zero escape birthdays

Junpei asked him if he knew anything about Ice-9 and Seven started muttering about a woman on the ship and a Titanic survivor named Dashiell Gordain who bought her and the Gigantic. The first one out was Akane Kurashiki. In a third timeline, where Dio accidentally revealed himself to be the culprit under Sigma's questioning, he showed the activation device but was outsmarted by Alice and Clover, the latter of which threw the activation decide to Sigma. Despite being bitter about the outbreak and apocalypse, Junpei has become wiser through suffering and witnessing the suffering of others. 18:10: Junpei, Carlos, and Akane wake up to find themselves trapped in the decontamination room. Snake suggested that the bracelet's value was not actually 0. In Zero Time Dilemma, Junpei was designed to look less childish. Among other things in the room, there was a desk, in which Junpei found a pocket watch in one of the drawers. The first two entries in the series, Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (2009) and Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward (2012), were developed by Spike Chunsoft (formerly Chunsoft), while the third entry, Zero Time Dilemma (2016), was developed by Chime. They dashed to the Neptune door and put the key in, finding themselves right outside of the incinerator. He then goes through the Chromatic Doors with Sigma and Clover and searches the Pressure Exchange Chamber with them. When he reached B Deck, he encountered seven other people. When they approached a man whom Junpei described him as "bird's nest", the man refused to give a codename and suddenly took hostage of Clover, threatening to kill her with a knife if they do not cooperate. Since Snake did not reveal her last name, so Junpei reassured himself that they were not the same person. Eye color Junpei later found the pocket watch needed to open the exit and the three of them continued on. Afterwards, the two embrace. Junpei reminded him about the plate he had stuck in between the door to keep it from closing and implied that Seven had probably killed Clover. That meant everyone could escape but Clover calculated all of the possible combinations and concluded that if four people go, three stay behind, and if three go, four stay behind. Junpei has a collection of videos in a locked cabinet that are inappropriate for Quark. They say they signed up separately, however. On December 28, 2028, Akane and Junpei seriously talk for the first time after the events of 999. The newspaper containing a headline about 16 missing children. He hasn't experienced much failure or setbacks in his life. Twitter: Facebook: Status The clock chimes, signaling to the players that it was three in the morning. During his time in the facility, he uses his surname, Tenmyouji, in order to hide his identity from Clover and Alice. Discussion, news, art, memes, and everything else involving the acclaimed Zero Escape trilogy. But Seven opened the door accidentally by stepping in front of it. On December 31, 2028, it turns out the simulation is a trap. Eventually, he got intel from his detective firm that Akane joined the Mars Mission Test Site (Dcom) experiment and he used "force" and "coercion" to force his way in. ", "It looks like the poison got to her faster", "We'll have to make the decision ourselves!". Junpei's group escaped the cabin but soon found themselves in a kitchen. Hair color He has since worked closely with Seven, even helping to destroy a major base of Free the Soul. Together with Akane and Carlos, the three vowed to find the religious fanatic, and help Maria to control her SHIFT powers enough for her to be able to live life normally. Akane suggests spreading the votes such that each team gets a vote. 999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors 100% Complete Guide by OperationKakera Reassured from knowing how the doors work, the players split themselves up into two groups of four players each. Quark wanted to be with him forever, even if Tenmyouji said otherwise. They authenticated and the small Door 9 opened. I was sent here from far away to save mankind." The first layer is a long red and black checkered flannel, slightly rolled up on his forearms. Zero Escape Blog A federal judge appointed by former President Donald Trump on Tuesday issued a nationwide injunction against the Biden administration's Covid-19 vaccine Ace, Santa and Clover dead on the central staircase. Junpei opened the door and they found themselves in a huge library. He then explains the first decision to make: vote for a team to be executed. Snake still managed to crawl over to Ace and he grabbed onto his legs, saying that they will burn to death together. Since the events of 999 a year prior, Junpei quit college and joined a detective agency, primarily to find Akane. Something to keep in mind is that Lotus wears heels, I always assumed Junpei was about 5'8", Ace was 6'1", Santa was 6', and Seven was 6'4". A-Are you Junpei: N-N-No! The device, being separated from Dio by 1 meter, automatically activated, and he successfully managed to consume the pill and die in Alice END. Junpei watched the students preparing to torture a kitten by soaking it with gasoline and lighting it on fire for fun and entertainment, and he inferred that they were the ones who killed the rabbits. He also trusted Clover with his life in many of the life or death situations present in the Nonary Game: Ambidex Edition, due to his past with her. The killer, or more accurately, killers turned out to be five eighth grade students from a different school. They could be his. His bracelet then flashed the following numbers: 1,4,3,8,3,4,2, and 1. Thank you for telling me, I'm playing VLR right now and clover says she just turned 21 a few days ago, She's lying so she can be the legal age to drink alcohol, It's just a localization error since the drinking age in America is 21. Though Tenmyouji admitted that while it is nice to have an ideal future to work out the way Akane planned, he tells him that there is some worth to an existence that has struggled through hardships and sadness, and denies the possibility of being erased in this timeline. Anyway point is that in Japanese, she says 20, not 21. Tenmyouji raised Quark on the post-apocalyptic planet. Junpei feels his body begin to go numb, and then no longer feel pain or anything. He slipped the 2 and 6 papers (from the vote) out of Junpei's vest pocket, exposing that he cheated. Junpei notices something in Clover's pockets. The three leave the facility, though Quark gives Sigma a letter explaining what kind of person Tenmyouji was and tells him they will meet again. this fandom is dead but i adore this game so. For the second round, he is paired with Phi and goes through the blue door with Luna to the Pressure Exchange Chamber. Even if Junpei knew the name of her brother (Aoi), Aoi used a codename (Santa). The voice in the speaker introduced himself as Zero, the captain of the ship they were trapped in. During her panic attack, Akane bangs on the exit door until her knuckles bleed, and begins pulling her hair out and asking Zero what they did to deserve to end up in the Nonary Game. He saw that the 9th Man's bracelet was missing, even though it had been there when Junpei had examined the hallway earlier. This began a search for Clover. He then points out the big door with a red x over it, stating that it is the only way to get out, and 6 x passes would be needed to unlock it. Zero III says this even when Akane is not killed (cyan door routes), which may make it seem like a continuity error. Junpei ignored the story and later used a bottle of oil he found to unlock the door to the freezer. Sigma tells him about the White Chromatic Doors but omits Alice's death and his infection in his explanation. Nine years later in 2027, when Junpei returned home on an unfortunate night to find his apartment window opened, he went to close it only to see a reflection of a figure with a gas mask on their face. The team that receives 2 votes will be executed and their x passes will be revealed. Not many people wanted to be friends with Akane. Despite Lotus and Clover getting a running headstart, Santa manages to pass them and scan his bracelet at the RED. After Tenmyouji got better, he explained to Quark that he was an old man, and that meant he was probably going to die sooner rather than later. I don't remember where I read those though. The scene was grisly; the bomb inside of the 9th Man's body exploded, spraying his internal organs in all directions. Zero Escape: The Nonary Games is a bundle containing a remastered version of Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors and Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita / PlayStation TV and PC on Steam. The Nonary Games is essentially the definitive way to experience both 999 and Virtue's Last Reward. Drunk on life!" He had been told to keep quiet of the events 9 years ago in the braille message Zero had given him. With one last threat of pulling the trigger, he ran out of the room to go to the chapel. During this last conversation, Akane failed to tell Junpei who killed her (Ace). After having solved the Pushmaster 5000 puzzle, Junpei had the crates lined up in a way that everyone could reach the coffin. He had headed to the wharf and got on board the ship. To a fault, Dio is rather arrogant as well. They went back to their search, and eventually, Junpei developed a water-bottle bomb and they successfully escaped the freezer. Junpei wants to vote for a team, saying that they have to vote otherwise they die. They had left them a SUV and a tied-up Ace in the trunk. He told Junpei that there had previously been an experiment used to control children and recalled some of the names such as Aoi, Light and Nona Kashiwabara. As the group argued about listening to Zero, Junpei suddenly interjected and told them to comply with Zero for now. Junpei also noticed that it would be too obvious if the dead man was Zero, as the clues in the room felt too contrived. In C-END: 1 (the timeline leading to Virtue's Last Reward), it is shown that Junpei died during the C-Team execution, but another Junpei from a different timeline arrived into the Virtue's Last Reward timeline using the Transporter. They walked in to find the other four players in the room: Ace and Lotus next to Door 9, Santa sprawled on the floor holding his stomach, and June leaned up against the wall, exhausted. Although Junpei was very serious throughout the Nonary Game, he was very prone to making jokes despite the serious atmosphere that arouses when the players of the Nonary Game were investigating a room they needed to seek a way out of. I don't remember the date of 999 or if she has a confirmed birth date off hand though. Zero Escape Volume I-II. Age One of the comments Junpei says in the 3rd class cabin is "And that's why I have no friends.". While escaping, he talks about Charles Darwin's survival of the fittest theory and how it applies to the Nonary Game. After leaving the PEC, Dio opens his AB gate early. He doesn't get along with Quark, Tenmyouji and Alice. This still isn't enough to make a digital root of 3, so Junpei says either Santa, or Lotus and Clover could come with him. Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward is the second game in the series. It was released for the Nintendo 3DS and the PlayStation Vita on February 16, 2012, in Japan, [12] [13] on October 23 in North America, and on November 23 in Europe. [14] [15] Zero Time Dilemma is the third game in the series. Appearances When she returned to Junpei, the culprits were gone, leaving Junpei covered with bruises all over his body, especially his face. Dio and K dead in the Rec Room in Luna END. Junpei in Control. The other four players caught up to them and they noted that a part on the bottom of each RED was missing. Phi thinks he's an asshole. White Santa got angry about this and killed Black Santa. Junpei walks out of Building Q in Nevada. Clover started to elaborate, but Ace interrupted them. If Carlos follows up on his note and votes for D-team, and the other teams follow the note too, Zero states that since they voted, they deserve a 'reward' and the memory loss drug will not be injected, so that they can feel the potential guilt of killing a team. Junpei continued searching their room, eventually deciding to go check up on Lotus and Santa. A single Treatment Pod rises from the ground but needs time to defrost. She then told him about an experiment that occurred in the ship. The screens changed, each having a letter on it and together they displayed "ZERO". The Zero Escape: The Nonary Games series is the perfect trilogy of games for anyone that is a fan of escape rooms or puzzle games in general. I happened to have the artbook handy so I took a few pictures. Heading to Warehouse A, he agrees to ally with Sigma, after he tells Tenmyouji he won't pick betray, due to Clover having 6 BP and he won't let Clover convince him. Once through the Number Nine Door, Sigma, Phi, and Dio end up in another PEC chamber. Ace needed Junpei for yet another thing. As the third game in the Zero Escape trilogy, Zero Time Dilemma plays on a similar concept to its prequels, Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors and Virtues Last Reward: the story takes place on a branching flowchart, splitting whenever you have to make a decision. At some point, Diana joins him there, but she ends up getting a fatal disease and eventually passes away. Ace went on to describe how he had killed her and how much he had enjoyed it, making Snake even angrier. Alive * For Luna, just say what age she's supposed to represent"), Edit2: We can also kind of assume that K is 6'5" in the armor. Akane called for his help from the past and he acknowledged it, finally realizing that Akane had planned for this moment and that she was Zero. Ace, Snake, Clover, and Seven went through Door 5 while Santa, Junpei, June, and Lotus went through Door 4. Junpei calls out Mira just the same if he was correct and vice versa. = ji = can mean "temple", but can also be read as "tera". They head through the White Doors together and search the Director's Office. Seven stated that he had been a cop who was looking for the kidnapped kids back in 2018. They found a keypad on the side of the coffin, which is how it opened. She tells him that she didn't want to contact him because she doesn't want to jeopardize everything she has worked for and that when the time comes, she will tell him everything. Seven looked at the picture and suddenly told the other three that he remembered everything. Suddenly, they heard a rush of water. When Quark turned six, he started helping Tenmyouji with his work. Dio told Sigma and Phi everything about his life and that in all of his life, he had only ever once been punished breaking their laws. After having left, they found the Chapel and noticed that there are two Door 9s. Zero Time Dilemma Sigma X-Passes Clock. He manages to escape the facility with Phi and Sigma despite Tenmyouji and K trying to stop them. and ran off, hiding in an abandoned building. Akane was perceived as "strange" and even came across as "scary" to some. Akane confronts Junpei about him wanting Carlos to vote for Q-team but he brushes it off, not thinking of it as a big deal. After Clover calms down, Phi explains to her that Alice had Radical-6 and killed herself. Junpei then tricked Ace into admitting that he had prosopagnosia to the entire group. Dio is the only male character in the game to be paired up with Sigma. Dark brown * White * While there, he learns about the pressure of the facility from Luna. If Junpei called it correctly, he calls out Mira for guessing wrong whearas it is the other way around if Junpei guessed wrong. Santa told Junpei they were playing the Nonary Game to get revenge on the executives and to save Akane from dying in the past. Beyond Charts+ offers sophisticated Investors with advanced tools. They asked him why his clothes had been replaced, but the only thing he remembered was being knocked out by soporific gas while looking for the RED parts. I wasn't using the reflection on the water to look up your skirt Do you really think I'd do something so so crude?! How can you be thinking about things like that at a time like this!? They start talking about different substances and their freezing point and June mentioned that there was a type of ice called Ice-9 that freezes and melts at 96 degrees Fahrenheit. He had killed her because she knew information that would blow Ace's cover. Theyre so unnecessary. Seven and Junpei were thinking that it could be Allice's coffin. When Zero walks in and flips the coin, Junpei calls it red or blue (opposite of what Mira says). Junpei looked down at his bracelet and pressed the buttons on the face in this order: Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left. Dio is extremely irritable, irascible, callous and impatient. Akane told Sigma and Phi why they were brought to Rhizome 9. Ace kneeled on the floor and Junpei got him to admit that he had killed the other three executives and how Zero manipulated him to do so. As Dio thought they had no use for it, he told them the deactivation code for bomb #0, since Phi had asked him about it earlier. 12:00: They wake up again in a room now with bracelets around their left wrist and arecording of Zero playing. ZTD But before he could think about it any further, someone stabbed him in the back. A drawer underneath the computers opened up, revealing a picture of the four Cradle Pharmaceutical executives. Dio is a young man with turquoise eyes and long blond hair, which he keeps in two braids. She was kidnapped one year after 999 when she was 18. An announcement for the AB Game rings out saying only ten minutes until voting ends. Voice Once they headed downstairs, June's fever returned, and she collapsed. According to the 999 novelization, Junpei is a rather ordinary and unremarkable guy who is almost done with college. Clover fanart in progress :) she will be holding Lord What's some of the best Zero Escape artwork you've seen? Running out of time, they proceed through the small door 9. Then, he realized Clover wasn't following him and Ace. He is more misanthropic and says, "Humans aren't as beautiful as I thought" At many times he comes off as cold, rude, and snarky to others. Dio is also easily the game's most profane character, and he doesn't stop being this even around Quark. Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma Birthday Question (Spoilers) TheBLD 6 years ago #1 Ok so I've done a certain action that allows Diana to see the hint "Twins' Birthday" when trying to After the Second Nonary Game, Junpei became cynical and says he's "done with playing the action hero" because he "grew up". Junpei answered, and then repeated his question, asking where Santa, June and Seven are. As Junpei screams in pain and bleeds to death on the floor, his body writhes in agony, shudders and twitches, spasming as he goes into shock. Junpei: S-SorrySadly, my plan didn't work. Underground detective * Crash Keys member * Garbage collector * WebIf you like the zero escape series, I would highly recommend Ever 17 (written by the same author). Due to the multiple time jumps by Sigma and Phi, all 4 passwords were ultimately gathered and the 4 bombs were defused. In the Japanese audio (and presumably text) she says she just turned 20 a few days ago. So we created Beyond Charts to put you on the right path. Ah, now truth is asleep in the darkness of the sinister hand." They agreed to, but they had to choose their codenames since they suspected Zero kidnapped people he didn't associate with. and left the facility to return back to Earth. Afterwards, Junpei found an ALLICE file, which he looked through in hopes of finding information, but neither he nor Ace could read it, as it was written in hieroglyphics. They split up to find the parts, but after about an hour, Junpei gave up and went back to the hospital room to meet up with the other players. Snake's explosive death in the shower room. He realized humans weren't as beautiful as he thought and seeing all of this darkened Junpei's outlook on life and humanity, taking a severe toll on his mental and emotional health. Escape Rooms are an exciting way to bring any group together! Depending on the timeline, Dio either: In the cyan door timelines, Dio planted four antimatter bombs in the facility numbered 0-3 and blew up the facility. After some time, he woke up to find himself in a cell. Upon arriving, Junpei found Lotus, dead. Looking for a Zero Time Dilemma Rewrite post/video, (999 spoilers) Transmitter/receiver logistics. 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zero escape birthdays