metaphors to describe a bedroom

I have a built in wardrobe that has shelves in it where I can store my belongings. The couch in the corner is also like a trunk that holds most my stuff. The sun shines in my room which makes my room warm up. I also have surfing posters around the room of surfers that I admire and aspire to be like someday. My bedroom is very tidy. Overall I think my room is an amazing space and deserves a lot more love and cleaning to keep it in peak condition. Lastly the furniture, I have three desks I don't know why, but I do. You might walk in and say, Why is my home a Christmas tree? The layout of my medium-sized hideout is spacious, and being L shaped, it permits a reasonably large area to dance crazily around, spend quality time with friends or complete therapeutic craft activities. Personally I love my bedroom. You used capital letters in the right places and a few different types of punctuation. Another thing I liked is the spelling is very accurate and you described your bedroom well. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. You had very descriptive vocabulary and there was a lot of adjectives and that made it very interesting. For next time you could work on your punctuation (commas, full stops) and spelling. In my room sometimes you can hear quite a lot of things but mostly its my siblings or music. Flick Of The Wrist Meaning, Your email address will not be published. The grey carpet is soft and oddly soothing underfoot. My room is average but not like an average kids bedroom, my room is very organised where all my clothes go. Earrings, jewelry, crafts and a whole bunch of other stuff piled on top of the dresser. You have used some very good descriptive words which fit perfectly into what you were writing about. My golly gosh it's apigsty Ill be honest its like a pig lives in their. I like how big my room is because its a good size for me to just lay on the ground and play on my devices or read. Next step is to read it over to correct punctuation like needed and unneeded capitals and use of commas. make sure it's extra creamy!!! 5. as narrow as a hole. The style of my bedroom is a wooden, boys and football styled room. In my bedroom the layout is the pain point of my room. Soft grey carpet pushing through my feet. I noticed that most of your words you could spell right. The color of it is a creamy vanilla look but its actually a bright yellow. You could imagine if you lived in a house with a lot of children that you might feel like you were in a playground at times. Great descriptions and fun to read. I like all of my bits and bobs in my room because that is what makes it mine. Describe The Room Your In Describe the room you are in Dark, empty and cool; I gaze ahead at the room before me, with only the sound of the air conditioner thrumming. Adjectives can describe the general, overall quality of the smell. My light shade is a bright red with white flowers scattered over it. As you take a small tentative step through my bedroom door, the first thing you shall see is my old, wooden, glory box, that looks as though it has seen many times, both good and bad. When you walk into my room youll see my bed in the far right corner. The color of my wardrobe connected to my wall is black I would probably want to change the color to the same as the wall. I have separated the metaphors on this page into two lists. I look towards the mountain it is covered with the blinding white snow. My curtains are also blue. The darkness at specific times, so as I said it can get dark fast, I have to use my lighting module just to make it look like its still daylight, it gets annoying sometimes, you just got home and you go in your room and you cant find the light (By the way my hallway light is a sensor light). Decorations fill the room with topics, happiness, colours and hobbies. Three quarters of my room is engulfed in clothes and mess. and at night when it's extremely cold I turn on my speedy heating friend my electric blanket and snuggle right down into my black and white duvet and my purple fluffy sheets. My half of the bedroom is on the east side of the house, meaning that Im directly in front of one of our three gardens. - Contact Us - Privacy Policy - Terms and Conditions, Definition and Examples of Literary Terms, Famous Metaphors from Athletes, Artists, and Authors, Top 6 Great Metaphors in Presidential Speeches, 10 Great Metaphors from Popular 2000s Songs, 10 Dramatic Uses of Apostrophe by Edgar Allan Poe, Love is a fragile flower opening to the warmth of spring, Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. , All the worlds a stage, and all the men and women merely players. , All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind. , Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. , Advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket. , Dying is a wild night and a new road. , Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. . Very descriptive and easy to imagine your bedroom and feel how special it is to you. When I walk into my room I feel alone and relaxed. -3, Brody, I like your writing. But overall my bedroom is to me one of the best bedrooms in the house. You used interesting words that I haven't heard of before. the shape of her room. Maybe expand on some of these so we know more detail eg: what type of animals can you hear? Which one of them is a basketball poster and on that wall, I have a light to look over my cabinet in the corner of my room to brighten it up. Grade rating 4, your editing was really really good i could not see anything misspell or no comma or anything so well well done. My photo frames have a glass border with a little butterfly in the corner to make it not as boring. Senses are all over the show when it comes to my room. It's the worst having such a messy bedroom. Lots of vivid detail and descriptions Piper! 3. The colours in my room are bright with my duvet which is mixed with bright light colour then there is my light blue curtains hanging by a Dark aqua chair. Your description is really good. I wandered towards my bedroom put my hand on the chilled silver handle. The size is a king single. you have a done good job with your spelling and punctuation. The layout of my room is perfect because I have recently moved my furniture around so it is exactly how I want it. Under my bed I throw just about everything down there like sport gear and clothes I can't be bothered putting away. But the only bad thing about it is that I have to share it with my 3 year old brother Jackson. now I will tell you about the hard wood of my dutchess, my duchess is dark wood it has lots of junk on top of it such as my watch some books a photo that's framed and a lot more. There is no one there in your house who can tell you what to do (unless youre a kid then your parents are the king and queen of the castle!). Well my room is very messy I hate tidying my room I alway have clothes all over the floor. My favorite thing in my bedroom is my drums they are blue and black but look purple in the light. The other side of the room has my single bed crammed in the corner by the door. 4, I like how you describe where the objects in your room where. There is also a collection of photographs Ive taken in both Australia and New Zealand which is great because this ties together my two main cultures, these photos are surrendering my window and hanging above my desk. you have structured you description writing and have a bit of punctuation mistakes But there are some things that I would really like to change like my bed would be better if it was double size and maybe a little bit of colour on my walls would make it much better. The scary closet. When you walk into my bedroom you will see three different colours starting at the entrance and going all the way through the room. My room has an area where I keep drawing and pictures, an area for me to keep my collections. I like spending time in my room, because I like having my own space and its a good place to be by myself. Above my bed, facing a window on the opposite side of the room, is a TV. Yes it definately is the best bedroom in the house and yes we are all jealous!!!! My bedroom is down the small hallway and to the right. I'm pleased you like your room Christopher. It's very clean and healthy room,well it wouldnt be clean without my mother, of course, sometimes you just need her to boss you around. The pots I put my plants in are made out of clay and my photo frames are made out of glass. They are stacked up quite messily. My room is a good place to enjoy yourself. your writing was very descriptive but maybe some more advanced vocabulary needed. Write a detailed description of your bedroom as you left it this morning. My bedroom. Cleanness, this is something most people struggle with including me which has caused my bedroom to be a horrendous mess, no i'm not that bad in fact there's only a few messy thing in my bedroom, like that top that looks like it has old baby powder on it. Over all I think she has done very good. Old messy modern and not cared about is the first and foremost idea of the room. For the decorations there is a row of vintage paper dresses hanging above my bed, a picture of Paris- (somewhere I would like to go), A big round mirror, just high enough for me to use, and an inspirational sayings that inspire me each day. So in conclusion I think my bedroom has a good layout, colors, furniture and style and I like it a lot and so does Jackson. It is filled with different kinds of art, photos and bedding. On the far wall where the window is there is beautiful multi-coloured painting of a cow and in the right hand wall there is a small built in wardrobe with a mirror on one of the doors and on the other there is the same deep sea green as on my feature wall. The other pieces of furniture in my room is my desk where I do most of my drawings and homework and then there is my bedside table, my bedside table is made of pine wood which has been varnished brown, on the table the is a picture of my granddad standing in front of a old war plane and old school class from the UK at the back of my bedside table there is my thermobug which I made in year 7. Cleanliness is key for a happy mum. On the door it has my name (Will) and other things I made in hard materials. . We cannot afford to heat our house in the winter. My white covered double bed sits in the middle of my spacious room. Just make sure all grammar and spelling is correct. People say their home is their castle to create the sense that their home is the place where theyre the king. I love my room because you can just sit and read and just play. It has the swirls because it gives the texture a bit more kick when you look at it and because my gran & Gran dad liked it that way. Except for the Furniture paragraph. My room is upstairs so as soon as you walk up the stairs you are in my room. My bed sits in the very middle of the room, while my large dresser, containing all of my clothes, is tucked in beside it. To the right of my bed is my bedside table, then my desk and finally my drawers. It is made of pine so is a rather light golden brown in colour. Cartoon drawings load the wall that I've drawn in my spare time, the weekends for a hobby. Feel my carpet is soft and my walls feel kinda nice. A normal room for a 13 year old. I also have 2 paintings on the wall, I used to have 3 but my nephew ripped one off so it is lying in my stuffed toy pit now. On my bed I have, to be precise three cushions and two pillows that are all multi coloured. Kaias Bedroom Well I think it's there to get a good view of our old house, right next door! Clothes stuffed half in and half hanging out of the draws. Jessie, I liked the length of the paragraphs and the descriptive words that you put in. My favourite part of my room sitting next to the window is my single bed. Overall it's ok but you repeat your facts. On the far side of my room is an old desk that needs getting rid of because all it does is collect dust. The ground. A stout red beanbag accommodates a spot near the middle of the room. I would also like change the style of my bedroom, mostly the size. It's not really the best looking room because it's really messy and has light pink wallpaper. I have small colorful dots (pink,green,yellow,blue), turquoise blue love hearts and my name stuck to my shiny white wardrobe. Metaphor Examples for Intermediate Readers The slashes indicate line breaks. Jackson's dresser is really new and its still in good condition. So let's explore the den people called my room. On the rubric I would give you a R4. Someone who doesnt like being at home might call it a prison. You can see my chook shed and the house paddock with a woolshed at the back of it. The only messy things in my room is my carpet. My bed is very comfortable, fluffy and soft. 3. as ancient as the sun. You could make some ideas paragraphs a bit longer. There is a slight problem with my room. Again, were applying the feelings of being at home (relaxation and comfort) to some other situation and achieving this by making a comparative metaphor. But if I could change one thing it would be to have it all to myself, that way I would be able to sleep in on the weekends. In total I have 9 hats that make my room stand out and the brands on many are monster energy, Billabong e.t.c. There are special items in my bedroom that cost a lot of money and one of those accessories are my Hats . Two walls are a normal bland cream, but the other walls are a bright tropical turquoise, But it surprisingly works! But some of the stuff in my room is going to sold so I can make more space. There is also a tall boy and an inbuilt wardrobe where I keep all of my shirts for school. The soft and wooly ground. Then, you were talking about how the home had turned into a place of work. First I will explain senses then accessories and then layout and then to top it off the color of my bedroom, it is great. I'm jealous of your room too!! Thanks to those paintings my room has some colour. Keep up the good work. At the end of the expedition we leave a wonderful place and head back into the real world. Although there are many flaws in my room, Im still tolerating them. In my room I have a cactus and a succulent plant on my bedside table. Room Metaphors and Similes. Then to the right of my wardrobe is my tv cabinet which is a light brown wooden cabinet and it holds the usual tv, PS4 and XBOX 360 So my layout might be tight, but it works for me. Yes you do have a warm a cozy bed which I struggle to get you out of in the mornings lol. You need to work on editing on your opening sentence. I like black and white because it doesn't make the room feel too bright and the way it is placed and I like it that way. What storms then shook the ocean of my sleep. You have described your room well and I can paint a picture. You have had a few rooms in your life and you know how to to make yourself feel at home easily. I am going to take you on a virtual trip around my room. On my far side wall I have a bright red clipboard with flowers on it, on the clipboard I have many pictures of my family, friends and me. I like the feel, the carpet, my bed and the size of it. I am so pleased with your progress in descriptive writing this year Brooke. On the other side (the right hand side) there are 2 dressers a long short one with lots of stuff on it (my one) and a thin tall one with models on it (Jacksons one). It has a dark theme and it has black sheets and gray covers. 6. as noisy as the market. It also depends of mine and Sams moods. Before long, the divide between work and home is blurred, and you can even metaphorically call your home a workplace because they appear so similar. Straight ahead there are windows facing east. At the end of the bed lies a fluffy pink mat that is placed directly in front of my built in wardrobe, where other pieces of clothing go. So firstly senses smell, sight and feel so when you walk into my bedroom Im not going to lie It smells kinda bad but that's what my parents say It's not bad for me I don't smell anything. Its a big room, but when shared and halved, the stomping grounds are rather small, which also means little mess in little space looks like big mess. Wow Megan that was amazing I really liked that one. You really made me think of what your room would've looked like with your little brothers toy box and with the bog window and the red wall. The furniture in my room fits nicely with my double bed in the corner by my door, my bedside table beside that, my desk in the corner beside the windows and my chair beside my wardrobe. Next to my bed is a deyou miterfire. It lies to the left of the monitor on the desk and is covered with old homework and empty cups. Logan I like how you tell the truth but your spelling needs work and maybe thinking about what your trying to say. I think that as soon as I was reading the first paragraph it was full of punctuation's. I have white walls and chocolate brown curtains. Moving on from the layout of my bedroom to the layout of my walls. Their should be a comma after hallway in the first sentence, and I am also confused on why in your last paragraph you started off with firstly. colossal objects shoot up overshadowing the carpet, which is the forest floor; allowing a hazy light to hit the rugged ground. Looking at the wall-mounted shelves next to my bed you can see my reading lamp, my phone charger and a few books. The place that I hang out in, do homework and well of course, sleep. When my siblings come in they make a lot of noise so they get sent to their own room. I didn't notice any capital mistakes throughout your writing. So try using better descriptive words. My bedside table is cream with a draw that is woven and basket like. Out my window you can see a stand of poplars, some five finger leaf trees and a beige orange rhododendron (type of flower). Messy ,Modern and comforting thats how i would describe my bedroom. At first, I thought you were describing the ocean! My next topic is my rooms cleanliness. I think that your ideas are great, they describe your room well. Room Metaphors and Similes Warmth of a Smile (Simile) Jack likes listening to different Above the irritatingly tall line of trees, the tip of Mt Hutt is just visible, its snowy peak nudging the sky. It was an excellent piece of writing. I am sure that I will add tons more in the future. Curtains and carpet are the same grey colour, but the carpet is so soft you could sleep on it. need for descriptive words. Then a couple of meters away from the door there is my white desk covered in books. My tiny wardrobe has been painted the same colour as my wall apart from the handles and legs which i think looks pretty cool, and my desk is covered with random bits of paper and a couple of monitors. These windows also include a door, that leads out into one of three gardens at my house. , they describe metaphors to describe a bedroom room where be honest its like a pig lives in their to share with. 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metaphors to describe a bedroom