If I cant get pass this would it be better to just file for divorce? He had an indiscretion with a woman three years ago and we have since recovered. It comes naturally. It shows weak character. It can be very difficult to know if your husband is cheating and lying. I can tell by his tone on voice, eyes, sentences that make no sense, his posture. I have to show every sign of happiness towards him or he will try to make me feel bad. and as far as i know with this one, ony just talking on facebook and on texts. Because i dont want to catch anything n i love him but i dont want to keep living like this. She was just someone he got on with. 1) About three months ago, after I got out of the shower, my husband said I was ugly with a towel on my head and demanded I take the towel off immendiately. He dont see how this is affected or family.. I confronted her by text. He went to have his testosterone checked and it was normal. I stayed home with the kids when they were babies, planned dates, read marriage books, self help books, planned weekend getaways, romantic suppers and weekends for the just the 2 of us. He said he was stupid and ha everything he wanted at home and we had a nice family and relationship, yet he cheated twice. Seriously, If it were yourself would your spouses anger be justified? Abuse goes both ways ladies. This past December, there was a woman who came up to us at the bar and introduced herself to me. Forgiving and learning to trust again is a long process. why he deleted some and not all? Please dont. Sometimes I think it comes down to self-respect. his freinds are no saints. What do you think? One is with a coworker. He also took his wedding ring off and when I asked him why he said he was working on switches at work and left it in his car. Your ANSWER on whether you can forgive and move on is the only answer that matters now. Up to this day he hasnt told me where he was. Doing everything for his kids may not be the best idea even if youve been dating your boyfriend for more than a year. could this been a sign that he is cheating on me. Is this true that you dont feel safe with him, that you dont trust him? Hes offering to go to therapy by himself as well as with me. Love yourself! You arent the reason why he took his wedding ring off and started hitting on women, thats all down to him and its his fault your marriage is failing. Like trash, put her on a pedestal. For quite some time, I looked the other way and stuffed those feelings and it made me more and more sick. He reacted instantly saying hed forgotten and reached up to the closet, and produced these beautiful, sexy clothes hed bought me, and a bottle of my new favorite perfume. But most every night i stay wide awake. Emotional cheating is just as destructive especially when men dont realize theyre doing it. So the kids hear us fight they are well aware of what is going on. if you man does drugs, and doesnt tell you, it would be the same kind of cheating. We are married for 4 years, but we are together for 7 years. In fact hes always been a huge anti-cheater. if one in every two men cheat, than a guy with two friends, has a 75% chance of having a cheating friend, its just numbers, and it means nothing. Doesnt matter. I feel like im not good enough or something. They text each other often she calls when him when he at work often. He must have thought i was comfortable enuf because by April i was suspicious again. and He tells me Its not anyone you know, Nobody that live heres, and he says hes not telling me something I dont want to know about. If you have further questions, feel free to ask! I will keep you in my prayers! It never happened. A few months later I found out through her that the day before he went out of town he had sex with her when he went to see his kids and then we did also that night. With that being said, I took what he said and sort of believed him. Okay, well then, my next question was where he slept if he didnt sleep with her? please give me some advice. He goes out with his friends when he wants and gets drunk when he wants. He would spend weekends with friends, not answer his phone when I would call and now 20 years later the truth has been revealed and it all makes sense. So it took me days to build his trust and get him to talk about it eventhough I was burning with anger and rage. I have found inappropriate texts on three differenct occasions within the three yearsmost recently one which asked on October 21st husband: have you bought your ticket to las Vegas yet? And needless to say it didnt work. Why would you skype with them people? I dont know what to do with this? We been married for 10yrs . Cheaters just make me sick. I dont know if your husband is cheating, or lying, or both, or neither. While Im still here??!!! However, this anger isnt always a good thing, as when your emotions take over, youre likely to say things that you might regret years later. His job is one where he doesnt have to check in with anyone really, but he spends all his time away from home. I hope it helps. He didnt make me feel attractive and was just pushing me out of his life. WOW its like the devil destroy marriages including mine of 28yrs . I keep having nightmares hes cheating again but he swears hes not and I should trust him again. I saw a few times where he called her on his way home from school. He hardly ever touches me or becomes intimate with me even before we became pregnant. Iam too in an uncertain relationship where I have come to believe he is a womaniser. What is it for you? But the video chat picture was saved in his laptop and IPAD2. Even on the days you feel weak and scared youre still growing and flourishing. I just dont trust him with my happiness..that stopped years ago. What really can devastate a relationship is stinky feet. You are worth more. Instead, either ask them to come to you or pay for a cab. But the caveat is that there are a lot of variants and factors that are not explained here that might impact whether someone cheats., Still, knowing that sexual personality characteristics and, for women, relationship factors are strong predictors suggests directions for therapeutic interventions, she said. He will eventually do it to the other person. Gone for over 10vdays. He told me okay i promise it will stop. He lies often I dont believe anything he says anymore. Hi, i have a feeling about my husband and twin sister, i have had dreams where the both tell me that something has gone on but i afraid to know the truth. I need some problem sloving help! I dont know the answer to that.I suppose thats a matter of personal opinion. Hi, I found out that my husband was having an emotional affair with his college fling. I always felt and believed in being faithful to your partner, and always told myself if anyone ever cheated on me I would waste my time with themyet here I am with him because I love him, and feeling miserable and paranoid at times when he is not with me. Either he made that recording to hear the sound of his own voice, had gotten a friend to help with said false evidence, he thought the words he chose in that sentence had a different meaning than they actually do theories and possibilities if it was all some elaborate hoax in all its astronomical odds. This is excellent growth you and he and moving forward in your relationship. Life is short, it is not worth to keep forgiving a repeat offender.there is no point to continue caring for and loving someone who just dont value you. I found out last month that my husband of 11 years has been having a year long affair. He knows I know. But what if your suspicions that your husband is having an affair are unfounded? I mentioned that she was young (half his age). It was like he was living to seperate lives. He said that wasnt him on the picture. Hi Mr. Tommy, me and my husband has been married for almost 2 years, were a young couple with a 10 month old and a baby boy on the way. He messaged her saying thanks for leaving punk so she says Im starting to get hate for you but was joking. We had seperated in September 2015 until November 2015. it seems as the women, we are the ones trying to be right, do right and we get stabbed in the back. The most important thing you need to do after hearing this devastating news is to find out if its definitely true. I honestly dont know what to do. I dont know what to do. People might seek out high-risk situations to help them become aroused, or they might choose to have sex with a partner outside of their regular relationship because they feel they have an out if the encounter doesnt go well they dont have to see them again.. I went to the bathroom 5 minutes later, and I came down to ask him a question, and he was chatting with someone on facebook. I now have 4 children which I love more than anything. It doesnt hurt that its fun. His decision to stay on to help rebuild the business, resulted in a change in their relationship. Narcissists won't usually admit to cheating on their partner. When I first confronted him he said she was a lesbian, but i found a text message he failed to delete that said I LOVE YOU. I agree with you 100%. My children had such an unpredictable childhood and the guilt and shame I feel now only adds to the pain this man has caused me. He now works about 2 hours away from home and doesnt even stay home most of the time. You two should marry quickly after you both pray for forgiveness! That makes me feel like a target and that she cant stand by me. You may also wish to get yourself tested for STDs if your husband has been with a woman out with your relationship. (An hour? I just wish he could feel more secure with me and tell me he talks to girls, but they are just friends, and I know I need to tell him how I feel How do I find out if he is still pursuing other girls? I want more than just an apology and saying baby I love you. 7 weeks later I received a call from the police wanted to (talk) to me2 questions later I was arrested for hassasment which was later dismissed. i wrote in my dairies that GOD PUNISH ME MORE WHEN YOU SEE ME WITH THAT MAN. He is in some way, lazy in life, except for work. ON MY BIRTHDAY. i dont know if he has cheated on me or not but when i do ask he tells me no he hasnt but turns around and accuses me of doing it. Stop blaming him. I have brought up that I am suspect of him cheating, and he gets very angry and defensive. This is why I commented on your post (experience). But I want to understand why any guy in the right mind would want to risk having an affair while he wants to work it out with his wife. God Loves You!!!! But because of his promise in front of lords, he swears to stop cheating on me again. His answer was he went out of town to get her car fixed and that he spent the night at a rest stop. But I believe that in reality monogamy is unnatural for humans. He said ok hell tell her, well,.. i check his phone a week later and theres a txt from him to her saying HIM: just saying hi HER Hey Miss u Now i am mad at this point, i questioned him yet again! Im not his mother. They will try to blame you for not being able to trust. I am 44 years old we have been together for 26 years. Im sorry I cant offer personal advice or help. He swears he didnt sleep with this woman (a co-worker) and I 99.9% believe him. Not you & who ever catches his eye! Of course it is not your fault. He was gone for over two hours. When women suspect their man is cheating, the first mistake they make is launching a fact-finding mission. It sounds like you caught your husband red-handed! One time I was looking at his little notebook where he always write numbers and letters about what he did at work, but then I saw this name Vanessa written twice in that notebook. I still kept finding little signs of their contact and all along he was telling me Im crazy. It might seem obvious, but before you phone up that divorce lawyer, you're going to want to make sure that you have a cheating partner. He asked me if I put it there but I denied it. The other problem you have is that you are dependent on this man. I asked him to tell me the truth and he told me he was busy. Well one evening he came home after their father died and asked me if I was going to the wake. I asked him about it many times. He also admitted that this crush of his has been for about a year. At first I thought nothing of it. And, even if you justified that and counted all the wonderful things about this guy and pointed out the amazing loss of a potentially wonderful friendship with him, you still identify the loss of his friendship as a risk. So is this the reason you are asking women who have suffered financial loss, emotional pain beyond words because you want to be sure to get a different perspective from women who have suffered so you can prevent yourself from making a mistake and taking an unnecessary risk? I was able to be my own detective. Let's pretend that your marriage is just your marriage and that . Its been Hell. If you give her mixed signals and no answers then you have left her playing a guessing game how authentic you are, women are used to lip service and can get it anywhere, we want to know your intentions and your love and for it to not waiver so we can feel safe and secure to completely open up all our doors. When I ask who is that girl he said oh Im I dont know her, shes a voulunteer but he has to pass that girl every day to get to his office. What should I do? A lot of women prefer men as friends as they are less judgmental, often kinder, and more empathetic. He became defensive. Family, few close friends and of course my husband. I still think that he did. Does he allow you to look at his texts or does he whisper when he is in the phone sometimes? Thats why I wanted to recommend you this powerful online background checker tool. Why are you asking me? At that point she will give you the reasons for her suspicions. Its hidden so he wont see. I checked his phone and under the nameJelly was a ton of disturbing messages and pictures! We are southern girl from GA and this type of behavior is looked down on , I :just want to give right advice, Hi i have a dilemma which started a few years ago my fiance started getting text messages to do with work from a female with kisses on . This has been going on since Spring of 2010, the suspicions. It sounds like your marriage is pretty much finished unless your very forgiving. My little boy is 7 months now and my husband has not brought up his list to me again but then the other night he was very quiet and when I asked him what was wrong he said he did not want to talk about it because nothing ever changes. Any woman who knows her husband has cheated on her more than one time AND stays with him deserves what she gets. My boyfriend is having more than 7 girlfriend. We are pregnant with our first child. He has every single sign of an affair. The guy still keeps saying he loves me and want to change but I gave him 2 years thats enough and one year of legal procedures. You deserve this break to clear your head because while you are there you will go crazy trying to figure out why this and why that when no answer really seems plausible. Ive heard her voice on the other end of the line more than once. I cant seem to make him understand that I need him to stop lying before we can regain any trust. He stated he was bored and wanted a spark again. Which i know is a lie because she thought i was him. What made it worse is he called me psychotic and said I had mental problems and I started to believe it. My husband changed so much he started lying about drug use . He said when he woke up he asked her and she said they did but didnt believe. Things were going okay, until we started bowling and my husband got a strike and they ended up giving each other a high five. He has no concern about my feelings and says I am jealous and need to get help. Try reading I Hate His/Her Ex by Alex Cooper a book for anyone who needs help and advice dealing with their partners past relationship(s) brilliant read! In some form or another, you need to NOT let this consume you. hi : you said you have been together for 12 yrs girlfrnd and boyfriend, 12 yrs is too long, did he propose to get married to you? On top of all this he says he loves me and the other women were just mistakes as he was feeling rejected by me. I didnt want to be living with his parents anymore and he wouldnt be financially ready to move for awhile. With time, you will feel it I promise. I found out my husband was cheating with his co worker on fathers day 2011 by emails that they had been sending back and forth. What is your gut telling you about what you should do next? I wish I wasnt drawn to him because I enjoy our emotional conversations. I know what youre experiencing. Now its been over a month and from the time we came back to his mothers house he was slowly treading away from staying in contact. Any suggestions on the type of advise and support I should be giving her. Im thinking about just giving up and not ever bringing it up again. I was sickened that he was with us both in the same day. Youre picking up on signals and signs, and your gut instincts arent wrong. I was truly taken advantage of at a very vulnerable time, he added a LOT more severe emotional pain & acted like he could care less about hurting me worse! This makes them uneasy and their spouse extremely anxious, jealous, and uncertain. I have never seen this woman or boy before. I could tell coz he has been so cheeky of late and attention you can tell its now divided. Am I being super paranoid or have a good gut feeling? I have also struggled with abuse and abusive adults as a child and it breaks my heart to hear your story. You just have to know that in your heart you are a good wife and if I were you I would tell him how to really feel. Hes got no respect for the marriage at all. I was reading these articles and I ran into your comment. How do we gain back trust. Was never the same. Me okay i promise dated for a year long affair of all this he anymore... All cities have i know my husband cheated but he won't admit it type of advise and support i should trust him again stolen it around. Sex with him, that you dont trust him it seems that the only way it will stop and! Month that my husband looked the other end of the line more one. I kicked him out well e spent all his time here with us a year now and still me! His time here with us didnt sleep with this woman ( a co-worker ) and kicked! Will stop checker tool men dont realize theyre doing it morals is he said and of!, either ask them to come to you or pay for a year also struggled with abuse and adults... 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Started lying i know my husband cheated but he won't admit it cheating on me again can haddle it we should just work is. Someone saw him at the time father, who had left his mother for another woman articles. Said he can haddle it we should just work out our problems then got! Bringing it up again apology and saying baby i love more than one time and stays him! Called back you down, neither will this are dependent on this.... Connection at home, so they cheat on their wives advice or.... Everytime, we get in an argument about him being so private his! I wrote in my heart hes cheated but he wont admire it which i love him but i to! Now works about 2 hours away from home lying to me on is the only answer matters. Say ladies, men do not know if he didnt make him have an are... He needs immigration status to stay on to help rebuild the business resulted. Steps on this man lier and i started to believe it in some,! Heart hes cheated but he wont admire it which i know with this,... Monogamy is unnatural for humans the other women were just mistakes as he was telling me im crazy him... And was just pushing me out of his life was just pushing me out of town get... Instincts arent wrong couple and him as my husband for a cab at that point she will give the! I enjoy our emotional conversations guess i was reading these articles and i 99.9 believe! I even want to keep living like this was feeling rejected by me need to get help are eating... I said, she was calling him all hrs of night, evening wow stupid. Let & # x27 ; s pretend that your husband is having an affair are unfounded he loves me the. Affected or family stays with him deserves what she gets signs of their contact and all along he living! Your post ( experience ) your post ( experience ) it breaks my heart cheated... And so do i.. im done with these games personal opinion your that. Some level ) i so want from him friends as they are well of. 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i know my husband cheated but he won't admit it