uss quincy crew list

1 were out of action, and all power had been lost. QUINCY received four battle stars for World War II service. USS Nevada (BB-36), the third United States Navy ship to be named after the 36th state, was the lead ship of the two Nevada-class battleships.Launched in 1914, Nevada was a leap forward in dreadnought technology; four of her new features would be included on almost every subsequent US battleship: triple gun turrets, oil in place of coal for fuel, geared steam turbines for greater range, and . Each party existed without the knowledge of the other as they were separated by the intense fire raging on the well deck and the upper deck amidships. Some, but probably not all, of the projectiles may be expected to give "low order" bursts. He unfortunately passed away in 2005 in San Diego, CA. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, accompanied by Rear Admiral Alan G. Kirk, inspected the ships company in Belfast Lough 15 May 1944. QUINCY (CA-71) at - Specs & Deployments - Crew Roster - Photos - NEW -> ALL HANDS - Internet Links - Reunion Info Add Your Name to the CA-71 Crew Roster's mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. This permits the fire main loop to be damaged in two or three places without loss of fire main pressure. The CA68 class are better in this respect than the CL55 class, so that, on this latter class, there are also installed two 60 kw emergency diesel generators for use with the casualty power system. 45) entered the forward mess hall but did not explode. He was extremely proud to have served our country aboard the Quincy. 10). Elliot M. Senn in command. 35, 38, 39 and 40 filled this space with smoke. Survivors from the forward part of the ship collected on the forecastle with the Commanding Officer in charge. 95. The fire spread very rapidly on the well deck. These produced intense fires in the bedding, papers and clothing. The flaming ships also presented perfect targets to the enemy submarine(s) operating in the near vicinity. 84. Midship repair parties also suffered a large number of casualties due to 8" and 5" hits. In the Pilot House itself the only person standing was the signalman at the wheel who was vainly endeavoring to check the ship's swing to starboard to bring her to port. Search for Crew Members Please fill at least one field. 67. This projectile, which is boat-tailed, has three copper rotating bands and is 4.3 inches long. 1 gun remained serviceable. Previous torpedo damage to cruisers in way of boiler rooms has usually resulted in damage to more than one boiler room. 200 likes. She got underway for the Pacific on 12 April to join CruDiv 7, transited the Panama Canal from 2327 April and arrived at Pearl Harbor on 10 May. 52. Nineteen of the twenty-one primary targets assigned the task force were successfully neutralized or destroyed thus enabling Army troops to occupy the city on 26 June. This was my father who passed away in 2008. Two days later, she departed Ulithi and joined Rear Admiral Wiltse's Cruiser Division 10, in Vice Admiral Mitscher's Fast Carrier Task Force. Back to the USS Quincy (CA 71) page|Crew List main page| 1 fireroom and of those hits on the turrets and on the fire-room and engine room blowers. At 0155 the gunnery officer on ASTORIA sighted an enemy cruiser force bearing about 230 relative, range 5500 yards. At 0208 course was changed to the left and the stern was again brought through the enemy's fire. At this time all turrets and secondary battery except turret III and gun No. Structural fragments from the No. It is definitely known that guns No. (a) "There should be a diesel generator set from 50 to 75 kw located in the end of the ship independent of the central power plant.". At least 57 hits were received in the spaces discussed above. Please click on one of the unit names below to request research assistance in locating U.S. The few CO2 extinguishers were entirely inadequate for the fires that existed. She then steamed to Malta via the Straits of Messina. The after mess hall was hit at least once (Hit No. The experiences of ASTORIA in comparison with the experiences of SAN FRANCISCO** afford an excellent contrast of the effectiveness of A.P. takes your privacy seriously. After a call at Alexandria and a final meeting between President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill, QUINCY steamed for Algiers, arriving 18 February. There was a minor flareback in No. The fires amidships which were started early in the action undoubtedly contributed more in an indirect fashion to the loss of these three ships than any other factor. There are various cross connections between the loop. Ammunition within exploded with such violence that the Commanding Officer ASTORIA reported in reference (a) that "QUINCY had blown up". he got very emotional when we visited the ship's bell in Quincy in the 1990s. All the ships were in condition of Readiness II, material condition Zed. Quincy's wreck was discovered and explored by Robert Ballard and his crew in July and August 1992. Upon her arrival back in the United States,Quincywas transferred to the Pacific, where she escorted the fast carriers as they conducted air strikes on targets in the Ryukyus and the Japanese Home Islands during the last five months of World War II. At the same time, turret I was put out of action due to a fire in the upper powder room and a hit on the shell deck. 19). 1 below radio I in Captain's cabin (Hit No. Some of these are briefly discussed below. 2 fireroom was never hit; however, a heavy explosion was felt forward which probably came from the torpedo explosion forward. Also sailmaker. She later provided close fire support for the Marines during the landing. 11). QUINCY and U.S.S. This is unfortunate in that the highly inflammable airplanes were in the hangar and on the well deck. The fires which resulted, however, effectively prevented control of damage. 23), cutting off the cartridge case bases and causing them to burn like "Roman Candles". The mainmast is in the process of being redesigned. does not share your information. I received three hits, one in the face plate (Hit No. These spaces were abandoned because of flooding. The President's senior aide, Maj. Gen. Edwin "Pa" Watson, who had been ailing, died aboard ship on 20 February. Naval Academy, The Sullivan Brothers and the Assignment of Family Members, Historic Former U.S. Navy Bases and Stations, The African American Experience in the U.S. Navy, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the U.S. Navy, Contributions of Native Americans to the U.S. Navy, The World Cruise of the Great White Fleet, Navy Underwater Archaeology Return Program, Annual Navy History and Heritage Awards - Main, Research Permits for Sunken & Terrestrial Military Craft, Scanning, Copyright & Citation Information, Obtain Duplications of Records and Photos, USS Quincy CA39, Astoria CA34 & Vincennes CA44 War Damage Report No. The information submitted by the Commanding Officer or the Senior Surviving Officer of QUINCY and VINCENNES in references (c) and (d) gave only the general vicinity of the hits. These six are the only hits reported which struck originally below the second deck. An 8" hit (No. USS QUINCY was authorized 17 June 1940; laid down by Bethlehem Steel Co., Shipbuilding Div., Quincy, Mass. Although not reported, it appears as though a hit was received in the forward engine room because the exhaust steam line carried away and a flange on main steam line began leaking badly. 41. During this period all fire main risers forward of frame 103 were ruptured; no water was available for fighting fires. 31, 32 and 33). Enroute, QUINCY safely rode out the severe typhoon of 5 June. It also seems probable that one or more of the projectiles detonated with some degree of "low order" detonation as described above.'s mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. In the case of all three ships the enemy commenced hitting on the fourth or fifth salvo. The structural damage, though severe, was not of a serious nature except in the cases of the penetrative hit into No. The five airplanes on each ship except QUINCY had been drained of all gasoline. The emergency feed pump, located on the centerline against the forward bulkhead at frame 53, was blown off by the effects of an explosion forward - probably from the torpedo explosion at frame 45 in way of the diesel generator room. With respect to the incident reported in paragraph 45, reference (c) stated that hits "exploded" ready-service boxes to guns No. Before contacting the Reference Staff, please read through these questions and answers first. She departed Portland, 24 June, for Cherbourg, France. The USNSM is housed aboard the Quincy-built USS Salem; the world's only preserved Heavy Cruiser. These explosions and fires completely devastated this area, and after the action only No. By 1210, as the salvage party abandoned ship, the port waterways of the main deck were awash. 4 fireroom was reported by the Commanding Officer, in reference (d), to have been hit by a torpedo. room, diesel generator room, bomb stowage, and the 5" A.A. handling room were immediately flooded. [4], Quincy sortied with Cruiser Divisions, Pacific Fleet on 20 May on a tactical exercise which was the first of many such maneuvers that she participated in during 19371938. 3. 64. The hits mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs, as well as others, caused the ship to become a raging inferno from the foremast to the after bulkhead of the hangar. 52, 53 and 54) and fires were started in this compartment. Steps shall be taken accordingly to insure that the report will be seen by those persons responsible for design, construction and repair of naval vessels, as well as for their operation, but by no others.'s mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. projectiles and bombardment projectiles against naval targets. 1, 2 and 3) A short time later the other forward 8" magazine was flooded. These estimates are made on the basis of those reported by the Commanding Officer and from the effects of the projectiles as compared with the performance of U.S. Navy projectiles on light plating. 3 fireroom; however, the destruction of the blowers by Hits Nos. 2 or more in navigator's stateroom (Hits Nos. 25), penetrated the kerosene tank under the starboard ladder leading from the well deck to the boat deck and passed through the main deck into the after mess hall, where it detonated. From 0200 to 0206 ASTORIA was under an extremely heavy concentration of fire. For three days the group provided fire support on the left flank of the U.S. 7th Army. The surviving personnel realized that it was necessary to abandon ship as quickly as possible. This recommendation has been approved by the Bureau. 87. The person's rank/rate ? This area also received an unknown number of hits. USS Chicago (CA-29) was a Northampton-class cruiser of the United States Navy that served in the Pacific Theater in the early years of World War II.She was the second US Navy ship to be named after the city of Chicago. At 0155, as enemy searchlights were trained on QUINCY from abaft her port beam, the main battery was trained out and commenced firing. 40. Register and add yourself to the Crew List of the USS Quincy (CA 71), Report an offensive or inappropriate entry, My Uncle George Stone died on this ship in 1942. [4], While on patrol in the channel between Florida Island and Savo Island, in the early hours of 9 August, Quincy was attacked by a large Japanese naval force during the Battle of Savo Island.[4]. While in the beginning of this turn QUINCY was struck on the port side by two torpedoes, probably from a submarine, one in way of firerooms III and IV and the other just forward of the I.C. A fire was started in the flag bags immediately behind the bridge, probably from hot fragments. About 0206 director II was hit and put out of action. She was sold to American Ship Dismantling Co., Portland Oregon on 1 September 1974 for $1,156,667.66. Now Deceased (1982) After receiving calls by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and other dignitaries, President Roosevelt departed Quincy and continued on to the Crimea by air to attend the Yalta Conference. The spotter was unable to clear this. room, which is also adjacent to No. After fitting out at Boston for a Presidential cruise, Quincy steamed for Hampton Roads, Virginia, 16 November. [4], After overhaul at Norfolk until 4 May 1940, Quincy again visited Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, returning to Norfolk on 22 September. projectile, and blown overboard. 4 firerooms were, of course, completely flooded as a result of the torpedo explosion. USS Quincy(CA-39) in New York harbour on 23 May 1942 History United States Name Quincy Namesake City of Quincy, Massachusetts Ordered 13 February 1929 Awarded 9 January 1933 Builder Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation's Fore River Shipyard, Quincy, Massachusetts Cost $8,196,000 (contract price) Laid down 15 November 1933 Launched 19 June 1935 The necessity for a vigorous program for the removal of unessential material presenting fire hazards was also clearly presented. This recommendation was also discussed in reference (e). 4 fireroom as he attempted to enter the uptakes leading from this fireroom. These fires were never brought under control. 72. The new year saw the ship visiting Cannes, France; Valenica, Spain and Oran, Algeria, before the QUINCY returned to Norfolk. As told to me as a kid by my grandpa at night I was in normandy rode with President Roosevelt and family and 2 maids, and winston Churchill was a cook for them. This blower was probably destroyed by fragments from the detonation of one or more of these ready-service projectiles. On BOISE, 6" Class "A" armor rejected 8" A.P. Aflame . The sixth 8" salvo hit the face plate and barbette of turret I putting it out of action and killing the personnel within the turret and the barbette. 36) received by the ship was in mount No. Add yours! Diesels were started and they supplied power to turrets I and III. Renamed Quincy on 16 October 1942, to perpetuate that name, after the destruction of the second Quincy(CA-39) at the Battle of Savo Island on 9 August 1942. She also took part in Fleet Problem XX with the Atlantic Fleet from 1326 February. Turrets I and II were trained around to starboard and brought to bear upon the enemy. The arrangement of fire mains on the new cruisers under construction, both light and heavy, is such as to possess greater flexibility under damaged conditions. She then steamed to Malta via the Straits of Messina. At the bottom of every email sent by HullNumber is an UNSUBSCRIBE link. Control was shifted to the after steering station. This projectile apparently struck the box and then ranged upward and overboard. Her float plane artillery observer pilots were temporarily assigned to VOS-7 flying Spitfires from RNAS Lee-on-Solent (HMS Daedalus). It is reported that the fire was put out by immersing the powder bags in the water tanks. Dense smoke and fires cut off fore-and-aft passage on the second deck. 47) passed directly through the hangar setting the planes located there on fire. 63. 66. She was then assigned to TF 18 as the flagship of Rear Admiral Norman R. Scott, Commander, Cruisers. Damage to QUINCY and VINCENNES was so extensive that loss of the vessels was inevitable. Electrically driven fire pumps were chosen instead of diesel-driven pumps because of the greater diversity and distribution of auxiliary electrical power on these new cruisers. Registration and communicating with shipmates at is FREE FOREVER. She steamed westward the afternoon of 24 August to support minesweepers clearing the channel to Port de Bone in the Marseilles area. August 9, 1942 (50 years old) Naval records from World War II. One result was the destruction of the forced draft blower to No. At that instant the Captain straightened up and fell back, apparently dead, without having uttered any sound other than a moan."[5]. No. 46). This is borne out by a statement of a survivor. 61, USS Northampton CA26 War Damage Report No. VINCENNES, U.S.S. Later, she operated with Yorktown and TF 28 until sailing for home on 14 July. My father passed away in 1972. 34 and 37) exploded ammunition in ready-service lockers and set fire to the cane fenders stowed aft of the searchlight platform. Undoubtedly, as in QUINCY, there were many other hits in these and surrounding spaces which were not reported. With the growth of hostilities in Europe, she was ordered to Task Force 2 (TF 2) and operated with Wasp in the mid-Atlantic, preserving US neutrality from 26 April to 6 June. QUINCY served in the screen of the Fast Carrier Task groups ranging off the coastline of Korea 25 July 1953 through 1 December 1953. For example, reference (e) is a directive issued by Comcrupac for the removal of many items of an inflammable nature aboard cruisers as well as emphasizing the necessity for early accomplishment of alterations listed in paragraph 6. 82. projectile inside a ship have few if any equals in setting fires within confined spaces. In the case of ASTORIA, although damaged very extensively, it is possible that the ship might have been saved if the fires could have been brought under control before they reached the ammunition in the 5" hoists. The heat from this fire forced the crew to abandon the after engine room. He also reported. BUCHANAN came alongside to help fight the fire but the list had increased to such a point that the shell holes on the second deck, port side, were shipping water. Her bow is missing forward of her number 1 turret, both forward turrets are trained to starboard, with turret 1 featuring a jammed gun, and one of turret 2's guns burst. No hits were received in either engine room. The person's command ? A little later BAGLEY came alongside the starboard bow and took off all survivors forward. [6] Quincy sits upright in roughly 2,000 feet (610m) of water. In January and February 1945,Quincytransported President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his party most of the way to and from the Yalta Conference. The fireroom started to fill with smoke and the feed lines were leaking at all flanges. In a letter to Cincpac, the Bureau has designated an inflammable stowage which is well forward and below the waterline. Excess equipment, paint on bulkheads, records, and so forth in officers' spaces and in ship's offices provided fuel for a fire which gradually worked downward exploding ammunition in the 5" hoists. These fires were never brought under control. 6) History of USS QUINCY: From results of the Bureau of Ordnance tests described above, it appears rather that this "explosion" was a severe powder fire from the 5"/25 caliber ammunition charges which was so intense as to be of the nature of an explosion. 1 fireroom was put out of action at this time. The exact locations of these hits are, of course, unknown, but it appears from the damage reported that one struck on the port side about frame 45 and the other struck on the port side about frame 74. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); There are 31 crew members registered for the USS Quincy (CA 71). 28, USS Princeton CVL23 War Damage Report No. 15. Hits were received from automatic A.A. weapons. Nineteen of the twenty-one primary targets assigned the task force were successfully neutralized or destroyed, thus enabling Army troops to occupy the city that day. These particles were about the size of 'grape nuts' and were glowing and burning everything with which they came in contact". Two minutes later No. I, was also hit in the left range finder hood (Hit No. on the port catapult was set afire and shortly thereafter, was knocked off the catapult inboard onto the well deck by a hit from port (Hit No. 56, USS Houston CL81 War Damage Report No. 20. sufficiently to permit the bucket brigade to get the fires under control. 15) and the ammunition set on fire. QUINCY joined the Support Force, 23 August; and four days later, helped occupy Sagami Wan, Japan, and entered Tokyo Bay 1 September. It then struck the fire control tube cutting the cables and setting them on fire. 6 and No. The approximate locations of these hits are shown on Plate II. 17, 25 and 27). Gun No. 5. Registration and communicating with shipmates at is FREE FOREVER. (b) C.O. projectiles were used by the enemy. The President and his party returned to Quincy on 12 February, following the Yalta Conference with Soviet leader Josef Stalin and Churchill, and the next day received King Farouk of Egypt and Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia. Between 27 July and 13 August, the cruiser participated in training exercises at Malta and Camarota, Italy. 4 fireroom had to be abandoned due to the intense heat from the fire on the well deck. 3 set the hawser reel on fire. 3 fireroom. Quincy was decommissioned on 19 October 1946, in the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Bremerton, Washington. that No. 344825 entries available online. The Bureau of Ordnance has conducted extensive tests relative to this problem as has the Ordnance Department of the Army. 3, although not hit, was unable to fire due to the fire and smoke from the forward superstructure, turret II and the well deck. This permitted additional water to enter the ship causing an increase in the list such that the shell holes on the second deck, port side, were brought below the waterline. Just as the collision was averted, steering control was lost on the bridge and transferred to central station. It will be placed about ten feet forward of the present mast and will be designed to carry radar antennas. (e) "It is recommended that the forestay, and if possible, the afterstay be removed whenever practicable from QUINCY class CAs to prevent the fouling of topside directors.". 14. Turrets I and II fared very little better as they were put out of action after firing only four salvos, two of which were to starboard. Every effort is being made to insure that water will be available for magazine sprinkling. A fire was started which eventually led to this ammunition exploding. These incidents are of interest as they bring up the question of ready-service allowances. 3 and No. Quincy (CA39) This hole must have come from the detonation of the 5"/25 caliber projectiles. In accordance with reference (e), a vertical loop fire main in the forward and after living spaces, separated by at least one deck is being installed in all heavy cruisers in commission. 15 December 1943, Capt. 71. 2, although not hit, was out of action because of the explosion and fire in turret II and the fire in forward 20mm clipping room. In this category fall such items as fibrous glass for insulation and flame resistant compounds for treating fabrics. The cruisers of this task group, in a column led by VINCENNES, were patrolling the perimeter of a square five miles on a side in the area between Savo and Florida Islands. 1 fireroom and killed all of the crew in this space. USSQuincy, a 13,600-tonBaltimoreclass heavy cruiser, was built at Quincy, Massachusetts, and commissioned in December 1943. Hullnumber is an UNSUBSCRIBE link fibrous glass for insulation and flame resistant for. 'S wreck was discovered and explored by Robert Ballard and his party of. He unfortunately passed away in 2005 in San Diego, CA steamed for Hampton,. Effectively prevented control of damage authorized 17 June 1940 ; laid down by Bethlehem Steel,. Were received in the hangar and on the bridge and transferred to central.... And set fire to the intense heat from this fireroom the reference Staff please... Houston CL81 War damage Report No present mast and will be designed uss quincy crew list radar. For shipmates to keep in touch with one another the bottom of every email by! Was decommissioned on 19 October 1946, in the case of all.. Astoria sighted an enemy cruiser force bearing about 230 relative, range 5500.... Ship 's bell in Quincy, Mass 1940 ; laid down by Bethlehem Co.. 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uss quincy crew list