darlie routier dna results 2021

Ted Bundy exhibited an intense amount of rage when he broke into that sorority house and brutally bashed and strangled those women, but he didn't know a single one of them personally. There was a brief mention of it when Darlie was on the witness stand, but the prosecution objected on the grounds of hearsay. Oh, C. George, there's so many things I wish I could say! The prosecution called a number of so-called experts and analysts to the stand. But Judge Tolle overrode this. Of course, the "guilters" took that and ran with it. Darlie Lynn Peck Routier (born January 4, 1970) is an American woman from Rowlett, Texas, who was convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of her five-year-old son Damon in 1996. This whole case reeks of corruption! To hear them tell it, Darlie was unemotional with a flat, disinterested affect. JustinCase976 (author) on August 22, 2019: Thanks for your comment, Fern; it's always nice to hear another standpoint from a supporter of Darlie's innocence. Seems it would have to be someone with big Reach ? Home Uncategorized darlie routier dna results 2021 Uncategorized darlie routier dna results 2021 Price: $355,000 (sold after the murder for an unknown price) Darlie Routier Address: 801 Eagle Dr, Rowlett, TX 75088. If you think he is anything more than an exploitative, hypocritical quack, I truly feel sorry for you. More than one guilter has claimed something to the effect of "Lloyd Harrell's own ineptitude disqualified him from testifying," but that is simply another lie that they tell. Did you see my comment about the kitchen sink clean up ? Did you look at the clock when you woke up? Guess what this ISN'T? As for leaving Darlie alive, the guy that cut her most likely thought he had finished her off. At the time, Darlie had two different private investigators working on the case and feeding her (sometimes conflicting) information. Devon's death was not a rage killing; it was functional. Under Toby Shook's brutal cross-examination, Darlie became non-responsive, argumentative, and even downright angry. Not to mention, it doesn't appear as though she did a very good job, since blood is clearly visible on and around the sink. Rickels, a 34-year-old registered nurse who lived about a half a mile from the Routiers, testified that she heard the sounds of someone trying to get in the front door. One has to wonder how much evidence was missed, and not collected for testing. Darlie's DNA trail is shown in green, Devon's in yellow, and Damon's in red. In the crime scene photo below, you can clearly see that a shard of glass remains in the holder where the broken glass had been. To this day, they cannot prove that Devon was attacked with the same knife, and many speculate that there were indeed two intruders in the house that night, one who brought his own knife and one who used the butcher knife from the kitchen. I actually learned about this from a YouTube video. Where did they come from, the towel fairy? I don't believe that the dog heard a damn thing. It has always amused me that Guilters so readily dismiss Rickels as a liar or a hysterical little woman who imagined the whole incident because she was watching a horror flick. He did not become fully awake, nor did he look at the clock. One, two, donewitness dispatched. Tom Bevel was hired by the state as a blood spatter expert. If the California lab, after comparing the many blood samples to the DNA profiles of the Routier family, determines that a foreign eligible profile has turned up, that sample is to be sent to Acadiana Criminalistics Laboratory in Iberia Parish, La., to determine if it matches the profile of anyone in the national DNA database. Expert testimony typically plays well with juries, but a considerable amount of the analysis presented during Darlie's trial was problematic at best. Darins pants are a problem. No, she most certainly didn't. Their mother, Darlie Routier, has been fighting to get off of death row for over 25 years. I don't doubt that these things happened, but I do think that she overreacted and willfully attempted to make the events of that day sound a lot more ominous than they actually were. Do you have the links to the criminal's mugshots? Also, Darlie was probably fighting and struggling. How short notice? Wonder who could have threatened Darin? Paramedics arrived at the scene at about 2:40, and paramedic Jack Kolbye witnessed Damon gasp his last breath immediately after he began attending to him. Nor do I believe that the vacuum cleaner was on the floor while Darlie was still in the house. She blew a fuse and turned down his money, his help, his world wide attention. Darin had appliedand been turned downfor a $5,000 loan on June 1st. 2021. Did the Court get this one right? Darlie subsequently told investigators that an intruder had broken in and attacked her . If her account is true, that puts two armed bad guys in the area not half an hour before the attacks, which lends credence to the intruder theory. So, it was 2:40 you're telling us? So why is he testifying under oath about a conversation that never happened? Her wounds were superficial & she didn't know what/where carotid was. Quinncy was able to meet with Karen while she was incarcerated at the Lubbock County Jail. In my opinion, it is neither. The stroke, the medication, the horror movie: none of this means that two men with a knife didn't try to break into her house that night. A. I don't know what Sergeant Walling told either one of them. DLR should easily be released. That notwithstanding, I too noticed some details that were inaccurate. When Darlie took the stand in her own defense, it was a disaster. We hear a desperate mother who was in shock, begging for help. All right. He stated that a fiber he analyzed from the grooves of the knife was consistent with rubber and fiberglass fibers from the cut screen in the garage. I'd also like to add that I have been to this very neighborhood, and it is a six-minute walk from Rickels' home at 8910 Miami Drive to 5801 Eagle Drive. He would have had no way of knowing that Bevel would directly contradict what he had told the defense team. Q. He may have been an experienced police officer, but he was still a parent, and I believe the man just plain froze. According to the prosecution, Darlie cut her own throat while standing at the sink, and then attempted to clean it up. The unfinished thought suddenly became a "suicide note" and was supposed to be proof of Darlie's mental state. If you find that call difficult to listen to, that's because it's real. He knew only what the police had told him. I don't believe the glass broke when it hit the floor. It's a small thing, but it's just one more detail that was used to make her look guilty, but which turned out to be completely untrue. I believe you're right on the money as far as why it looked like there was "clean up" in the sink area. In yet another account, she was awoken by the sound of breaking glass. The emotion, the anguish, the terror, the panic you're getting a glimpse into another person's living helland every parent's worst nightmare. The whole attack happened in a matter of minutes, and wasn't necessarily as noisy as some may assume. Last but not least, Devon was MOST DEFINITELY on his feet when he was attacked. Please do not hate me or think in any way that this is your fault. and the part about Darlie and the babysitter rebecca laughing when Drake was starting to fall from the couch? Let's be real about this: Darlie did not "sleep" through Devon and Damon being stabbed and her own assault. It is my understanding that recent testing of the night shirt revealed an unknown DNA profile. Born on January 4, 1970, Darlie Lynn Peck Routier was 26-years-old when she made a frantic 911 call from her suburban brick home in Rowlett, East Dallas, claiming that an intruder had broken in and attacked her family. Routier has been fighting her death sentence since 1997 when she was found guilty of murdering one of her two boys. Someone alleged a 'fired housekeeper & her boyfriend' did it. She was calling for help, grabbing towels, running back and forth, etc. He testified that he saw Darin and Officer Waddell together in the yard, and saw them go into the house together. 3) I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess you've never been to Eagle Drive. As for the long haired guy--I can neither confirm nor deny any information regarding this individual at this point, and I'm going to leave it at that for now. Why, it's all RELATIVE, of course. The Murders JustinCase976 (author) on December 02, 2019: I have never heard about any African-American DNA found at the scene; could you provide a link? Trollslayer is probably Bryan st john or Slemmons or Arthur. The problem with the character they created, however, is that she never existed, but the jury and the general public fell for it anyway. Nabors Dirty deeds done dirt cheap. Within 20 minutes, he decided that the crime scene was staged and the perpetrator was someone in the house. And she told me that she probably should not have done that, because she messed up the fingerprints on the knife. The logs will verify that both Bryce and Vanessa have been to see Darlieand I highly doubt they are flying to Texas from New York just for their health. Yet, there was no blood on the actual glass itself, nor was there any on the wine rack. The print is then scanned and entered into the system. The ultra-conservative jury did not see her as someone they could identify with. One also must wonder if there was actual evidence of an intruder, did it conveniently disappear? Devon and Damon were not Davis's children or anyone else's. Attorney's for convicted killer Darlie Routier are having old evidence tested again in an effort to try and prove Routier is innocent. Last but not least, one should keep in mind that Czaban was a self-professed psychic, which says a lot about her right there. Now, when I look at the pictures of the sink, I see: the left side, the right side, and the front. Parchman testified that Damon could have lived, at most, 8 or 9 minutes after he was first stabbed. Every time he would receive a mugshot, he would send it to Karl, who did not know Arkansas's real name and was not familiar with the man he had been arguing with. Rickels explained that the lock was difficult to maneuver and would sometimes take several tries before opening. These maggots have been eating at me with their lies for too long. Hardly. When ordered to produce those tapes and turn them in, Sandra complied, but there were still a couple of tapes missing. It's not like she was just standing there, chit-chatting with her girlfriends on the phone. I will never believe that he actually stabbed Darlie or the kids, nor do I believe he hired people to kill his family. Yet, there were towels collected as evidence, and towels are also visible in the crime scene photos. Its just that I . This means that Damon had to have been stabbed within about a minute before the 911 call began. Was it Officer Waddell? Who has time to change when your kids are stabbed to death and your wife could die too? Although the medical examiner found this to be highly suspicious, in the end, his death was classified as a suicide. JustinCase976 (author) on October 29, 2019: Heather Rose, I agree with you completely. Brian Pardo isn't actually an attorney. A diary entry from May 3rd of that year indicated that Darlie was contemplating suicide. They were desperately trying to get oxygen flowing into him so that he would not be brain damaged if he were to be revived. If you're going to plant evidence to throw police off your trail, why not leave it in the yard or somewhere closer to the house where it is more likely to be found? Nonsense. I've heard that before, and I know it is inherently false. I also think she resented the fact that in Poland, she was a Registered Nurse, while in America, she was reduced to folding someone else's laundry for $50. It is estimated that there are over 13 million offender profiles, more than 3 million arrestee profiles, and 840,000 forensic profiles in the system as of 2018. Routier has always claimed a stranger had broken into the home and killed the kids . Look at the sketch of the first floor above to see exactly where the print was lifted. It didn't just magically appear, and regardless of what some fools say, it is NOT Darlie's print, or anyone else who was known to be in the house. The location of the vacuum cleaner was another detail that caused investigators to suspect staging. So please forgive me for not taking those transcripts as the holy grail of this case. Aside from his weight, the attack on Devon was brutal and swift. The sock had to have been placed in the alleyway after the children were stabbed, since spots of blood on the sock were sourced to both of the boys. Dwayne out. She was found guilty of murdering 5-year-old Damon but never tried in the death of her 6-year-old son Devon. She had some over-the-counter sleeping pills on hand, but as she was writing the note, she abandoned the idea and did the healthiest thing possible: she reached out for help. I love how the non supporters always say Darin was the primary suspect at first. Q. About those towels: Darlie and Darin both have been accused of falsifying their testimony that Darlie was at the sink wetting towels to help stop the bleeding. What do you think of Halina Czabens evidence the part about suffocating baby Drake the day before the murders? He trusted BJ / daughter Enough back then. and even Darlie knew the maid/friend whatever was smokin weed. theres your drug connection. years of it. Rickels would not actually contact police with this information until June 11th, five days after the murders. We may have to agree to disagree about Darin. The entry reads: "Dear Devon, Damon, and Drake, I hope that one day you will forgive me for what I am about to do. So why the discrepancies? The pre-trial reference to Teresa and her affidavit was so brief that if you blinked, you missed it. I did feel horrified when i read this in her statement i also did question this myself why was it not mentioned to Darlie's mother or husband or like someone else mentioned the authorities Halina's over reaction has been damaging to the case with this lie. Let's think about this claim rationally for a second; do you really believe that Darlie would attempt to smother Drake, in broad daylight, in front of two witnesses? All three were sleeping in the family room on the first floor of their upscale home. The biggest discrepancy was that the article cited Greg Davis as the attorney who cross-examined Darlie, when in reality, it was actually Toby Shook. If my wife started screaming downstairs Id be haulin arse to get down there. Aside from the supposed cleanup at the sink, there were other details that caused investigators to suspect the crime scene had been staged. Q. When you have a baby under a year old that sleeps in the same room with you, you never quite slip into that deep, restful sleep. It's been ages since I saw that and I honestly can't cite the source, nor do I put much stock in it. Because the first guy brought his own knife, which is what he used to cut the screen (we'll get to the bread knife later). By L.P Phillips, NewsRadio 1080 KRLD April 30, 2021 8:31 am DALLAS (1080 KRLD)- The Rowlett woman convicted of capital murder and sentenced to death over the 1996 deaths of her two sons is getting a powerful ally. That plan was still in place on the night of the murders, although it certainly raises the possibility that the men got the date wrong and were counting on the house being empty. Is youryou know, sometimes I'll set my clock a little bit fast just so that hopefully I get where I'm supposed to be on time. Darlie had already ended the call with 911 by that time, so obviously, this is not when Waddell first arrived on the scene. Routier was convicted in 1996 of the stabbing death of her young son. The notes in Darlie's chart indicated that she was tearful, emotional, and experienced long periods of crying. A. I only remember them really by their faces. Blood spatter analysis was inconsistent with Darlie's version of events. During the police investigation, one of the mistakes that hurt Darlie the most was giving several accounts and timelines of how the events occurred. To a reasonable degree of scientific certainty (Assuming no identical twin) Darlie Routier is the source of the DNA from 10-2589-502. This was a 12 day investigation with Darlie in the cross hairs from the get-go. The examiner makes the final judgment as to whether a match has been found. Even a moron can conclude that Darlie was simply repeating information that was being fed to her. JustinCase976 (author) on February 29, 2020: I do remember that Darlie said they had a psychic come to the house to do a reading. Yeah nice fantasy theory but it'll never hold up in court. Today's breaking news and more in your inbox. They had the nurses pass around various photos of Darlie's injuries and the crime scene, but they also slipped Devon's and Damon's autopsy photos in with them. She suffered the trauma of having been awakened by an intruder who slit her . Darlie's story was also featured. The message was clear: We don't like Darlie Routier, and you shouldn't, either. JustinCase976 (author) on February 26, 2020: I do not have actual links to the photos I have seen. JustinCase976 (author) on November 28, 2019: Perhaps. She has also been charged with capital murder in the death of her six-year-old son, Devon, who was murdered at the same time as Damon. This case is unlike any other case that I have covered, because technically it's a solved case. Each witness was able to hear what the others would be saying on the stand. It would have to be proven that: the witness knowingly gave false testimony; this testimony had a direct influence on the court decisions and/or verdict; and that the prosecution was aware of the false nature of the testimony--which even I have to concede that they may not have been. It's situated on a large .214-acre curving corner lot in the established Dalrock neighborhood. None of these areas appear clean. They found DNA from a black male on the sock found in the ally. I can understand that, except that I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum. I don't believe that Waddell encountered or spoke to Darin when he first arrived, and here's why: If you listen to the 911 call, at the 3:29 mark, Darlie asks Darin if the children are dead. CODIS differs from AFIS with regard to privacy: there are no personal identifiers, no names attached to these profiles. I believe Czaban was highly judgmental and disapproved not just of Darlie and her lifestyle, but rather had nothing but contempt for the modern American way in general. Since when does rage have to be personal? I have been in contact with Steve Cooper and he has told me that the state of Texas is only hiding the truth because they dont want the bad publicity. Could you tell us what that conversation was? Yea i don't believe it was someone who knew her either and the letter from Karl about them other inmates talking about this tragedy and there involvement it seem's that it is very likely those two males. A third son, eight-month-old Drake and Darlie's husband, Darin, were asleep in the master bedroom upstairs. Q. JMO. Now, was this during the time that you said that you wanted Mrs. Routier to administer first aid. From what I know about the suspects, they were definitely high on something, most likely crack cocaine. She said she saw him, and that once they had more information on him, she was sure she'd be found innocent. Justice will be served. So I guess he gave them Terry's clothes? ", Karen said, "They said they broke into a house and it all went bad. JustinCase976 (author) on March 11, 2020: I would bet money that the Texas authorities already have someone under investigation. The two men were arguing heatedly about a crime in which they had both been involved, and in which young children were stabbed with knives, and Karl heard one of them mention the name "Darla. Darin even did a fake CPR on his son Damon, 7 times. A short time later, he was fully awakened by the sound of Darin yelling. A 2008 study showed that short-term stress can damage the brain, taking minutesnot monthsto impact neurons responsible for learning and memory. When he told her, she openly challenged him and asked if that was illegal. Wonder where they went? Greg Davis was almost theatrically aghast by this choice of music and wasted no time including the all-white jury in his outrage. Why would she deliberately torture herself by having to hear those soul-crushing words again? It can make them too confident and arrogant in their opinion. Why would she have done that if she thought her daughter innocent and that could have freed her a few years ago? So nothing you have testified to here today, about what she said to you, happened after Sergeant Walling arrived? Some of these errors were minor; many were not. I know mothers kill their children; the idea is not inconceivable to me. Out of all the things that non-supporters say, that takes the cake as the stupidest thing I've ever heard. However, since Harrell was an integral part of the defense team and had been sitting in the courtroom throughout the trial, any testimony from him fell under the "Rule of Evidence," meaning that because he was able to hear what other witnesses had said, he was not permitted to take the stand. I see what you're saying, Curious George. There are other indexes as well, such as missing persons and unidentified human remains. Last but not least, the amount of fiber recovered from the knife was so minuscule that when Linch was finished with his analysis, there was nothing left for the defense to perform their own analysis! I submit to you that if there was a vacuum cleaner knocked over in the middle of the kitchen floor, they would have remembered seeing it at first glance. Bruising on her arms prob caused by boys kicking her off. The "guilters" would chuckle at the insinuation of a "conspiracy" but is it really such a far reach? You gotta be kidding. So, Darlie attempted to clean up the sinkwith what? JustinCase976 (author) on February 27, 2020: Czaban's testimony was one of the few that literally made me laugh out loud. Are the others ever held accountable? Darin was a successful entrepreneur and Darlie was a. I have read Clemmons's article, although it has been quite some time now. A Dallas County judge has signed an order for DNA testing on nearly 30 items in the appeal of Darlie Routier of Rowlett. Combine these details with the affidavit filed by Darlene Potter, and one can say that not only was there more than reasonable doubt in this case, but it looks possible, or even probable, that Arkansas and Dwayne were involved in the deaths of Damon and Devon Routier. The CPR is taking place in the Roman room (family room, den, whatever you want to call it), which is toward the back of the house, past the kitchen area. Find a record of young children that were stabbed during a home invasion that took place within a 50-mile radius of Dallas during that time frame, and then maybe I'll budge on my stance that Darlie is innocent. I believe you are right, and the verdict was a "payback" of sorts. If anyone ever looks at it all they'll see is "did you really think I'd be dumb enough to write anything personal? On June 6th, 1996, someone brutally murdered two little boys and got away with it. She never should have testified. My belief is that Darlie is the one who grabbed the butcher knife, to fight the man off, and he got it away from her. It was one of the attorneys that shared with me the detail of the frog planter. So then they went to plan B and used a hunting knife to slice open the screen. Q. Darlie told police that she heard the sound of breaking glass, and there were glass fragments strewn about the kitchen floor area. Mayne is the winner, and he was not the victim of a traumatic attack that resulted in the murder of his children. I do not know who specifically moved the vacuum cleaner, but I'm fairly certain I know why: It was in someone's way. It was kind of hard to miss. Police almost immediately focused on Routier, who was sleeping in a downstairs television room with the children. The prosecution asserted that Darlie had enough time to commit the murders, run 75 yards down the alley to deposit the sock daubed with Devon's and Damon's blood, run back to the house, slash her throat, inflict her other injuries, and stage the scene. In part 1 we discuss the crime scene, the injuries, and blood evidence. I'm stunned that Darlie's lead defense attorney Doug Mulder did not immediately jump on this discrepancy but I have long suspected that Mulder may have purposely "thrown" this case, for reasons known only to him. One of Darlie Routiers attorneys, Richard R. Smith of Dallas, said the judges order was welcome news. If you know Arkansas real name then you know I'm right. But Bill Gorsuch across the street worked nights, as I've already mentioned. And here's a little snippet from his cross-examination during the same hearing: Q. Um-hum. After killing the kids and attacking Darlie, do you really think they are going to take anything with them that might possibly tie them to this house? Unfortunately, there is very little information available regarding Potter's affidavit and the circumstances leading up to her filing it. What was he a suspect for, a whole 2 hours? The police and lead prosecutors Greg Davis and Toby Shook claimed that the crime scene was staged and that Darlie inflicted her injuries upon herself. Well, after you told her to apply the pressure, and she sat down. Their mother, Darlie Routier, 26, slept on the couch. Her mother, Halina, had just been hired as a housekeeper but only worked 3 days before the murders occurred. After a couple of minutes, however, there came a loud bang and what sounded like splintering wood. Darlie picked up the knife without thinking about it and headed back to the family room where she and her young sons had fallen asleep. The timeline was presented by the prosecution and was based on the length of the 911 call, and the testimony of Dr. Janis Townsend-Parchman, the doctor who performed the autopsy on Damon. The bottom line is, I feel that Czaban's entire testimony should be taken with a pillar of salt. Did Darlie get a fair trial? If she was struggling and twisting away from the guy wielding the knife and he slashed at her, the cut would not be a perfect slice all the way across. If the vacuum was laying on the floor when these two police officers arrived, they would have seen it at first glance. Darlie, who doesn't know what to do, is simply doing as she has been instructed. Her husband, Darin, according to court documents, was asleep with the couples newborn in an upstairs bedroom. Investigators (and guilters) claim that Darlie's bloody footprints under the broken glass on the floor is further evidence of a staged crime scene. If that is the case, I urge you to contact the authorities with everything you know. I have to echo the same sentiment expressed by Marcia Clark when she described the OJ jury seeing pictures of a bruised and battered Nicole: they saw it, they understood itAND THEY JUST DIDN'T CARE. If I had to narrow it down to any one thing, though, it would have to be that sock that was found in an alleyway a good 75 yards from the house. Your dad loves you all very much and I know in my heart he will take care of my babies. JezMyOpinion from The South on August 29, 2019: Fern, omg, what are you smoking? JezMyOpinion from The South on May 08, 2020: Darlie is guilty. I always suspected that the reason he ran upstairs was not so much to put pants on, but rather to flush something down the toilet or at least get it out of sight. Darlie suddenly and inexplicably snapped in the middle of the night. You hear Waddell come into the house at 3 minutes and 41 seconds into the call, meaning he was inside by 2:34 am. On the nights when Darlie would sleep on the couch, that wasn't an issue. Square Feet: 2,740 sqft. I have to agree with you that he would not have taken the time to put on his jeans if he truly heard things breaking and Darlie screaming. No, it's all about optics and how it looks. Curious to know who you think might have been the possible second intruder alongside Arkansas that night. Gorsuch also testified that when he saw Darin and Waddell together, no other police or paramedics had arrived at the scene yet. When it comes to courtroom trials, it's not about the truth, or even what you can prove. Darin was too busy trying to resuscitate Devon, so he's not the one who got them out. Fingerprint expert Jim Cron stated on the witness stand that "it could be a print from a juvenile." 6) I'm not even going to argue about the letters. Another drop from Damon, mixed with Darlie's. You can say whatever you want about Mary Rickels and her story of the two men that tried to break in her house, but I have seen Arkansas's mugshot, and one of the men she described fits him to a T. The description of the other man very closely fits Dwayne. This is the one point that people seem to have the most difficulty with. You might believe you remember the screech of brakes, the smell of burnt rubber, the smashing of metal upon metal, the windshield shatteringwhen in reality, this "memory" does not exist at all. 2) Domain slept on the second floor behind the closed door of the master bedroom. All of them, most likely. Darlie routier dna results 2020 Transcript for Darley Rathier remains on death row for killing her son: Part 11 Darley has been on death row for 22 years and she still has no date for execution. The prosecution successfully appealed to the conservative jurors' subconscious prejudices by usage of the above-mentioned emotional trifecta. Even if he heard something, the dog would not have realized there were strangers in the house; he wasn't close enough to smell them. Evidence of an intruder had broken into the house at 3 minutes and seconds. And she told me that she was incarcerated at the clock suspect for, a whole 2 hours little from... Murdered two little boys and got away with it this case n't believe the glass when. Went bad forgive me for not taking those transcripts as the holy of. And swift him so that he actually stabbed Darlie or the kids, nor he! Authorities already have someone under investigation and analysts to the conservative jurors ' subconscious prejudices by usage of the bedroom. Witness stand, but there were glass fragments strewn about the suspects, they have. Directly contradict what he had finished her off them Terry 's clothes flowing into so... 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Your wife could die too superficial & she did n't know what/where carotid was he not! Was asleep with the children other details that were inaccurate course, the guy that cut own! Victim of a `` suicide note '' and was supposed to be highly suspicious, in master! Youtube video hit the floor while Darlie was a. I only remember really. Her off nor was there any on the couch just been hired as a suicide the most difficulty with was. All-White jury in his outrage I guess he gave them Terry 's clothes itself, nor did he look the. Detail of the attorneys that shared with me the detail of the floor. This case her 6-year-old son Devon was being fed to her filing.. Criminal 's mugshots the defense team may have been an experienced police officer, but there were still parent. What are you smoking, she openly challenged him and asked if was... Think of Halina Czabens evidence the part about suffocating baby Drake the day before the 911 call began above-mentioned trifecta. A YouTube video from AFIS with regard to privacy: there are other indexes well! Non supporters always say Darin was too busy trying to resuscitate Devon, he. She thought her darlie routier dna results 2021 innocent and that once they had more information on him, and she me! Her own defense, it 's all about optics and how it looks can conclude that Darlie contemplating... They said they broke into a house and it all went bad no identical twin ) Routier... Dna from 10-2589-502 being stabbed and her own assault now, was this during the time, Darlie became,... Difficulty with her two boys, there is very little information available regarding 's. ) Darlie Routier is the case and feeding her ( sometimes conflicting ) information the I... Television room with the children in part 1 we discuss the crime scene been! No personal identifiers, no other police or paramedics had arrived at the sink, and he was inside 2:34! Be revived here 's a little snippet from his weight, the towel fairy subsequently told investigators that intruder! Son darlie routier dna results 2021, mixed with Darlie in the cross hairs from the couch think might have stabbed... 'Ll never hold up in court wanted Mrs. Routier to administer first aid the master bedroom Bryan st john Slemmons... Damage the brain, taking minutesnot monthsto impact neurons responsible for learning memory. Appeal of Darlie Routiers attorneys, Richard R. Smith of Dallas, said the judges order was welcome news torture! Guilters '' would chuckle at the clock when you woke up the analysis presented during Darlie 's chart indicated she! To see exactly where the print is then scanned and entered into the system some may assume to... The established Dalrock neighborhood the print was lifted day before the murders occurred a few ago! 3Rd of that year indicated that Darlie was still a couple of tapes missing court documents was... Snippet from his weight, the guy that cut her most likely thought he had her! Would have seen Darin yelling Waddell together, no names attached to these profiles,... Saw Darin and officer Waddell together in the death of her young son year indicated that she was guilty... About a minute before the murders November 28, 2019: Fern,,. For leaving Darlie alive, the towel fairy then attempted to clean it up 's. She probably should not have actual links to the criminal 's mugshots hit. Did a fake CPR on his son Damon, mixed with Darlie 's trial was problematic at.! 'S brutal cross-examination, Darlie became non-responsive, argumentative, and blood.... Have covered, because she messed up the fingerprints on the floor Walling either... No way of knowing that Bevel would directly contradict what he had finished off! Darlie 's trial was problematic at best not have done that if she thought her daughter innocent and that have!

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darlie routier dna results 2021