ron wyatt videos

As a heathen (i.e., a Jew), I feel compelled to nitpick: it's oy vey, not oi vey. Bill Fry: Ron, could you speak up? Is Planet X Nibiru? How ONE man can change the world is an inspiring comic that will make you want to do something for God and for others. Here are three major ones: Tentmaker, Christian Information Ministries and Answers in Genesis. Ron says that he changed it to The Mark . To be fair to Mr. Wyatt, I heard him on the radio shortly after his Red Sea discovery, while he claimed the find proved the Charleton Heston bit, the evidence didn't really point that way. My name is Meranda, and my interest is the prophetic, and the supernatural side of God. Kaelyn is a nursing student at Lewis and Clark College in Lewiston and will soon . > 14. Watch on. A year or so back, we had a discussion on Internet Infidels on this, with a follower of Wyatt (he claimed to be working with Wyatts widow, IIRC). Very close. In each pair of chromosomes, one of the pair is from the mother and the other member is from the father. I did all my getting in the dark, so when the things kind of lighted up, I was really shocked by what I saw, that is the place had been cleaned out, and that there were four people in there. I have prayed for many years to learn of the whereabouts of the Ark of the Covenant. So I probably wont get back to work on it until early next week. Prophetic Dreams3. If they contribute an X, the child is female, whereas if they contribute a Y, the child is male. If the calculational framework of general relativity is accepted, the damping can be used to calculate the speed, and the actual measurement confirms that the speed of gravity is equal to the speed of light to within 1%." The sex-determining ones are the X chromosome and the Y chromosome. 1. this has not happened yet. Wyatt's "evidences" disappeared as quickly as he discovered them. Of course the dominant feature was the Ark itself, and the fact that it was hidden by a brilliant white light. Ron Wyatt said that the blood of Christ ran down through that crevice and onto the Mercy Seat of the Ark of , In Sept. 1960, 27 year old Ron Wyatt, along with thousands of other people, read an article in Life Magazine about a strange boat-shaped formation in the mountains of Ararat: NOAHS ARK? Watch him make it so, thus completing Ron Wyatts claim of an Angel presented prophecy about when the Arch of the Covenant will be publicly revealed. No. Theres going to be a large number of people there. . Any info you would like to share me, email me at, I wrote a few books, see them at Amazon books under Jerrid Rains Daniel & Revelation, haviv Contributions are fully tax-deductible. The Ark of the Covenant is one of the most fascinating of all Temple-related subjects. Midrashic tradition teaches that King Josiah of Israel, who lived about forty years before the destruction of the First Temple, commanded the Levites to hide the Ark, together with the original menorah and several other items*, in this secret hiding place which Solomon had prepared. Photo taken Monday, August 12, 2013. Ron traced the earthquake crack, and indeed it was the same crack as the one at the cross hole. And so basically, I was going to ask, What are you doing here? because Im the only one I knew of that had permission or the right to be in there, and at that point, I became aware that my physical condition was altered so that I knew I was in the presence of angels, you know, that these were not just people, because I couldnt breathe, I couldnt move, I couldnt talk, couldnt do anything. Ron Wyatt: Looking back on that, I would have had to have been there when the cleanup took place in order to know all of that, and I simply was not there. According to Ron Wyatt, the seemingly dead blood was placed in a growth medium for three days in a Jerusalem laboratory under his request and became alive, a chromosome count being performed on the live blood, with the discovery of only twenty-three chromosomes being made, surprising the scientists greatly. You'll get a good laugh out of this one from a youth minister named Jerod Jordan. Flyer The picture quality seemed rather better than some of Rons other stuff though, so maybe he had taken particular care to get hold of a good camera. > 4. Add to Cart. 12:59 am. Some unknown Christian prayed for a Christian wife for him and years later they met again and compared notes; Prayer was answered! Ron Wyatt: Two things were stated; one that if I was faithful I would have the privilege of sharing this, and the second was that when the mark of the beast law was in force, that shortly after that, was when this would take place. Ron Wyatt: Right, you know its part of the wall right near the exit. Then when word got out and people checked with Israeli Antiquities they denied even knowing who Ron was. Bill Fry: Thanks so much, Ron, and take care, and know that I and many, many others are still praying for you. Employee communication. Ron Wyatt- The Ark of the Covenant Watch on Ron Wyatt: I was going to make an attempt to get some video footage. Underwater maps reveal shallow slope between massive underwater canyons in waters of Red Sea. No. The chamber was certainly not cleared out. This was never published at the time and completely hushed up, but the Israelis sure learned quickly not to mess with Gods Holy Ark, as in the Old Testament King David learned when one of his helpers touched the rocking Ark to stabilise it and was instantly struck dead. Audio recording of Ron Wyatt just before his death from cancer in August 1999 regarding his claim/experience finding the Ark of the Covenant and the chamber it was in. What quality is it? Im having just a little bit of trouble hearing you. > 13. Here's a story I bet is far more common than gets reported. (Everybody asks this question! I think if the Lord had wanted somebody to give a detailed account of the tape He would have chosen somebody other than me to see it! Pretty sad, but it was worth the broken irony meters. Mount Sinai, (in Arabia) Sodom and Gomorrah, among many others not quite so famous. Sisto's parents divorced and his father then married fabric artist Penny . My sole purpose in mentioning it here was to help strengthen the faith of some here whose confidence in Rons word may have been shaken by doubts. Wouldnt it be empty of God? Ron Wyatt: yeah, to set that up on a tripod, and which I set up primarily because it had been kind of drummed into my head that you wouldve got a better picture if you used a tripod. So anyway, I set this all up and aimed at the Ark of the Covenant. Perlman who separated from his wife of 38 years in November 2019 just a few days before he was spotted kissing Dunbar raved that his wife is "better than me in every way." The couple met . Joey Jihad - Welcome To My Hood. I dont recall any close-ups of the coverings, but the general impression was one of grey dustiness. Ron Wyatt: Right. It was only when he viewed the tape afterwards that he saw that the light had covered the Ark for the purpose of the recording. Ships from and sold by The same was true of his father, so it runs in the family. A high school history teacher in New Jersey, David Paszkiewicz, has been using his position to proselytize students for Christianity. Ron Wyatt: Right, but that was what I was given to be the reason, but as to who made that decision, well you know, I didnt ask. Richard also recalls the account of William Albright and Josephus relating to these cities. This man is a Spirit-filled believer in the Lord, and is deeply appreciative of the significance of these matters. Home Ark of Covenant Sowhere did that Y-chromosome come from again? Create and promote branded videos, host live events and webinars, and more. Ron Wyatt: Im sorry. They also say they found wood splinters and pottery shards 2000 feet higher, which apparently proves the ancients worshipped there. The ultimate purpose behind Ron's efforts is FOR THOSE TO BELIEVE AND FIND SALVATION IN CHRIST. I had done some work prior to this, but my work, uh, apparently, well, just to be perfectly honest, this whole system, if they want you to see and get through, its easy, you know, quick and easy. Could these discoveries provide proof of accounts as found in Scripture? ALEXA WELCH EDLUND But like all less-than-honest manipulators, he fails miserably to keep his story straight. Boatlike form is seen near Ararat. Did you see any other object in the cave and if so what were they? Ron Wyatt: The idea was that its occupied territory, they wanted to get it into unoccupied territory, and ordinarily, Im all for that. You can also shop using Amazon Smile and though you pay nothing more we get a tiny something. Same answer as that to question 5 Im afraid. Its the most popular question after the Ark itself). He noticed that this black substance was also on the lid of the cracked stone casing. play the audio & video files. He didnt seem any more unusual or different than anyone else, and there were several other people that have asked. Only the King James version is unadulterated.). Now in the context of our uneventful little lives, that sounds hard to believe; that anybody to whom these things mean so much could actually forget such a unique thing in his possession! Ron was a very humble man, putting so much time and his own money also into what he was most passionate about, serving his lord. Ron Wyatt (1933-1999) tells his story of finding the Ark of the Covenant and uncovers important truths about the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah. Ron Wyatt: Well I didnt, what the thing I didnt know what to do with was later, was after I had taken the video back to my room and checked it to make sure that I had the you know, video. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Keke Wyatt (Featuring Ruben Studdard) - Saturday Love. I last viewed it some years ago and my visual memory is not great (Im far better with words). Its not a biblical position and neither did Ron believe that. Since the blood was dried, he had it rehydrated and then, allegedly, had it tested (where are those tests? Ron Wyatt discussed chromosome count in 'blood' sample and impact of archaeological discoveries. Ron came from a sizable family. Yeah, I leaned in and picked the tables of stone and backed away, and they lowered the mercy seat back into position. I learned about this most recent "discovery" on the ABC nightly news, and have heard that other stations were reporting it as well. Acc. click here to Bill Fry: Was it sitting on top of something else? Ron traced the earthquake crack, and indeed it was the same crack as the one at the cross hole. In each set of 23, 22 chromosomes are autosomal and one is sex-determining. The Bible says that when Jesus died there was an earthquake and the rocks were rent (Matt. Self - Ron Wyatt's son (as Ron Wyatt Jr) Hide Archive footage (3 credits) 2020 FTW Live! Richard Rives (president of Wyatt Archaeological Research recalls biblical account of Elijah and the priests of Baal and the incredible power of consuming fire as it relates to the ashen remains located along the Western shores of the Dead Sea in Israel. We are part of Science 2.0,a science education nonprofit operating under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboim. Chinese Gospel Tract Download about Prayer. (presumably related to death by stroke!) Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Bill Fry: So its not just as simple as walking through a tunnel? > 2. They werent piled in a corner; they were heaped everywhere, all over the floor and everything else. Atlantis History, People, 1500 BC Flooding & End of Ice Age Hydrology, Ancient Europe! UFOs have been photographed and filmed on many occasions and are true phenomena. I want to know what kind of flashlight he had. GBY! That information might assist those who want to find the tape. Bill Fry: Now let me ask you a question here. I remember being rather surprised at how low the roof was. Ron Wyatt Discovery News Flyer Presentations Watch Videos Bible Study FAQ More Discoveries Comments Contact Us Order our DVD The Red Sea Crossing See our DVD in the Storeabout this topic Above: YouTube video from our DVD Revealing God's Treasure 2.0, available in our store: Photos from Israel and Nuweiba December 2018 That would explain all those other virgin births Ed, the way that letter reads to me, it sounds like he thinks you believe that ark was found, but you're giving credit to the wrong man. He is allied with Levin in trying to destroy the rights of gay Israelis to march through any means necessary, including violence. The new think tank will work to promote science and reason in public policy. Salvation Gospel Tract Download A5 4-pager), Die Rckkehr des Knigs (German Endtime Tract), Signature in the Cell: Stephen Meyer Faces his Critics: The Presentation, Shi Ji Annals of Yin by Sima Qian 100 BC, Detailed Scientific Geological Biological Historical Study on Global Flood of Noah, Zosers Saqqara Step Pyramid Grain Bins of Imhotep Joseph True Historians Proving Genesis, How Ignorant Pagans Deified A Real-Life Wodan Into Their Ancestral Anglo-Saxon Warrior God Odin, Screw-like Objects Discovered in Ancient Million-year-old Rock in Southeastern China From Global Flood Mis-identified, How Huxleys X-Club Created Nature Magazine and Sabotaged Science for 150 Years, Is Wikipedia Reliable? The menorah may have been on its side under them. the Covenant " he ends his talk with a prophetic word, that in the last days when the temple is up there would be a *new set of man made Commandments . The funeral was conducted by William Wyatt, one of Ron's ten siblings. You said you saw the skins piled up in a corner. Once I discovered the Temple Institute claims to know exactly where the original Ark of the Covenant is, I have changed my opinion. Friday came from Freyas day, while Saturday came from Saturns Day. Yes sir, the objects tested positive for petrified wood. Ron Wyatt: Thats right, as far as I know. The case is scheduled to begin January 26th. That solves one mystery. I have a feeling that Goliaths sword was there, but I have no particular mental image of it; just that we discussed it between ourselves, and the reason for our discussing it was probably that it was in there. This man has about a dozen of Rons tapes, but he has not sat down and catalogued them, and to do so would necessarily take up a fair bit of time. Anyone interested in learning about the wonders God performed in the days of the Israelites and how it affects us today needs to see this DVD. The problem is many do not realize they are starving, and many do not know from whom or where to receive the truth! Jim " PYGMIES + DWARFS??" > 2. Ron put the six bodies in baskets and they pulled them out one by one. Amidst the storm of controversy raised by the lab-origin theory of COVID-19 extolled by such figures as Nobel prize winning virologist Luc Montagnier, researcher Judy Mikowits, bioweapons expert Francis Boyle, Sri Lankan Cardinal [], Tour Armenia discusses the Armenian history of Noah and interesting descent from their patriarchs Haik & Togarmah or Torcom, in spite of way too ancient dating. So the presumably religious Jewish authorities then had to sent for Christian Ron Wyatt, who was at home in Tennessee, because he was the only living person who had ever been inside and had actually touched the Ark and survived! Kenneth Cox Ministries is a global mission through live presentations, satellite TV, video, audio and it reaches out to share God's eternal Word around the world. I never talked to him specifically about the tape. Please look more into it to find out for yourself whether the Bible teaches it or not. Post Views: 11,526. And I guess I should say a couple of words here, that the Ark of the Covenant was not covered in all this debris like everything else. The story of Noya (Noah) forms the basis of Armenias Christian religious identity, but in fact there is no recorded account of the Flood in ancestral Armenian mythology [], ANCIENT PATRIARCHS INTRO: We have posted other articles on the Wikipedia scam here at AncientPatriarchs, especially related to True History or Propaganda. We needn't point to bloodshed in it's name but rather the damage it does to legions of brains. But the angel said Sunday law. Metal content found in petrified specimens from boat shaped formation in mountains of Eastern Turkey, indicates a man-made object assembled with metal fittings. Ron Wyatt Books | List of books by author Ron Wyatt Holiday Sale: Use promo code HOLIDAY22 Get 15% all used books $5+ Ron Wyatt Most Popular Books Discovered- Noah's Ark Discovered: Noah's Ark Books by Ron Wyatt Discovered- Noah's Ark Ron Wyatt $ 11.64 Discovered: Noah's Ark Ron Wyatt $ 25.49 Excellent Based on 1,117,178 reviews Verified Have you ever talked to Ron about the tape? If they contribute an X, the child is female, whereas if they contribute a Y, the child is male. he wrote Bible verses on little pieces of paper and threw them out of his third story [], The World To Come- is a hope giving Heavenly City English Gospel Tract for Download about Revelation 21 & 22. I wasnt with him when he shot it, but I saw the tape not very long afterwards. I did all my getting in the dark, so when the things kind of lighted up, I was really shocked by what I saw, that is the place had been cleaned out, and that there were four people in there. You can not change the world? Christ!" Make sure to visit his website! This evidences that the person to whom this blood belonged to had a mother but no human father, because the normal contribution of paternal chromosomes is missing. Eyewitness Testimony About Ark of the Covenant Video - Anchor Stone International July 21, 2014 Eyewitness Testimony About Ark of the Covenant Video This may be an appropriate time to mention publicly that I and several other Christians have watched with our own eyes a video which Ron shot inside the cave before the furniture was re-arranged. People like this do not sit about in the evenings flicking through the TV channels. . Starting at 9:00 in the video notice how Dr Carl Baugh and another scientist actually examine the site Ron Wyatt claims is the location of Noah's Ark. Ark of the Covenant, Ross Patterson, Video, Jerrid Rains Rev. Thursday came from Thors day. Did it look like Hi-8 video or something older? Okay, I kind of got you off track, okay, after he took the tables of stone and put them on the niche near the original exit, I kind of interrupted you there. They even believe Jesus was not the Divine Son of God. As Ron panned the camera around, a circle of light moved across the field of view until it filled the whole screen, then it moved off again at the other edge. WOE unto Antichrist Amerika! Audio Recording of Ron Wyatts Last Interview. If so what does he say? So the Ark is Hidden, and hidden quite well, but it is not lost. 1.UFO SIGHTINGS SOAR SINCE WW II. Ron Wyatt: Two things were stated; one that if I was faithful I would have the privilege of sharing this, and the second was that when the mark of the beast law was in force, that shortly after that, was when this would take place. It was a difficult situation for an amateur shoot. But from whom can you trust? Ed has a ministry? Our site never asks for donations, in order to spread genuine historical truth, far & wide! Wyatt Family legitimate site of Ron Wyatt discoveries from Stream full episodes of parks and rec, watch trailers, clips and more, exclusively on. UFOs have been seen by millions of people from all kinds of backgrounds; civilian, scientific, religious, military etc. Specially designed underwater video equipment was employed. Noah's Ark All this is really funny UNTIL you stop and think that these are actually real adults, spending real money, and wasting real time and lives looking for a supposed boat that carried the world's wildlife for 40 day while the entire planet was underwater. Did the table of showbread have just one shelf (top one) or any below it too? Bill Fry: Right. Ron Wyatt answers questions from the audience in this 1997, Q & A session. Because I sure dont want Yasser Arafat ending up with it. [2] Sisto has an older sister, Meadow Sisto, who is an actress mostly known for playing Caroline in the 1992 film Captain Ron. Ron Wyatt: Oh, Okay. Video; 1v1 Debate Ron Wyatt's Noah's Ark, truth or fiction; 1v1 Debate Ron Wyatt's Noah's Ark, truth or fiction. Ron Wyatt discussed chromosome count in blood sample and impact of archaeological discoveries. Ron Wyatt. So, anyway, I at this point said, Well, just be grateful that you got to see inside the chamber, because Ill verify thats what it looks like. But then I said, I guess that I probably ought to do something to give a general idea of what the Ark of the Covenant looked like. Paperback. Thus Solomon, the wisest of all men, oversaw the construction of a vast system of labyrinths, mazes, chambers and corridors underneath the Temple Mount complex. Does he have tracts that can be passed out in front of a local Taco Bell, by chance? It is well done and well worth purchasing. The Wyatt mentioned deathbed confession speech mark of the beast, or Sunday observance religion decree was mentioned by an Angel near the discovered Arc of the Covenant, and as an advocacy for Europe by the current Pope of this 21st Century, since Trumps election. Things keep changing a little bit, anyway, and learning to live with all of this. Bill Fry: Now the ark was facing you if you were standing looking at it, is that correct? Where does Jer. Credit goes to the late Ron Wyatt, now in Heaven, bless his soul. Go to visitor center then go to frequently asked questions. The tape was free from grain, but the colour balance was not great. It was a large natural, boat-shaped formation. And so, anyway, we found it on January 6th, 1982 at approximately 2 oclock in the afternoon. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 1. Ron Wyatt: I was going to make an attempt to get some video footage. My principal contribution to this debate is simply that I can testify to having seen that tape, that it showed exactly what Ron said it did, and that I was awed at what I saw. 3:16 fit into all of this? The Ark was there, but was covered by a brilliant white light which hid it from the camera as Ron panned around the cave. One night while watching a Bible based television news show I heard Ron Wyatt telling of his discovery of Noah's Ark, not up in the ice and snow where it would be almost impossible to get to, but in an area where you could actually go and check it out. Prophetic Words4. MORE . Bill Fry: Cause when you told me this before, you know, you told me you took the tables of stone out, and then the angel told you something about the tables of stone? UFOs look like wingless spacecraft without obvious engines and come in different shapes: discs, [], Christians are careful, afraid to call a spade a spade, often accused by present day progressive cultural Marxist Critical Theory of being judgmental, so we often have to walk on eggs. Of something else like all less-than-honest manipulators, he had out one by one attempt to get some footage. Watch on ron Wyatt: I was going to make an attempt to some... 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ron wyatt videos