mentos and coke reaction in human body

Although I'm sure thousands of people (okay, 8th graders) have tried it, you just can't turn your . Essentially, surface tension is the ability of a liquid to stick together due to its molecular properties. The article provides a brief of some of the causes of such a strong reaction. Ok, so I was curious about this as well. The sudden swell of carbon dioxide inside your stomach will need an escape. The trick is to drop the mento in as fast as you can. Author: William Ramirez. What is the science behind the mentos and coke experiment? When the force applied to the liquid is greater than the surface tension, that surface breaks. In this case, ice melting into water is a physical reaction. In an . If that doesn't occur, consider the following possible errors: After following the steps and seeing the magnificent eruption that occurs, one might wonder what happened when Mentos and Coke mixed together, generating such a response. So, when a Mento is dropped into some Coke, the acidity of the soda mixture quickly dissolves its shell, releasing the chemicals. The Mentos experiment can be done with any soda or carbonated liquid. When you open the bottle, you equalize the pressure and the bubbles come out of the solution and float to the top of the bottle. For instance, in photosynthesis, water and carbon dioxide are transformed into sugar. So for a small test, I quickly chugged (without releasing gas or carbonation) about a half liter of coke. This uneven texture provides a perfect surface to disrupt the solution and serves as an excellent attachment point for nucleated bubbles of gas. wowee zowee. The MythBusters performed just such an experiment using a pigs stomach. There's a lot of carbon dioxide dissolves in the soda, which gives it its fizz. The way this reaction works is, when Diet Coke's carbonation bubbles get into the pores of the mentos, enough carbon dioxide is made which causes the many explosion that happens when they are combined ( "Mental Floss" ). Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. You might get filled up with fizz, but i don't think it'd actually blow you up much. For all the liquid to leave through the opening, the upstream pressure then also has to increase, redirecting the flow of the Coke upwards and you know the rest: explosion. Its not only the surfaces of the Mentos that react with Coca-Cola. Instead it is a physical reaction. Thus, the rates of nucleation are further increased. Carbon dioxide is the force that pushes the liquid out of the bottle in a fraction of a second. So, any rough surface inside the bottle will cause the carbon dioxide molecules to cluster together in a process called nucleation, which forms bubbles. However, most of the carbonation is released from the soda as it is being drunk, so the pressure is lower and carbon dioxide is less likely to nucleate. Youll suddenly experience an upsurge of soda foam and will likely burp or vomit up large amounts of the stuff in seconds. Mentos are dense candies, which aids the sinking process a factor the study explored by comparing reactions made with whole Mentos versus crushed ones, the latter of which resulted in weaker eruptions. June 15, 2008 — -- The startling reaction between Diet Coke and Mentos sweets, made famous in thousands of YouTube videos, finally has a scientific explanation. As well, he didnt have the entire contents of a 2-liter bottle of Coke in his stomach, something that is very difficult to achieve. "Water molecules like to be next to other water molecules, so basically anything that you drop into the soda that disrupts the network of water molecules can act as a growth site for bubbles," Coffey told New Scientist. Low surface tension also helps bubbles grow quickly. The Diet Coke and Mentos experiment results from the nucleation of carbon dioxide from liquid to gas. He kept drinking the Coke over time, and gas continued to be released in a more steady manner than would occur if Mentos were dropped into a bottle. What chemical in Mentos makes soda explode? Whether you have personally conducted the experiment or watched it in internet videos, you are probably aware that combining Mentos with Diet Coke causes an explosive reaction, with foamy liquid violently erupting from a two-liter upon depositing said Mentos into the bottle. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Non-diet cola doesn't work at all because of the sugar. Vomiting in excess is never a good sign since stomach acid wears away the cells of the esophagus and can cause mouth or throat cancer. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. So what happens if you drink coke and eat Mentos? However, most of the carbonation is released from the soda as it is being drunk, so the pressure is lower and carbon dioxide is less likely to nucleate. Anything can cause nucleation, like a lemon or a jelly bean. 13 chapters | Next, get ready to drop your Mentos into the Diet Coke. Diet Coke works especially well due to the artificial sweetener in it, aspartame. Abstract and Figures. I used the cheapest brands available in our local supermarket. To conduct this experiment, first start off by finding a location that can be easily cleaned or hosed off, such as an open area outside. When mint or fruit Mentos are dropped into a fresh bottle of Diet Coke, a jet of Coke whooshes out of the bottle's mouth and can reach a height of 10 metres. Its relatively easy to do because the materials are readily available: with nothing but a few Mentos and a bottle of Coke, you can trigger an immediate, explosive reaction, making this a very simple yet very fun (if slightly messy) experiment. Once again there hadn't been such a child, but that did little to slow the rumor's spread. Adding Mentos candy to Diet Coke expedites the CO2 gas bubble escape process and triggers an explosion because its "rough surface allows the bonds between the carbon dioxide gas and the water to more easily break," creating more carbon dioxide bubbles. Scooping up powder and cramming it into them for an hour sucks :/. I'm Chris Watson, the chap that brings you Soda Pop Craft. You can expect a large eruption. Beware of the 20-foot stream of soda that will erupt when you pull off this experiment. Swing Bottle over head and slam on ground sideways. A video that has been around since 2006 and has been seen at least 20 million times purports to show the death of a girl nicknamed Pepsi Girl (not to be confused with the curly-haired little girl on old Pepsi commercials) meet her death after downing a 2-liter bottle of Pepsi cola when she explodes as if a bomb has been placed inside her. Protected by fear, few kids actually end up attempting the stunt, even to prove their guts to their peers. It turns out that Mentos have a very porous surface, with thousands of tiny indentations, perfect for nucleation. It is the classic Diet Coke and Mentos "geyser" experiment, but with the added rigor of using the scientific method to answer the question "Which will cause a larger reaction: the sugar in regular Coke or the aspartame in Diet Coke?" I pack, and 1-2 cans mountain dew. What will happen if we put Mentos in Coke? The formation of carbon dioxide bubbles is like a chain reaction that exponentially accumulates, causing pressure to build in a fraction of a second. Only after the Mythbusters pumped a large amount of compressed air into the stomach did it finally burst, and it took a LOT of air. When combining Diet Coke and Mentos, one would get a physical reaction. Acids are often sour tasting. I've had a couple of thoughts about the swallowing problem. Hypothesis: If three Mentos are dropped into a 2-liter of Diet Coke, Diet 7-Up, and Dr Thunder, then the Diet Coke will have the largest reaction to the Mentos. [2]. -does pepsi max work as a substitute for diet coke? Crushed Mentos that fell more slowly created puny fountains that only travelled about 30 centimetres. The resulting effect is quick, high, and explosive, yet what takes place is not a chemical reaction but a physical one (even though some are moved to believe the confection's gum arabic component or diet soda's aspartame has something to do with the process). 3. How is the Coke and Mentos experiment conducted? 2. Stomach acid would then dissolve the package and presumably release the gas. Place a piece of wax paper on top of the cutting board. The two biggest factors affecting the geyser are the roughness of the candy used and the rate at which it sinks to the bottom of the soda bottle. Creatine can be taken as a supplement to help improve athletic performance and increase muscle mass. However, none of the ingredients in mentos are basic, and the experiment works to some degree with any type of soda and any type of candy. All Rights Reserved. Diet Coke is the best soda to use for this experiment because it has aspartame, which lowers its surface tension or ability to hold itself together. The place i normally order it from has been most unreliable lately, hence the halt in the "research". this big guy just dropped another BOOMIN video so like it up. It is not the ingredients but the surface area of Mentos that result in the Diet Coke eruption. Once you drop the Mentos into the coke, stand back as it's VERY explosive. As for what happens when carbonated beverage encounters Mentos, when a roll of the sweets is dropped into a two-liter bottle of Diet Coke, the combination works to produce an impressive geyser of brown froth that shoots about 20 feet into the air (although some of these pressurized fountains have attained even greater height). The results of the experiment are shown in the illustration below: The types of solutes in the soda mixture also have effects on the height of the fountain. With this in mind, the chemicals in Mentos also serve as foaming agents by facilitating the rapid release of CO2 gas. But caffeine-free Diet Coke did just as well, suggesting that caffeine does not accelerate the reaction, at least at the normal levels in the drink. It works fine, the coke fizzes because of the cracks in the mentos, not the chemical makeup. an experiment that tested 15 types of carbonated beverages with Mentos, 11b 13 Aston Fields Road,Whitehouse Industrial Estate, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 3DL. Lower surface tension makes it easier for the bubbles to break out to the surface and attempt to escape. Place it on a flat area outside where it is OK to get wet with soda. Either way, it's funny. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This reaction occurs because of nucleation, which is the process of a substance changing its physical state. The result is a massive eruption of foam, shooting stories high into the air. If surface tension is low, it's easier for bubbles to form and to rise to the top of the soda. She has a Master's Degree in Cellular and Molecular Physiology from Tufts Medical School and a Master's of Teaching from Simmons College. But as it stands, all youll experience if you drink Coke and eat Mentos is some mild discomfort and possibly some embarrassing vomiting. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. This is because the stomach reacted by trying to let go of the offending contents, but the esophagus is not an efficient method of expelling the bubbly Coca-Cola. As the bubbles get bigger, they detach from the Mentos and race to the top of the soda. A yard or large patio (without furniture nearby) with a sturdy, flat surface will work great. The sudden swell of carbon dioxide inside your stomach will need an escape. How Long Do They Last? Fortunately, you do not have to do something so stupid as swallowing Mentos after drinking Coke. However, your stomach is not enough of a seal to keep this sudden pressure change contained inside. Cans Of Bernard Dehydrated Water: What in the World is This? The last step is to stand back quickly and enjoy the spectacular reaction. I then quickly swallowed whole 3 mint mentos, using a small ammount of water to chase them down quickly. IF you want your own Party Trick then try ths. The answer to this involves a property called surface tension. He simply vomited up frothy Coca-Cola a number of times, but only for a few seconds each time. The Hypothesis The scientific method is an important way scientists make observations and come to conclusions. I tried the experiments myself in this video and I also tried to make myself blow upI may have failed.Furious Apparel http://www.furiouspete.comMy Camera Gear: to Daily Vlogs! According to the Diet Coke and Mentos Eruption article, pop is supersaturated with gas. An experiment on Seltzer water, adding various types of solutes, produced the following results: Coca-Cola isnt a single chemical compound but rather a mixture of different chemicals. I don't burp much, so I hold it in anyway. You could use a dry mixture of two powders which generate carbon dioxide when they dissolve in water. She is a current PhD student in biology at Wake Forest University, and has been teaching undergraduate students biology for the last three years. A harmless procedure it's clearly not one look at online video clips of the force of "Mentos effect" eruptions shooting out of pop bottles should convince even the most adventurous not to risk any part of their digestive systems on such parlor tricks. Since the Mentos are at the bottom, they can interact with more carbon dioxide compared with a candy that floats at the top. Thats why you feel bloated and your burp. This is the same thing that happens to any other container with volatile ingredients. A few questions i would like answering: -how much of each should i consume? Mentos is a must While a wide range of soft drinks can be used for this experiment, using Mentos as your chosen candy is a must. This blog aims to bring you everything soda-related - so whether thats burning questions, tips, recipes, and even in-depth tutorials for making your own healthy soft drinks at home. That way you can do maybe a hundred at once. There is an urban legend that eating mentos while drinking soda could cause a person's stomach to burst. After all, its well known that dropping Mentos into a bottle of Diet Coke will cause a sudden geyser of soda foam to erupt. * Carbonated water and mentos (can't use diet coke because aspartame makes me pass out) doesn't work any better than fizzy water on its own for me. Your stomach is surrounded by many other internal organs that shift normally when you eat a large meal. It turns out Mentos were the best seeders for the reaction. Now that this YouTuber has done us all a favor and performed this experiment, you do not have to. This way, you can see which one erupts higher. Do fruit Mentos work with Coke? The team also investigated the total mass lost in the fountain and the influence of the sweet's surface roughness. (It's not just Diet Coke and Mentos that react; other carbonated Speed and pressure are also important factors in the explosivity of Coke fountains. However, the failure of this explosive combination of candy and soda to cause any fatalities should not be taken as a ringing endorsement of chasing down a handful of Mentos with as much pop as can be gulped. This is the same thing that happens to any other container with volatile ingredients. [RAMUNE SODA FLAVORS], Will Soda Cans Explode in Checked Baggage? Measurements showed that the surface tension in water containing the sweetener aspartame is lower than in sugary water, explaining why Diet Coke creates more dramatic fountains than sugary Coke. You can see the results of this yourself by crushing a Mentos and dropping it into a bottle, then comparing the reaction to the whole candy with all its pores intact. Thus, the texture of Mentos alone increases the rate of nucleation. The eruption should happen instantaneously, so make sure to get out of the way to avoid being covered in sticky soda. Mentos are then added to the solution, and the observers can stand back and watch a geyser form. 460 Words2 Pages. The resulting splash from diet soda with this mixture would surely be something to record. Why Do We Say a Fifth of Whiskey, Rum, or Vodka? Bottled sodas are kept under pressure so that more carbon dioxide can be forced into solution. Today, we won't be creating boiling hot pockets of water inside the Earth, but we will create a pretty cool geyser of our own. Pouring soda into a muddy hole in the ground does the same, so the Mentos are totally unnecessary. Then drink a little over half slowly in give or take 2 min. It's true that most of the people that do it do indeed inflate from simply having that much soda in them, but if you can hold the gas down I don't think there's anything stopping you from inflating. when you drink Soda, the contents of the stomach (stomach acid, food, etc.) Add the Mentos and stand back to watch an eruption of soda burst from the bottle. It is because Diet Coke contains aspartame, which lowers its surface tension. Surface tension allows a cup to be filled with water past its brim. First, choose an area that is okay to get messy. While mentos may seem smooth to the naked eye, their surface is riddled with dimples and bumps under close examination. Forgot password? In a physical reaction, the physical state of a substance changes, but not its chemical makeup. Imagine a huge geyser erupting at Yellowstone National Park. What's needed is something which will either liberate lots of gas chemically or something which will still provide nucleation sites after swallowing. Is it some sort of chemical reaction between Mentos and Diet Coke that is producing the explosion? But what is the science behind this thrilling visual display? Adding some dishwasher soap and water to a soda bottle can lower the surface tension of the water even further. While sugar and corn syrup both help to lower the surface tension of water to some degree, aspartame does this to a much higher quality and can make the geyser effect happen much more quickly. Find out more about our chemical manufacturing services, facilities, and accreditations. Mentos candies are not as smooth as they appear to the naked eye. I did this all in less than a minute. If too much of the fizz escapes before you add the mento the reaction . This is complete nonsense! First you need a 2 liter of diet coke and 2-3 packs of mentos. I could feel my belly expanding to the point of discomfort. Maybe your stomach would explode! When this happens fast enough, you get a nice Diet Coke fountain. I then quickly swallowed whole 3 mint mentos, using a small ammount of water to chase them down quickly. I vaguely remember that episode. Regular soda uses sugar or corn syrup to derive most of its sweetening flavor, but diet soda eschews these ingredients in the name of fewer calories and better health. Do you think Mentos would react with all liquids or just some? They are typically sold in rolls which contain 14 mint . you got good ideas, let me know!WOOOOOW TELL ME WHAT TO POST NEXT!Youtube is F*cked they disabled comments! Mentos candies typically have gum Arabic and gelatin in their formulas. The surface tension of the water allowed it to fill above the rim of the glass. So, myth busted. Other Versions Dont eat Mentos before or after drinking Coke or Pepsi coz the person will die immediately as the mixture becomes cyanide.. The nucleation of a soda can further be seen by watching bubbles stick to a straw or the side of a glass, which eventually detach and drift up. A two-litre bottle has about 15 grams of dissolved carbon dioxide, which, under the right conditions, becomes 8 litres of carbon dioxide gas in just a few seconds. One year before the same accident happened with another boy in Brazil. All the carbon dioxide in the soda - all that fizz - is squeezed into the liquid and looking for a way out. These bubbles form because of a disruption in the solution. Safety Tip!! Because these molecules are thus less likely to hold onto each other, the solution is easier to disrupt. It was funny afterwards. Most Coca-Cola is kept carbonated by a sealed bottle, which creates a pressurized environment where the carbonated gas cant escape until the cap has been broken off or opened. Adding Mentos candy to Diet Coke expedites the CO2 gas bubble escape process and triggers an explosion because its "rough surface allows the bonds between the carbon dioxide gas and the water to more easily break," creating more carbon dioxide bubbles. What is the Difference Between Convection and Induction Cooking? Last night's episode of Two and a Half Men just proves that one of the show's writers is a science geek with a sense of humor. Many experiments seen in the classroom have been used over and over for generations. Another trick I do is stuffing baking powder into large 1 gram empty medicine capsules. Glad it worked for you. If you haven't heard about the Diet Coke and Mentos Experiment then you have probably been living under a rock. At some point, he begins to heave more violently, but not that much liquid is vomited up. A Diet Coke and Mentos eruption (also known as a soda geyser) is a reaction between the carbonated beverage Diet Coke and Mentos mints that causes the beverage. However, the practical applications of this reaction are limited by the sticky mess it makes. I'll try more next time. Create your account. Why does Mentos react to soda? Diet soda stereotypically has a better reaction than regular soda. They, too, concluded that the "surface roughness" of the Mentos is "one of the main causes of the reaction. Nucleation is the process by which a state of matter becomes another state of matter on its own. Bases are bitter and feel slippery to the touch. Since the Mentos merely facilitates the creation of bubbles, the candy will continue to act as a catalyst for carbon dioxide bubble formation until all of the surrounding CO2 has been exhausted in the bottle. And while Snopes long ago debunked the rumor that eating Mentos and drinking Diet Coke can kill you, exercising caution when attempting to mix these two products together is recommended. Ingesting acid doesn't necessarily acidify the body because its metabolites might be alkaline. It doesn't work as you get rid of the fizz when you swallow the coke. so i find now that swallowing the mentos, like you would swallow a paracetamol, to work quite well. Course, it could be just the soda inflating me. He didnt produce a Coca-Cola geyser from his mouth, and his stomach didnt explode. Here's what they found. There may be a bit more carbon dioxide released more quickly than usual, but nothing all that dramatic. [1] Other factors that affect the growth rate or total number of carbon dioxide bubbles also changed the geyser's height, such as temperature and the original surface tension of the soda. There once was a rumor that two children had died because they ate Mentos and drank Coca-Cola at the same time. Put them either in capsules or little parcels of rice paper, which you then stick together with something. The candy's shell is pocked with little nooks and crannies the beverage's carbon dioxide molecules are immediately drawn to, and the confection's relatively large surface area provides infinitely more such nooks and crannies (nucleation sites) than, say, an M&M would. Coca-Cola is a carbonated beverage that is full of dissolved carbon dioxide. Diet Coke is just more carbonated. Use the needle to thread the string through four Mentos, leaving a 10cm length of sting trailing off the Mentos Bundle. Dangerous (Do not drink Coka-Cola and eat MENTOS together)Last week a little boy died in Brazil after eating MENTOS and drinking COCA COLA together. Mentos dont only react with Coca-Cola. 0:00 / 5:15 Diet Coke and Mentos Human Experiment **DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME** | Furious Pete Furious Pete 5.08M subscribers Subscribe 88K 16M views 11 years ago If you haven't heard about the. Creatine is an amino acid that is naturally produced in the body and helps to supply energy to cells. Video Instruction. Opening a soda generates the characteristic 'pop' and 'hiss' sound many are familiar with. Why does the reaction happen? Any type of soda is pressurized to keep it fizzy inside the bottle. It worked, but even quite small quantities seem to start messing up my internal environment and i got cramps and tingling. Using tartaric acid might work better. Theoretically speaking, any candy that has enough small pores like Mentos should be able to do this job. Additionally, participates in other affiliate programs, Clickbank, CJ, ShareAsale and other sites and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. There is an urban legend that eating mentos while drinking soda could cause a person's stomach to burst. Pour out the first 5cm of Diet Coke for extra working room. It's possible that the twitches and the tingling i got were psychosomatic, of course, but it seems to me that if i just use calcium carbonate and fizzy water the situation is a lot more controllable because i don't have to think about all the other stuff. Drop several Mentos into a bottle of coke or lemonade, and a huge eruption of bubbles shoots out several meters high. To liberate five litres, i.e. All content published on theReAgent.ieblog is for information only. Water should have the highest surface tension, followed by Coke and finally Diet Coke. The students' goal is to get the highest possible geyser. This spectacle is mainly caused by a physical reaction that rapidly releases the dissolved carbon dioxide from the beverage. also causes the carbon dioxide gas to be released. Swallow and drink water, enjoy. If youre still on the fence about trying it, it may help to know that the experiment also provides some basic insights on the chemical and physical properties of reactants so its an educational experiment, too! You might think that there is some ingredient in a Mentos candy causing a chemical reaction with the soda, like the way baking soda reacts with vinegar. The Mentos And Coke Volcano Experiment Now it's time to actually run the experiment, but first, we need to make a hypothesis. Body and helps to supply energy to cells of sting trailing off the Mentos and drank Coca-Cola at the accident! Paracetamol, to work quite well that floats at the top of the Mentos experiment then you probably... In Cellular and molecular Physiology from Tufts Medical School and a huge eruption soda... Reaction, the chemicals in Mentos also serve as foaming agents by facilitating the rapid release of CO2 gas from! 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mentos and coke reaction in human body