samoan funeral speech

And, this time (1997) the Court ruled that the 1997 record offered was the most authentic. Without a whole lot of philosophical finery I wonder if we need as Indigenous to see the question in a wholly different way seeing Aristotle and the Greek imagination as an indigenous worldview itself that needs the critique much more now than our contemporary indigenous efforts as critiqued by the Western philosophical cannon. Like when I decided that the patio needed to be refurbished. A modern Samoan speech is likely to contain Biblical references, often obscure or al-legorical passages which show virtuosity in command of the scriptures and also put the Click Here to Order, Funeral Sprays and Casket Flowers The Fate of the Human Soul after Death., The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Seiuli, Byron Malaela Sotiata. , Samoans have strong beliefs about whats appropriate dress for a funeral. These four concepts are tuaoi (boundary), tofa saili (wisdom or the search for wisdom), faasinomaga (a persons designation) and pae ma auli (Samoan mediation). He was a hardworking man who set a great example for my siblings and me. What is the relationship between yourself and the deceased? Stephen endeared himself to me even more when we became parents. We can customize your employment package precisely to fit your needs. When read with the notion of lagi as head, the meaning of the chant takes another layer. It is from this Mau that traditional understandings of tulafono (law), tofa saili (wisdom or the search for wisdom), faasinomaga (a persons designation) and pae ma auli (Samoan mediation) are to be found. Tulouna le lagi tualima! I believe that we have faith that the best of our traditions are yet to come in this imbalance seeking to heal itself, allowing our imaginations to find a place there (personal communication, Paul Ojibway, 2007). In this tuaoi parents speak on behalf of their children (i.e. These serve as our primary point of reference for developing first principles for a Samoan jurisprudence. Although the entitlement to life is sacred, the right to life is still conditional for it cannot supersede the tuaoi or boundary between God and man, nor the tuaoi between man and man, and man and the community. Guests give the grieving family monetary gifts or hand-woven mats in a ceremonial exchange of gifts called faalavelave. There are many different tuaoi or boundaries of relevance to the Samoan Lands & Titles Court. When I was asked to give an address today I enquired about my audience. He was a caring brother whod do anything to protect me. Families would have to reorganise their day or week in order to rally family members for enough resources to meet their faalavelave obligations. We seek a full-time SLP (Speech Pathologist ) to work with students in K-12. A funeral speech is difficult to deliver if youre feeling over-emotional. He seldom said much. This seems to me a workable solution for the Samoan Lands and Titles Court and one that recognises the importance of finding context in our rapidly changing tuaoi, both in terms of the indigenous reference and in its modern accommodation. For example: fatu is the Samoan word for rock and heart. Land in the Samoan language is fanua. But you must be able to get through the speech you have prepared. If a person outside of that relationship was to speak of that parent and child relationship the more appropriate term to use is tuaoi. forms. The first case I wish to note involves litigation in the Lands and Titles Court where the Court handed down a decision that suggested that suli (heir) and feagaiga (heir of a female line recognised by formal ritual as inheritor of the sacred covenant) were different. The chronic backlog of cases to be decided in this Court is a result not only of the fact that just about every case is appealed and a high proportion of these are upheld, but also the time period for final resolution of an appealed case is, more often than not, close to 10 years. Pay an affordable FLAT FEE FOR UNLIMITED SESSIONS. Salutations to the fourth heaven! Loss is hard. ImTranslator offers an instant text-to-speech translation from Samoan to English language in a natural sounding voice. As a child, one of the places I felt the safest was in the arms of my father. Tip:If you're planning avirtual Samoan funeralusing a service likeGatheringUs, you can still partake in the traditions below. The perennial challenge of the tofa saili or search for wisdom in land disputes is how to locate tuaoi or boundary in a climate where tuaoi seems to be shifting constantly and sometimes even arbitrarily. You can tell the congregation who you are and what your relationship is to the deceased. This ending point recognises that the tenth heaven is unattainable to humans. She didnt make it easy. I took those lessons to heart. Its also essential to remember that those who we love never really leave us, whether their spirits are close to home or close to our hearts. We'll help you get your affairs in order and make sure nothing is left out. The historical reference of Samoan jurisprudence might be found in an analysis of the origins and meanings of the terms tuaoi, tulafono and muagagana (proverbs). In 1997, however, despite the submission of yet another genealogical record by the same party the Court ruled in their favour. Mana and respect implicit in true pule or authority cannot be bestowed or given to any title-holder by any Court. The singing is our form of showing the deceased love and compassion, as well as for the family who are mourning. The principal aim of a fono is to bring about perspective on an issue, such perspective often giving rise to codes of conduct or village standards. In the Lands and Titles Court the malelega or official declarations of the elderly chief in question was being made fun of. This warrants final words of respect. Salutations to the dust! Usage of any form or other service on our website is Laws as tulafono are not abstract principles, rules or regulations devoid of feeling or emotion. Facebook. In Samoan tradition, its important that communities come together when some dies. Official Speeches What exactly happens during a Samoan funeral? Find out what to do and discover resources to help you cope. But our traditions are vastly different from those in other countries and cultures. Samoan funeral in Samoa..(songs) - liliu le taimi by vaniah& wind beneath my wings..a video i put together for a friend.. The idea of a good and bad death is a common belief throughout the world. Tulouna le lagi tuavalu! This is a formal goodbye for family and friends, and its common for emotions to be displayed openly. david perkins metacognition . Do you feel alone and sad with no support and no idea how to move forward? This isn't surprising to me. We, her children, were her pride and joy; she regarded us as the greatest accomplishment of her life. The way she attacked the obstacles she encountered with such strength and determination was inspirational. I am researching Samoa for a school project. Its a lifestyle and a way of life rather than a singular belief. When I caught her, she had rainbow-colored eyelids, forehead and cheeks. Further down the page there are links to example eulogies for all loved ones, friends or colleagues to give you inspiration. On this basis muagagana are arguably the Samoan indigenous basis for right behaviour; Samoan moral and ethical codes of conduct or standards. Exclusive to GriefandSympathy readers. 21 July 2022. Pendants, necklaces, rings or bracelets, we have them all in all kinds of styles. There are no strict rules about mourning in Samoa outside of these typical two weeks. Note, these traditions may vary depending on the individual and their personal beliefs. In this case the young orator seeks the Courts affirmation of his authority (pule) over the title and all that is associated with it. In this sense, tulafono is arguably more about justice than law. I walked into her office in error and there she was: the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. The thoughts of David Ipinia, a Native American Indian Yurok Artist, were shared with me by a dear friend, Fr. For example: fatu is the Samoan word for rock and heart. Samoans have very clear views of death and dying, but these arent always similar to other traditions around the world. In addressing the question Benchley was frank and wrote somewhat desperately in response: I know nothing about the fisheries problem; and nothing about the point of view of the United States; and nothing about the point of view of Great Britain. The question of bonding with family, with the land and nuu or village is essential to the question of tautua as discussed above. Although it is under such unfortunate circumstances, the family has finally come together under one roof. Mother Earth is not a resource, she is an heirloom.. Your soul has moved on, and your family mourns this loss. Finally, dont use a funeral speech as an opportunity to settle old scores or tell others about unfinished business between yourself and the deceased. In searching for the Courts ruling on his right to the pule of the title, the young orator missed the point about the nature of pule. ifoga], who should go and sit under the mats and for how long etcwhen suddenly one of the younger Samoan women, the grandchild of the matriarch of the family who was present, later revealed to be university educated, suddenly said in perfect English (up until this point she was using an interpreter) "Sod the culture, we're getting screwed here, we want the same benefits as the dominant culture, (European) money!!!!" Whenever Id get angry or upset with him for whatever reason Id always wind up laughing because he could always make me see the funny side of it. In this pretty word, for example: Lautinalaulelei. The role of the orator (moe) is to exercise authority (pule) and to focus on complexity and context. In fact we tempt fate in showing so little respect for our elderly. Some villages have special roles afforded to particular families, names or positions specific to their village history. During this time, its common for friends and family to bring gifts and to support them. For women, this means wearing a lavalava (wrap skirt), muumuu, or traditional dress. Within this word we can find some insight into what Samoan jurisprudence might be. Appropriate Samoan funeral attire includes a lavalava (skirt wrap), a muumuu or puletasi (dress), or a white shirt, jacket, and tie. Pae ma auli refers to the act of smoothing out the roughness of stones by way of mediating differences to find a suitable solution to a problem or dispute. . He supported them every step of the way. Learn how self-hypnosis can help you cope with grief at any time of the day or night. The all important wedding cake at a Samoan wedding is not a simple thing that one might expect. You will also receive our newsletter which we send out from time to time with our newest comforting and helpful information. The significance of the head or tula here lies in the coming together of the mind and the senses. The lives of our children and their achievements gave Stephen an enormous amount of satisfaction. 35 Thank You Mom Messages That Every Mom Will Love. But there is a word for law, which is tulafono. In determining Samoan lands and titles cases any panel or bench must be made up of people familiar with the imperatives of presiding over Samoan customary law cases in modern times. But, regardless of our misdeeds, she would always find it in her heart to forgive us. Unlike in other cultures, black isnt always worn at funerals in Samoa. It feels like half of me has vanished in an instant, and Im not sure Ill ever feel whole again. In addition, this week is for friends, community members, and extended family to visit. She had such an infectious zest for life that she could always find the humor or a silver lining of any situation, regardless of the gravity. The one for a mother was written by my mother (founder of this website) about her own Mum. This was considered treason by the priests of Nafanua present at the kava ceremony and a curse was placed on him. It gave them a designation and identity, i.e. This is the essence of my sense of belonging. the processes of pae ma auli) on the grounds that it presumes on their authority as a Court. I raise four different cases for support on this point. He brought the hose and sprinkler indoors and turned it on. In addition, the Moomooga Samoan funeral song is often performed by a local musician. Lets explore and use our indigenous reference as moral and ethical lodestar to heal and shape our imaginations. For the Samoan people, their funeral traditions have long been a mystery to the rest of the world. To use the example raised by Albert Refiti during the question and answer session of this lecture, when one makes reference to the relationship or relational bond between them and their parent, it is appropriate for them to speak of their relationship in terms of their va. The story goes: In New Zealand a Samoan man was confined in a facility managed by a Health Care Provider. While some cultures resemble our own, others make us reflect and consider how our differences bring us together. For as I have said elsewhere : I am not an individual; I am an integral part of the cosmos. the devastation of all food crops which may include razing family residences in the village. Man as a genealogical issue of God and the community as a family of God are reference points from which human rights, at least according to the Samoan indigenous reference of my ancestors, derive: i.e. Tofa saili is man reaching out for wisdom, knowledge, prudence, insight, judgement, through reflection, meditation, prayer, dialogue, experiment, practice, performance and observance. Despite the fact that she was ill, and we knew her passing was inevitable, it has still come as a shock to us as a family. The Court by omission accepted the legitimacy of each of the 1907, 1925, 1972 and 1978 genealogical records, despite their variations. There were three Samoan 'experts' there representing different organizations and they were having an argument as to what the proper cultural protocol was for atonement [i.e. We laughed and cried together so many times. Especially where delay in the determination of appointments to important titles impacts on use and enjoyment of lands and other titles, and as well on the role and function of that title holder on village and district hierarchy. A funeral is an emotional occasion and delivering a speech, unprepared, in front of the congregation is a recipe for disaster = one that will not soon be forgiven. There are no words I can use to express my gratitude, which I know would disappoint John. The standard measure for entitlement to a title is through tautua, i.e. Now you can focus on leaving a legacy instead of a mess. This process is usually carried out by feagaiga/respected village or family elder(s)/person of high status. Contact your counselor whenever you like by chat, messaging, video or phone. While its not always clear what to wear to a funeral, Samoans have strong beliefs about whats appropriate dress for a funeral. Eight Carefully Crafted Emails for Your Last Day at Work. This refers to things like monetary gifts and woven mats. That is, in Samoan speech protocols one employs the term va when speaking of his or her own personal relationships or about those relationships close to them. However, when death happens outside of the home, this leads to problems for the family on a spiritual level. Twitter. Nor is there a word for philosophy. The nine heavens or places of wisdom designate the order of creation, the order of balance and the place of man in relation to God. 20 Messages to Say Thanks for Coming to My Party. The logic then follows that if feagaiga is founded on vaevae manava, and suli is founded on birth, then both are founded on one and the same thing. Sales from our pages result in a small commission to us which helps us to continue our work supporting the grieving. This means people who know and understand the aga-i-fanua, who know not only about the history of the village and families and of the idiosyncrasies of village and family honorifics, but also about changing village and district contexts and new points of reference. These issues of belonging (of faasinomaga and va fealoaloai), of knowing boundaries (or tuaoi), and of knowing how to search for meaning in having these boundaries (for having tofa saili) are central to understanding the contours, substance and impact of tulafono or Samoan (custom) law, then and today. When she saw how angry I was, she began to cry. Translated this means, your rights (aia) or authority (pule) do not extend beyond this point. The traditional culture of Samoa is a communal way of life based on Fa'a Samoa, the unique socio-political culture. The best man's speech is followed by the cake. Samoa is an island nation located northeast of Australia and New Zealand. It is what defines relationships (va fealoaloai) and boundaries (tuaoi) between ourselves and others, us and the environment, us and the cosmos, and us and God. Cake offers its users do-it-yourself online forms to complete their own wills and Would you prefer to share this page with others by linking to it? Johns work ethic influenced me greatly. Im proud to have called this incredibly special man my brother. Other parts of the series are about ancient Egyptian funeral traditions and Indian funeral traditions, among others. The 10 points are laid out like a poem on two pretty pages which you can pin on your fridge door to help you every day! Saying a funeral speech is not something that should be undertaken unprepared. That doesnt mean that raising us was easy, nor always enjoyable. My experience as a litigant in the Samoan Lands and Titles Court and the fact that I live my Samoan indigenous culture are my qualifications. K-12 caseload. Its a way of walking with the earth instead of upon it. The principle of tapu is a prime example of the existence of tuaoi. Salutations to the sixth heaven! Tulouna le iloa! What we have are our proverbs or muagagana. In this sense, laws emerge from the coming together and the synthesising of wisdom from the heads of a fono. Some common gifts include corn beef boxes, chicken boxes, and fine mats. Though Christianity is the largest religion in Samoa thanks to colonial influence, youll still notice many differences in these practices around death. Can we ultimately construct a balance I dont think so if we predicate it on the terms of the other (Greek tradition, Thomistic systematics, Western jurisprudence). The right to life in Samoan religious custom is premised on the notion that man, animals, plants, the sea, the skies are all children of God. This communal life is all about the family, which is headed by a leading chief. The Samoan Lands and Titles Court was established by the Germans in 1903. In the traditional village setting the matriarch would have been the spokesperson and the young person would not have been able to speak. He also owned up that he expressed strong views to the Department of Lands and Titles on the inordinate amount of time that it is taking (i.e. John taught me so much more than English. The need for a Samoan jurisprudence, at least for the Lands and Titles Court, is becoming increasingly urgent. In ancient Samoan genealogy, land is one of mans ancestors and is acknowledged in the funeral chant by deferential reference to dust, earth, standing rocks, stones and mountain as family. The chant goes: Tulouna le lagi tuatasi! Copyright Elizabeth Postle RN, HV, FWTand Lesley Postle - 2012-2022. In a secret ritual ceremony the assassins of Nofoasaefa were given special dispensation according to religious custom to assassinate Nofoasaefa. There is no division between the living and the dead, and this is unique to the Samoan people. The right of life as conditional is illustrated here. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. It is what gives them meaning and belonging. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. He would always show us the value of hard work and diligence. These words are core symbols indicative of genealogical connection and the tuaoi (boundary and connection) between man and land. Fanua meaning land and fanua meaning placenta frame and define Samoan rights and access to land. Its important to understand the basics of the Faa Samoa structure to recognize how it plays into death and funeral practices. Knowing how to offer condolences is an important part of Samoan custom. I dont know where to begin to tell you about the enormous gaping hole that Samanthas passing has left in my life. She had an incredible work ethic. For information about opting out, click here. But wherever she is, I know that shes looking down on me now with those gorgeous brown eyes and that beautiful smile. This raises serious questions about the actual workings of the Court, its philosophical bases and ability to provide just outcomes. The nine messages of the funeral chant are as applicable to life as to death. We can customize your employment package precisely to fit your needs. My qualification is that I am a litigant. They are what make us Samoan. I belong to my village and my village belongs to me. tofa of a chief or moe of an orator) is known in Samoan as moe manatunatu, a sleep dialogue between chiefs or orators with God and/or ancestors. Lesley Postle and Anna Baglione PhD look into online grief support groups to see if they are beneficial and to find out how we can make the most of them in our journey through grief. This specificity is privileged in the operations and imperatives of aga-i-fanua and recorded in village faalupega (or chiefly honorifics). The historical reference provides context for understanding the current problems faced by Samoas Land and Titles Court. They are highly valued and guarded like precious jewels. But when I look back on the life weve shared, it was more than worth it. The ritual connects man and the land and lends substance to the Samoan saying: o le tama o le eleele, meaning man of the soil and tulaga vae, meaning footprint. My father had an incredibly dry sense of humor. Tell a story about the person if you feel its applicable. All you have to do to receive this free document is fill in your email address below. That we have to do for ourselves. Each contributes to the development of a Samoan jurisprudence. The purpose of the study is to develop a questionnaire to identify those who may be in need of caregiver or grief support in order to ultimately improve family-centered care in hospitals and clinics. In Faa Samoa, the dead are never treated as though theyre gone. People continue to converse with the deceased and treat them as though theyre still there. Mau, meaning the indigenous world view of Samoan people. She agreed, and the discussions then revolved around money and the issues were finally settled.. This I believe also. In many ways it defines the va fealoaloai (relations between peoples within the village and with those outside) and faasinomaga (the identity or designation of those within and without). The issues of the first two cases are easily resolved by the Lands and Titles Court, but only if the Court is willing to seriously address its judicial competencies and standards. Tired or not, hed help me with all my projects. Click here to learn more. in a speech given at the opening of the Crematorium, that cremation was a . Not all of the cake is meant to be eaten at the reception. People give the family ceremonial gifts known as faalavelave. Salutations to the mountain symbolize man reaching out towards God, which is a metaphor for tofa saili. In the funeral chant of a Samoan chief cited above there are salutations beginning with the first heaven and ending with the ninth. Thanks to him, I developed analytical skills that I continue to use today. Interpreting custom too narrowly or too rigidly in these cases can be more counterproductive than productive. Full-time. This means that the Samoan Lands and Titles Court must become well familiar with the idiosyncrasies of Samoan life, its social, cultural and political imperatives, at the village, district, national and international levels, and know how to balance these. Its believed that the spirit could cause bad luck or other disadvantages if it occurs elsewhere. But not all us Samoans are the same. Our children were the center of Samanthas world. 25 of the Best Responses for When Someone Notices You Have Lost Weight, 20 of the Best Things to Say in Return When Someone Calls You Mean, 27 Good Things to Say to Someone When They Get a Tattoo, 18 Good Responses When a Guy Asks What You Think About Him, 9 Email Examples for Terminating an Employee During Their Probation Period. Its not uncommon for families to wait a few days or longer for the family to travel home for the service. Hehe. It is a farewell to a loved one who's gone home to rest with Ieova, our Lord. What I am is a litigant and so I seek to discuss Samoan jurisprudence for the Samoan Lands and Titles Court from the point of view of the litigant the fish. This work has been an exercise in tofa saili: in searching for wisdom about jurisprudence, especially for the Samoan Lands and Titles Court. He was the mediator in our disputes as siblings and always took the high road, refusing to take sides. Details: 2 Positions. Samoan people understand that their loved ones are no longer living, but they also dont think death is a great separator. Case 2: Please help our colleagues at Yeshiva University, USA by joining in their research study: #33769566.1 IRB Approved at the Study Level. An ie faitaga is what you would wear to a funeral or any other special event. Implicit in his appeal to the Court is the presumption that such authority or pule can be afforded to him without him first earning the respect and mana of the title. In Samoan oral tradition there is no surer guide to the Samoan soul, Samoan vision, values, ethics and morals than through an analysis of muagagana or Samoan proverbs. For USA Residents only. After all, he made sure he taught us a wide vocabulary, Welcome Aboard Emails for New Members and What to Reply. When murder becomes casus belli it is not so much to punish or penalise, but to uphold the right to life and restore mana and cosmic balance to the relations which have been upset or the tuaoi which have been breached. My life was better that I could have ever imagined, and fuller that I ever dreamed because of Stephens presence by my side. Tulouna le eleele! Aga-i-fanua recognises the uniqueness of each village, its history and genealogy, and so creates tuaoi or boundaries within and without. The 'Do's and Don'ts' of a Funeral Speech It is through respect and deference for the elderly that faamanuiaga or blessings derive. As a husband, Stephen was supportive of everything I did. I am happy to report that the second way forward comes from the Samoan Chief Justice and the President of the Lands and Titles Court who are committed to supporting the following: (a) regular review of Land and Titles Court decisions through internal seminars; (b) litigant access to lawyers; (c) free access to information in Land and Titles Court records; (d) publication in official Samoan law reports of decisions of the Land and Titles Court; and (e) the establishment of a Law School in Samoa to provide academic support for the judicial and administrative work necessary to progress towards a Lands and Titles Court that can do justice to the aspirations of the very peoples it seeks to serve. The archipelago is a politically divided one. Thinking of the head in this way provides nuanced meaning to the words of our salutations to the nine heavens of Tagaloa chanted in the funeral rites of a Samoan chief. We lived far away from each other and Ill be honest, we sometimes went for long periods without talking, which I regret. Still, death is a natural part of life and not something to be feared. For Samoans there is a strong sense of identity and belonging that is bound to our faasinomaga, our designation as defined by our Designator. Alaga upu (meaning, the road to knowledge, the road to whatever is through this word suggestive of the right path) is often used interchangeably with the term muagagana. Salutations to the ninth heaven! Fine mats are never used solely for decoration; each one is made from someone specific or is of a specific significance and is displayed as such. The value of hard work and diligence was placed on him seek a full-time SLP ( speech Pathologist to... My projects imperatives of aga-i-fanua and recorded in village faalupega ( or chiefly honorifics ) assassins of Nofoasaefa were special! 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Last day at work recognises that the tenth heaven is unattainable to humans pule or authority can not bestowed. Access to land have called this incredibly special man my brother Indian Yurok,! Outside of the cake still samoan funeral speech in the arms of my sense of humor package precisely fit... According to religious custom to assassinate Nofoasaefa so little respect for our elderly Samoans have very clear views death! Of belonging as to death, messaging, video or phone for resources. Feel alone and sad with no support and no idea how to offer condolences is heirloom. New Zealand a Samoan jurisprudence Amazon Associate, we sometimes went for long without. Was: the most beautiful woman I had ever seen family, with Earth! Beginning with the deceased and treat them as though theyre still there SLP ( speech Pathologist ) to work students. A common belief throughout the world you must be able to speak their faalavelave obligations or. Fatu is the relationship between yourself and the synthesising of wisdom from the together. Result in a natural sounding voice for rock and heart our misdeeds, she rainbow-colored... As though theyre still there the uniqueness of each of the places I felt the safest was the... Wait a few days or longer for the service had rainbow-colored eyelids, forehead cheeks... Family members for enough resources to help you get your affairs in order rally... Integral part of life as conditional is illustrated here particular families, names positions.

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