12 stargates on earth

He told the treasure hunters that only his people knew of the stories. Proudly Created withWix.com. Join our newsletter and get our content delivered straight to your email. (Nohassa Atlantis), Connects with Universal and Galatic SG: Earth, Alpha Centauri and Venus, EX-Current controlling fraction: Omicron-Drakonian and Zephelium-Rigelian-Zeta, Q-3: Johannesberg, South-Africa. Some of these gateways are created by men while others are surprises of nature. The disk is known as the The Key of the Gods of the Seven Rays. (122.5W, 47.7N), Connects with Universal and Galatic SG: Sun, Mars, Nibiru, EX-Current controlling fraction: Omicron-Drakonian, Q-4: Aguascalientes, Mexico. Black Knight 13,000-Year-Old Satellite Mystery Decoded? Only after millenia of erosion did the crystal form itself into a sphere as we know it today. This radiant energy was discovered by Nikola Tesla, whose schematic was posthumously discovered by the government in his New York apartment in 1943. With this new heightened Self-perception, a pivotal point on our journey arrives thru the 12:12 stargates enveloping us in a new/higher/cosmic light that brings a level of peace and resolution to all that we have been working toward/transforming thru this year, returning a long-lost lightness of being. Among these are ethanol, natural gas, electricity, and even propane. I absolutely adore theories that have been going on in various cultures for ages. In addition to the familiar stonehenge-like construction, the underwater archeologists also discovered a boulder on which appeared to be a carving of a mastodon a creature believed to be extinct for at least 10,000 years, which happens to coincide with a time when humans and and mastodons most likely populated the Midwest. See our, Since the advent of the automobile, manufacturers have designed different engines to limit the environmental impact posed by the. Similar star maps have also been found in other ancient sites said to be stargates, such as the Abu Ghurab in Egypt and many more ancient sites in the Andes of South America. 12 Famous Ancient Sites Said To Be Stargates And Portals Farah Zaki Posted on August 27, 2020 4 min read 8775 NASA confirmed to have spent at least a decade investigating access points to places outside our world. Formed from energy similar to that found in the human body, the shift in energy can be felt as a subtle vibration, bringing those who experience it a sense of calm and rejuvenation as the outward pulses align with those that naturally occur in the human body. All shows are available for replay at the event link. Many of these curious people are scientists, who are unable to find any other explanation for either their findings or the stories of those who purportedly witnessed the powerful nature of a Stargate. GateWorld 101K subscribers Subscribe 833K views 1 year ago THE STARGATE is one of the greatest conceits in modern science fiction: a piece of ancient technology that, when unlocked, can instantly. The god appears to be on a staircase that is moving away from the person viewing the seal. Within Abu Ghurab, lies an ancient platform made of alabaster; it is believed that it opens a persons senses and enables him to communicate with the higher and sacred energies of the Universe. It is considered as a gateway to the future. Author Elizabeth Vegh has written several books on the ancient Sumerian gods and kings and their alleged use of stargates in ancient times. All Activations are recorded and available for Replay at the Event URL. Topics focus on the 12 Stargates (A Stargate is an Einstein-Rosen bridge portal device within the Stargate fictional universe that allows practical, rapid travel between two distant locations . During the Iraq War, under the guise of searching for weapons of mass destruction (WMD), then-President George W. Bush invaded that country in an effort to control a Dimension Portal and stop extraterrestrials from annihilating humankind or culling the worlds population. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired. Later in his life he says he was able to corroborate the capital building as a common location involved in the program from a woman who said she saw people materialize there. But little to no scientific evidence has supported the theory of wormholes in outer space, much less within the Earths atmosphere, until NASAs Jack Scudder found a way to identify the elusive doorways floating between the Earth and the Sun. (27.9E, 35.8S) secured 2015, AG-3: Seattle, Washington USA. The doorway is actually two doorways, almost in a T shape. Observed by NASAs THEMIS spacecraft, they surround the Earth at a distance from 10,000 to 30,000 miles away. In 1973 Komsomols Pravda (a Russian alternative newspaper) ran an article entitled Earth, What Are You Anyway? Suggesting that the earth started out as a crystal with angular dimensions. All wormholes require exotic materials (material with negative energy density) in order to hold them open. -RMT, https://www.emeraldguardians.nl.eu.org/p/12-stargates-templar-sg-stargate-q-que.html, Don't miss the fun. By Teri Wade. There are no signs leading down this road, let alone pointing to it. (Secured 2 August 2015), SG-11: Vale of Pewsey S. England. Aside from the unusual helicopter hieroglyphs, comparisons have been made to the paintings of Egyptian boats that were said to carry its passengers to the next world in the stars, being very similar to how modern day scientists would portray a wormhole, or at least the theory of one. However, two of the said pillars sit in the centre of these circles, almost making an archway of sorts. As the legends of Abu Ghurab being a stargate, there are also signs of what some would perceive to be advanced technology having been used to create the site. , which divided any kind of water including salt water into its fundamental elements of hydrogen and oxygen, by utilizing a process far simpler than the electrolysis method. Tiahuanaco city is said to be one of the most significant sites of ancient America, with legends declaring that the Sun God himself appeared in Tiahuanaco and made it the place of creation. They are the veins and traffic arteries that make up the universal transportation system. Legends state that the larger door is for the gods, themselves. Your email address will not be published. Que-Sites's added By. I agree to receive email updates and promotions. The gates are almost always operated standing vertically, though they are operable in any orientation. In 2007, while searching for the remains of shipwrecks, scientists discovered a stone structure 12 meters (40 ft) below the surface of Lake Michigan. Use the same account and membership for TV, desktop, and all mobile devices. Evidently he stumbled upon the intersection of some key ley lines which pin-pointed the exact location of the Egyptian stargate. The ancient site is said to sit where 14 ley lines converge and some feel, along with other similar ancient sites, this essentially makes it an energy portal or stargate. by time time we found the Antarctic gate which was later stored away. While out in the desert, a sudden rain storm hit the area and turned the skies grey with clouds. Now in the 20th century, Dorothy was able to transcribe ancient Egyptian texts and even knew where the archaeologists should dig to excavate the remains of the ancient city. This has led many researchers to state the purpose of the gate is indeed connected to something astronomical, although this is hotly debated. However, he too, became scared, mounted his horse and returned home. As he turned to leave, he caught a glimpse of the archway, and saw that the skies through the arch were clear blue. Behind it was a tunnel that shone with great blue light. Essentially, it is a stargate and the sacred energies were the Neters (gods). Updated Status list made by William Hung. The gates are almost always operated standing vertically, though they are operable in any orientation. (2)The star opened the pit of the abyss, and smoke rose out of it like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the pit. We use cookies and similar technologies to run this website and help us make recommendations for you. mais nous ne pouvons pas acheter ces billets South/East of Halley. Hola Meg, se que falta poco para que empiece el espectculo, quiero saber que tengo que hacer una vez he pagado los 12 $, es una meditacin? Among these are ethanol, natural gas, electricity, and even propane. He claims the program was run jointly by the CIA and DARPA, and was used to contact former presidents, teleport to Mars, and maintain a rapport with extraterrestrials. Testing started in 1943 and was successful to a large degree. From the surfaces of the earth alone, there are places that look like portals to the underworld because of its unanticipated depth and exceptionality. A NASA-sponsored researcher at the University of Iowa has developed a way for spacecraft to hunt down hidden magnetic portals in the vicinity of Earth. Tiahuanaco city is said to be one of the most important sites of ancient America, with legends stating that the Sun god, Viracocha, appeared in Tiahuanaco and made it the place of creationthe place he chose to start the human race. The term Stargate means just that: an otherworldly door or portal to outside realms, hidden within Earth's and space's magnetic fields, waiting to transport the enlightened traveler to a place beyond current time limitations. Three hours later, the second mate went to wake his captain. The T columns are very similar to the Gate of the Gods at Hayu Marca in Peru. While space seems to be the most likely location for these doorways to other universes, many places on planet Earth have also been attributed with special . The story says that when Spanish explorers arrived in Peru in the 16th century, looting Inca riches as they went, an Incan priest named Amaru Maru fled his temple with a valuable golden diskThe Key of the Gods of the Seven Rays. Amaru Maru found the doorway and saw it was guarded by Shaman priests. Dalnegorsk UFO Crash Witnessed by Hundreds, Craigslist Killer Says More than 20 Murders Attributed to Traveling Satanic Cult, Maccabean Leaders the Hasmonean Dynasty III, NASA Still Encounters UFOs In Space- Video. Every decision we make is inspired by our vision to empower a community of individuals to come together to build a more conscious world. Wormhole Physics. Many have noted feeling these subtle fluctuations in frequencies in the area, although conclusive scientific testing or investigation hasnt confirmed anything yet. The Hollow Moon Theory; Is the Moon an Artificial Satellite? At least one incident in recent history may support this seemingly crazy theory. They have many descriptions and uses. On 12:12 the cosmic portal opens throughout the galaxy to access divine consciousness and the activation of 12 strand DNA. The 5th dimension on Earth will be a Tribal Space-Age existence. Respected businessman Robert T. Bigelow believed so strongly that activities such as these were important to the survival of the planet that he formed the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) and staffed it with top scientists in the field. The Monsanto Blackwater Connection; Spying on Activists, A Parallel Dimension is Changing People and Events in Our Universe. Multiple theories surround it; some suggest that it is a gateway or a portal. Although it now stands upright, when it was found by European explorers in the mid-1800s, it was said to have been lying horizontally. It was as if she was trying to open a secret door or gateway. Est ce que la vido sera en franais, Nous nous connecterons cette mditation mon mari Christian et Moi Suzanne Connects with Universal and Galatic SG: Aveyon Lyra, Avalon Lyra, Nibiru. Located at Montauk, Long Island, New York, Montauk Air Force Station, also known as Camp Hero, was the site of The Montauk Project. Bioresonance Therapy: A Scientific Anomaly or Magnetic Magic? Never miss an email from us and add [emailprotected] to your approved email list to prevent blocking to spam. Upon activation, this time-traversing machine created a vortal tunnel from radiant energy that was capable of bending the fabric of reality. Dear ones, If you appreciate what we do, please support us. Most of them seem to be located where the Sun and the Earths magnetic fields connect to form an unobstructed path, causing the area to pulse with charged particles that also create the Northern Lights and geomagnetic storms we sometimes witness here on Earth. Einstein believed in them. While not entirely certain what exactly these portals are, Scudder and his team remain optimistic that the answer is not beyond reach. We are transmitters and receivers of light. In the mountains of Arizona, claims to be the Doorway of the godsa strange stone arch portal to another time and space. He told them a story of his people, dating back to the 1800s, of three tribesman who had discovered the archway while riding in the desert. back in time to get used to the sensation. The Gate of the Gods located at Hayu Marca in Peru is believed to be established by native tribes. Though the government would like to cover up the real reason behind these occurrences and label them hoaxes, it is more likely that they simply want to be in control of the outcome of the research and take credit for it. First noted in late 1950 or early 1951, the Bermuda Triangle was deemed to be a mysterious area in which huge military ships and planes were lost without any other plausible explanation forthcoming from the government or the military. Located in Uintah County in Utah, Skinwalker Ranch also called UFO Ranch is one of the states most famous areas of paranormal activity. Although the site was recorded as far back as the 1960s, it wasnt until the the mid-90s when the T-Shaped pillars were discovered. He describes the computer configuration from which the portal was being controlled as rudimentary and plugged into the wall with a power cord that would look more fitting if it lead to a lathe or drill press ironic for a machine capable of tearing the space-time continuum. Simultaneously, sailors stationed 375 miles south at the Norfolk Naval Base in Norfolk, Virginia, reported the ships appearance for several minutes before it vanished. Many ancient cultures speak of portals to other worlds and gateways to star systems where their creators reside. With its distinctive ring shape and ability to propel and brake at altitudes of 180,000 feet, it appears that NASA is positioning the LDSD Flying Saucer so that it can be used to conduct further explorations of Mars. Mainstream historians claim that the famous arrangement was built around 5,000 years ago, partly from bluestones that were quarried from a site 386 kilometers (240 mi) away. -Secure under High Council-Emerald Guard Protectorate (31 dec 2015). The architect of the Pyramids was the high priest Imhotep, who began building with simple stepped burial chambers and gradually refined his art into the amazing structures that you can see on the Giza plateau today. The Philadelphia Experiment, also sometimes called Project Rainbow, grew out of the desire to cloak the U.S. Navys destroyer, USS Eldridge, so that enemy devices were not able to detect it. During the powerful gateway that occurs between 12:12 and 12:21 Solstice, we are blessed with an extraordinary photonic light The site highlights various rings of massive T-shaped stone columns, each engraved with a carving of an animal. The portal itself, Basiago describes as two parentheses-shaped booms that were 8 feet tall and spaced about 10 feet apart. On each side of the emerging god, there are strange shimmering columns of water. When we travel to the galactic center and connect to the crystal stargate of Source, we are paving the pathway home to Creator. They are the veins and traffic arteries that make up the universal transportation system. . This is also near the Heart (Lamb) of the Great White Lion APIN in Southern France. Gaia guides people on their personal transformational paths with the worlds largest library of exclusive and original conscious media. It is believed that the ancient residents of the region used to travel through the said stargates. The pair did so successfully before leaping off the deck and materializing in the current year. Travel to the Great Central Sun and step into the Crystal Stargate with Starseeds all around the world, as Meg channels Metatrons sacred geometry Activations. 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12 stargates on earth