warrior cats gathering call

ThunderClan takes in Birdflight and her two kits. Mothwing stands in for Mistystar and Reedwhisker, insisting they are ill with whitecough. Promise me youll stay here. The MoonClan cats would enter the gathering with their pelts full of mud and debris, a tired gloomy haze surrounding them. Skystar once again reports Twolegs on his territory and urges the other Clans to help. Wolfclan: Thornbriar arrived second, conversed a little but remained mostly quiet . Our clan is as strong as ever." AGatheringis a meeting of the Clansand is held on the night of a full moon. Clearly Rainstar and Wolfstar dont get along. She grumbled before turning her head and lapped her shoulder with a swift lick. This kind of biography gives you more room to add more traits and information about your OC. IceheArt narrowed her eyes. Finding your roleplay style can help you be consistent in the roleplay. - Foggy, Dustshine huffed as Foggypaw backed into her. - Raggedpaw, Wolfy walked over to the edge of the hollow where it was less crowded, and wondered how Yasbelle was doing. The groups teach each other. I'll keep her safe." Gatherings. "And I guess you're LakeClan,"Finally! - Wolfy, Hollyflight twitched an ear half in amusement. - Rosepaw, Foggypaw decided to go chat with other cats, not before spotting Lionpaw with some strange cat, she hissed sending them a glare. That's what Thrushstar founded us on. Lionpaw's response was a small smirk. He curled a lip and took a step back, only to find a lean tabby before him. I have daughters who need me in camp. Nervous about what she was going to tell. Petuniaheart, You know StarClan hasnt given me any sign or prophetic dream, of course not. She chuckled. But also an annoying furball. call - a chatty cat; only for bird prefixes. There was a strange glimmer in the red apprentice's blue orbs before he turned and marched back to MoonClan's ranks. "MoonClan carries a long, proud ancestry of powerful cats. He shrugged. Clan leaders hold Gatherings to share news with the other Clans. Leopardstar accuses the other Clans of prey-stealing, adding that the fish in the lake belong to RiverClan. They always do anyway. Dustpaw shrugged, saying, "I dunno. The new deputy of [Clan name] is [warrior's name]. Deciding WotW | 16th January - 22nd January, 2023 . Let StarClan recieve him/her as a warrior. Warrior Cats Movie (2023) by Duckenheimer | created - 04 Jan 2021 | updated - 04 Jan 2021 | Public. --Talonpaw & Nettlesoar, Bloompaw was silent, her gaze flickered around the crowed looking for someone she studied the creamy pelt, surely she wasnt in the prophecy, what would Bloompaw do without her? Everyone else on the Skyrock. The Gatherings are made special by a truce, ordained by StarClan and the warrior code, prohibiting hostilities between the Clans. Did he just. Was that a She paused, maybe it was a sign? If a leader cannot attend, the deputy will speak on behalf of their Clan. )).". Jaypaw's first Gathering. Your mentor will be [name of warrior or medicine cat]. --Patchwhisker, Argent followed behind Ospreypaw, then gawked for a moment at all the cats in the clearing, even with no CliffClan or MoonClan in sight. "Hey Wolfy, how ya doing?" Graystripe suggests all four Clans use their individual talents to chase the foxes away. Lionblaze defends Breezepelt's honor from Rowanclaw. [1] As said in the warrior code, there is a truce, which forbids fighting during the Gathering. Crookedstar is RiverClan's newest leader. "MoonClan won't be attending. "I suppose 'Argent' does have a pretty ring to it." Onestar reports victory against the stoats, and thanks ThunderClan for their help. LakeClan has found even her own fruitful lands growing dry. "Oh, really? -- Swiftpaw (MC), Wolfstar lead MoonClan away from the gathering place, a darkness visible in his eyes. Ceremonies are special "meetings" when a Clan leader declares a cat a certain rank. For their border with ThunderClan, ShadowClan have claimed half-way up the stream near the lake to the dead ash tree on the other side of the stream. I had to scare those chicken foxes off! He grinned. The start of the Gathering marks a time of truce between the four Clans.If the truce is broken, StarClanwill send clouds to cover the moon, signaling their displeasure. There are three warriors inside. There are two new warriors: Lionheart and Goldenflower. The MoonClan leader cast a side glance over in Ripplestar's direction. The golden-furred tom shot back with a teasing grin. However, most people that do not read the books do not know how to realistically play the game according to the lore. Bluestar refuses to give Tigerstar his kits. The following are just a few things to avoid while roleplaying. Leafdapple and, Leafstar commends those who fought against the. Should this happen, the Gathering is ended and each Clan returns to their respective territories. There is a button in the lower right corner of all posts that says "report to Moderator." If a member clicks this, a Mod may access these reports by going to the Admin menu. WindClan has been eating fish to survive the drought. "- Blazepaw, (fyi folks, nobody has heard the prophecy but fadingstorm) Patchwhisker twitched an ear at the murmurs in the crowd, blinking. They are small and wiry compared to the other Clans. Tallstar says he can scent ShadowClan on his territory. The young, old, or injured sit on the trail across from the gap. Iceheart at Blazepaws side. "You're not too bad yourself, for a LakeClan cat. back where she was, she gasped. The first thing a deputy is expected to do is organize patrols. They do the duties assigned to them by the leader, deputy, and medicine cat(s). The following are just a few things to keep in mind while roleplaying. The silver tabby let his hackles bristle, irritated. Maybe they didn't have spectacular agility or speed, but they were cats of massive proportions, and could easily squish the outsiders underneath their paws. Roleplaying is the main point of Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition. Prey is running well in ThunderClan. Maybe they'll have a solution to this issue. More than ever, the Clans needed to come together, but they had never been further apart. She wasnt interested in talking, more likely listening. The silvered leader twitched her whiskers in amusement. Petunia said friendly "I joined Lakeclan about a few seasons ago" She purred- Petuniaheart, Larchtail noticed a cat beckoning over to him, so he padded over. She didnt know what to think. Warrior cats inspired beanie plushies Squirrelflight Bluestar Firestar Hollyleaf Ashfur and more! This is not true, but some people believe it is. The silver tabby tom felt an overwhelming sensation of bitter resentment towards the arrogant golden tom (although Swiftpaw couldn't talk- he was no better). WindClan stands against aiding SkyClan and potentially redrawing borders. His ears raised, and the leader quickly batted it off with a paw. They are usually taken care of by other Clanmates, and tell stories, like the mythical clans LionClan, TigerClan, and LeopardClan, former battles of the Clans, difficult leaf-bares, etc. Had LakeClan no shame, or any form of intelligence what-so-ever? To Foggypaws relief, he didnt make some comment on her name, though he was quite large for an apprentice, though she can suspect why. "I better get back to them. Im sure MoonClan wont want all three clans coming down on them. $13.95. You?" They've rebuilt their dens, protected their borders, and stocked their fresh-kill pile. Clouds do not cover the moon. The way you type your username is not as important, but you want to make sure you come across clear. i wonder who will be chosen.I could think of some cats that would make sense" Petunia looked up and noticed Bloompaw, She gave her a warm smile "Hopefully not Bloompaw,Are Friendship is to Inportent"-Petuniaheart, Bloompaw smiled to Petuniaheart when they met gazes, she wished with everything she wouldnt ever leave her side, even as a medicine cat, she cant have kits, why should starclan care if she was in love? I dont know Before she turned her gaze to Fadingstorm. Wolfy Right?" Tigerstar requests his kits, Bluestar has died and Firestar is now leader of ThunderClan. Petunia asked herself-Petuniaheart, Foxstar dipped his head in respect to Rainstar and Ripplestar, then flicked his tail. "Y-yeah, that. He would not risk killing MoonClan cats- especially not his own nephew, who had so closely resembled Blackheart, his own sister. Power playing is when you are roleplaying unrealistically, whether that be fighting unreasonably strong, or roleplaying with magical powers. (medicine cat apprentice's name), do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between clans and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost ofyour life? Others ask if Tigerclaw is sick or dead, and Bluestar refuses to answer. The elder then joins the rest of the roleplaying elders. We must spare cats to attend this great journey." RiverClan has no problems feeding themselves. What other reason would it be than a virus she muttered as a large Tom came other to her, she gulped. Im sure Ill be fine. She meowed as she dispatched from her brothers large pelt, feeling a shiver go down her spine, she wished she hadnt declined her brothers wanting to come with her, though she just shuffled to where the medicine cats had stayed. And now I ask you to pass down all you know to this apprentice. Mange is a disease caused by mites which causes severe itching and hair / fur loss. StarClan cats who died from the Great Battle appear. Odd moonligh tonight. Despite the contest being concluded as a draw, Blackstar announces that Owlpaw will have the first pick of prey back at camp. Oh? The discontented medicine cat flattened his ears to block out their bickering, but something else caught his attention. Sometimes, you will see player's name as they show in the books (Frostfall, Blackmask), but due to Roblox guidelines, these types of name often tag, which is why most people use separators, such as an apostrophe, a colon, and much more depending on your taste! "Why is that?" 1. He didn't want to catch the "stupid". If it was a sign, why dont they just move some heavy clouds over and save us themselves. She hissed to Lilypaw lowly. Crowfood - A dead prey animal that has begun to rot can also be used as an insult (see below). Tigerstar announces that this is a sign, and ends the Gathering. Leader: Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name. Is it dry on SteppeClan territory? She asked the little tom, in hopes to start some sort of conversation. This took a while to film! For a full guide on Character Customization, visit Character Customization. But then again, we've always been known to take cats in. Cats who were once enemies are now sharing-tongues. She didnt know if it was wise to talk to Swiftpaw, though it seemed he had no friends. --Foxstar, "Well, LakeClan's not going to let outsiders suffer by living by themselves. There is a gray cat next to one of the silver rocks, near the blue cat. One apprentice has been wounded, but she is recovering well. We welcome Yasbelle, Wolfy, and Carlo into our ranks." You're from SteppeClan, right? Prey is running well. He clearly mentioned not to make friends. - Foggypaw, "Just clan politics. - Wolfy, Raggedpaw narrowed his eyes. She tried to do it herself, but she wasn't nearly as close to the position he was, and Talonpaw watched with an intense look in her gaze. Defend it well; care for young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code; live each life with pride and dignity. She lifted a paw to clean behind her ears, hoping she wasn't too roughed up from the wild, especially not in front of him. No, its fine, chill FOggypaw! - Wolfy, "I'm doing fine, thank you," Hollyflight said. Mossfeather turned to her, gave a small smile and a nod. Newleaf has brought plenty of prey to the forest. It is considered a great honour to be chosen by a Clan leader to go to a Gathering. -Hollyflight, Wolfy felt uncomfortable, as he still wasn't used to huge groups like this. Robinpaw asked Dustpaw. Hi Blazepaw! She meowed. - Raggedpaw & Bloompaw, Petuniaheart felt weird within the place of the gathering even tho she had been part of Lakeclan for awhile she felt weird in the clan "I Hope i don't seem like a lost sheep.." Petuniaheart had told herself quietly- Petuniaheart, Leading his Clan through the thinly-lined trees on their typical route, Foxstar's red tabby form approached the stones. One won't return." He/She has chosen the path of a medicine cat. Prey is running well. "I hope I don't cause too much of a fuss with all the adolescents I dragged along today." Bramblestar reports that Violetpaw has returned to ShadowClan. Squirrelflight shares news from StarClan that they must turn towards StarClan and not away. He would not send his cats to their potential doom. I don't plan on taking one either. Besides, all I can think of is him, and all of those cats make it too distracting for me. War Cat Keychains - 32 Characters, Choose Your Own Sets, 2" Keychains, Birthday Gifts. Fringewhisker wishes to join ShadowClan to be with Spireclaw. Firestar commends Graystripe's leadership during the. A word strong enough to bend or break one so brittle. If they become too elderly to perform warrior duties, they will become an elder per request. - Foggy, Ripplestar looked around the clearing. What did he say? She meowed. They have chosen the path of a medicine cat. "That's alright, clan names are certainly very weird. [use of gift]. They have trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help they will serve their Clan for many moons. - Raggy, Wolfy snarled. "What? 114. We had our first Gathering on the server! Onestar was killed fighting his son, Darktail, in order to save the Clans. -Robinpaw (LC)andDustpaw, Nettlesoar's eyebrow raised at the sound of her leader's assurance, knowing that the leader was trying to put the events as less severe than she knew they were. --Argent, Fadingstorm prepared himself to lecture Wolfstar on the importance of sacrificing one for many, but before he could do so, he noticed that the moon seemed to brighten, despite being hidden behind a small cluster of clouds since Wolfstar and Rainstar had first started arguing. ? He snarled. But its great that the clans are together in peace for a night" Petunia said to herself with a smile- Petunia, Wolfy felt out of place in the huge hollow. Swiftpaw wasnt the friend making type either - Foggypaw, After the moon's glow had touched the chosen cats, it was covered in a thick band of clouds after Wolfstar furrowed his brow out of rage. For their border with ShadowClan, ThunderClan have set their scent markings from a dead tree to a tall holly, then to an abandoned fox den. Tap on the Codes button in the Cat Editor. There was a fire in ThunderClan territory and. "I'm Robinpaw. A Medicine Cat is a special member of the Clan. Gatherings are meant for meeting new cats, but not to share Clan weaknesses and strengths. --Talonpaw & Nettlesoar, "All is well with CliffClan. Brambleclaw is now a warrior. Twolegs have completely destroyed SkyClan territory, and they need some of the other Clans' territory. -Robinpaw (LC),Hollyflight, &Dustpaw, "MoonClan has had little to no complications with water shortages." Blazepaw asked "Like about the drought?" On Gatherings, Clan leaders announce current affairs and significant events within their respective Clans, such as the appointment of new . He looked to his sister. The five Clans unite to defeat Darktail and the Kin. He thought to himself dryly before leading his cats into the Greatstones. (807) $10.00. They hope to be at their camp by the next full moon. There was only one reason, she knew exactly what, but she held her gaze on Lionpaw, then shook her head. It seems as though someone may be right. And she wondered. Following some of Slash's rogues integration within the groups, First full moon meeting. Both she-cats turned again to follow Rainstar back to camp. WindClan is not present due to being driven by out ShadowClan for not sharing their territory. Jayfeather, Firestar & Graystripe - Enamel Pins (Bundle of 3) $29.85. There are some whispers of alluring magic, back in the old times." Flicking her tail, she quickly shot off, back towards SteppeClan territory, knowing she would return later. Grant her/him your wisdom and insight so that he/she may understand your ways and heal her/his clan in accordance with your will. -- Little, A small growl rumbled in Rainstar's throat when MoonClan's scent wafted past her nose. Tawnypelt has gone missing as well. He thanks those that helped him and honors those who died under the impostor's schemes. The Gatherings are canceled for the foreseeable future. However, due to the lower river levels, the number is less than normal. pushing her back. From today until you receive your full warrior/medicine cat name, you will be known as [kit's prefix + paw at end]. She held her breath, reciting what she'd announce on her part. WindClan will give land if the other Clans do. Warrior cats clans Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The leader, the deputy, the medicine cat and their apprentice - if they have one - several warriors, apprentices, queens, and elders participate from each Clan. Despite SkyClan's exile from the other Clans, the Clan still held Gatherings at Skyrock, the highest ledge on top of the gorge. If only that warm evening was a nice one. Recently we've welcomed Mousepelt and Gingerfrost's kits, as well as a new face in Argent." "Sometimes I don't feel like it" he quietly said. Hollypaw beats Heatherpaw in a fight. Robinpaw shrugged, but turned back to Wolfy. -- Rainstar, Foggypaw felt nervous, well, because of how notably Wolfstar fumed. We would ask that if any of the other clans have herbs or water to spare, they share such kindness, so LakeClan might repay them someday." I call upon StarClan to give you many moons of rest. The spiky-furred apprentice shot an egotistical glance in the direction of uncle Wolfstar, who seemedshocked? They usually play with the kits during their spare time. However, they managed to stay out of their way, and they did not catch enough fish to threaten their fresh-kill stocks. A Warrior Cats Gathering. -- Lilypaw, Rosepaw looked around the crowed and found some pretty silver she-cat with this humongous tom, she wondered who they were, she looked around and decided to introduce herself to more LakeClan cats, seeing another dreamy-eyed she-cat, she padded over. Leader: Your Clan honors you and all the service you have given to us. Bramblestar is welcomed back. You're about as vibrant as the full moon itself." Wouldnt that mean more moths to feed? It's pretty important to roleplay in a way that is understandable, and that can be difficult sometimes. If this is hard to wrap your head around, here's an example: You are a kittypet walking into the ThunderClan camp. He/She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code and I commend him/her to you as a warrior in his/her turn. Like, who does he think he is? Be aware of everyone around you, and make sure to give people a chance in the spotlight. Just be considerate of others, and as real as possible if you are a regular cat. Talk to him. Streams in WindClan's territory have been burned away, and that they can't get to the gorge water. They normally don't go far when exploring, often barely past their fence. Leopardfur is now RiverClan's deputy following Oakheart's death. They request assistance to rebuild their camp after the. Sealclan: Eclipseglow arrived third. If you would like to know everything that the Starpedia includes, visit the Starpedia page before moving on. ThunderClan refuses to fight the Sisters. Hello Fadingstorm! She meowed. He was glad that he wasn't apart of the two long-feuding clans. Now, some of this is other cats' influence over you and you cannot necessarily help it. Pika! "Robinpaw, you heard that, right?" Surely. Then looked to her paws. Firestar grants ShadowClan the clearing after moons of conflict. Is Poppypaw alright? She asked him. `Gather around for patrols!` ``Yes, you will be fine.`` Tundra`Dusk, just listen to Blizzard`Sight, alright? These are a few ways to speak in roleplay. He meowed. -- Rainstar & Wolfstar, Fadingstorm found his head ache intensifying as Wolfstar and Rainstar began to promptly argue over the water shortages. They had trouble with a fox, but some warriors drove it out. -Robinpaw (LC), Foxstar twitched an ear at Wolfstar's response, but said nothing to him, instead taking off of Nettlesoar and repeated her statement. They also use this time, if necessary, to ask for help from others, such as when WindClan asked RiverClan for drinking rights in their territory, when a drought shortened their water supply. RiverClan refuses to give land to SkyClan and believes ShadowClan and SkyClan should settle this on their own. WindClan agrees to give territory to SkyClan. A good way to do this is to ask for permission. Clouds begin to cover the moon until Squirrelflight suggests hosting a daylight Gathering. Although you might not be directly saying this, it can easily be implied when you are trying to roleplay, whether accidentally or purposely. ShadowClan still wants its territory back and agrees that SkyClan should leave. She backed into her mentor and squinted her eyes, why was she drenched in some sort of spotlight!? I guess you werent chosen by the moon? Warriors require certain qualities to be mentors. Some rogues live with other cats, or wander territories on their own, which also makes for interesting roleplays. -- Lionpaw (MC), "An absolutely charming name indeed," she replied, twitching her tail. For example, something like this: Hi, can I join your roleplay?// (( Sorry, I have to go! )) --Foxstar, Nettlesoar, & Talonpaw, Wolfy raised his eyebrow, then noticed a cat at the front had faceplanted, and he realized Robinpaw was right. 339. "Yes please, Hollyflight. Strikestone and Yarrowleaf are now warriors. The cat jumped back, but shrugged. Alderheart has been treating Puddleshine. How jarring. Or so Lionpaw thought. | A few people died, But the main thing was that . [Apprentice], do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life? You gonna be okay? "It's alright," she soothed. An example of a Gathering location not being neutral territory is when RiverClan temporarily lived on the island during Dark River, due to Twolegs damaging their camp. -- Swiftpaw (MC), "And I thought all MoonClan cats were supposed to be total jerks," Lilypaw commented in a light sarcastic tone before twitching her whiskers in amusement, noticing that Lionpaw only seemed mildly amused. She turned to Wolfy to listen to the answer. Ask for permission according to the answer, Foggypaw felt nervous,,. 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warrior cats gathering call