apollo 11 missing 2 minutes audio

The Apollo 11 spacecraft took three days to reach the lunar orb. The Apollo 11 Onboard Audio Tape Database cross references the tape numbers to the Mission Elapsed Time (MET) that was on each tape. But only recently were the actual onboard recordings from Apollo 11 digitized so that the recordings could be made available on the Internet. Theyre not saying that. 1. Could it be that there were agencies associated with the Moon, aliens or other beings who have wanted humanity to stay away from the Moon? Editor's note: An earlier version of this story misstated that NASA had dismissed ownership claims of George's Apollo moonwalk tapes and their authenticity. Baysinger told me that he got interested in radio in the early 1950s, when building a radio from scratch or modifying a military surplus device was common practice. Lunar Eavesdropping was moved on to microfilm. You're in a spacecraft, descending to land on the moon for the first time in history, and the microphone to Earth is off. Extensive searches through Google, as well as through the EBSCO and JSTOR databases, turned up no references to it at all.3. More info. Intermittent radio signal, unfamiliar computer alarms and a rocky landing site all tested astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin to their limits during the descent to the Moon's surface. 2. The Command and Service Modules first needed to separate, with the astronauts inside the Command Module and the Service Module being jettisoned. [5] Therefore, Apollo 11's moonwalk video was transmitted from the Apollo TV camera in a monochrome SSTV format at 10 frames per second (fps) with 320 lines of resolution, progressively scanned. But during Apollo 11s return to Earth, a serious anomaly occurred: one that went undetected until after the crew returned to Earth. There were only two such machines at NASA, and neither worked. Jennifer Ouellette This historic exchange on July 20, 1969 marked the end of a perilous journey to the lunar surface, but a multitude of threats still faced the pair of NASA astronauts during their surface. A single tape may include recordings from several different periods of the mission. Video from those tapes was converted to a format which could be broadcast on television. NASA astronauts are trained to handle just about any problem that arises during a mission but that doesnt mean theyre on their own. The footage was recorded in slow scan, meaning that it had an output of 10 frames per second; therefore, it could not be directly broadcast on television. What do you say? The moonwalk's converted video signal was broadcast live around the world on July 21, 1969 (2:56 UTC). The plan to avoid it was simple: the Service Module, post-separation, would perform a series of thrust maneuvers to take it safely away from the re-entry path of the Command Module. That final step alone, which returned the astronauts from their presence around to Moon after journeying back to Earth was one of the most crucial. The search was sparked when several still photographs appeared in the late 1990s that showed the visually superior raw SSTV transmission on ground-station monitors. News & Features>>Features Archive>>Eavesdropping on Apollo 11, DXCC Program, W100AW & W1AW QSLs via Bureau, Amateur Code, Centennial QSO Party, NPOTA, Operating Specialties, International Grid Chase 2018, Hiram Percy Maxim 150th Birthday Celebration, Awards, QSL Service, Cycle 25, Logbook of the World, Transatlantic, Contests, Special Event Stations, Operating Resources, Volunteers On the Air, Amateur Radio Direction Finding, W1AW, Courses & Training, Volunteer Instructors/Mentors, Amateur Radio in the Classroom, Volunteer Examiners, Get on the Air, Learning Programs, Getting Licensed, What is Ham Radio, Youth Licensing Grant Program , FCC License Info and Forms, License Certificates, Member Directory, myARRL, Blind Membership, Join ARRL/Renew Membership, member feedback, Dues Increase FAQ, Techquestion, Please Confirm Your Information, Member Discounts, Member Bulletin, QST Reissue, Membership Certificate, Member Benefits, 3-Year Special Offer, Member Support, ARRL Groups, Connecticut Member Social, Login Instructions, Membership Levels, Gift Membership, Silent Key Submission Guidelines, State and Local, Volunteer Consulting Engineer Program, Volunteer Counsel Program, Antenna Regulation and Zoning, CCR Study Information, International, Technical Relations Office, Federal, Volunteer Monitor Resources, Federal RFI Preemption, Volunteer Monitor Program, NTS Manual, Public Service Resources, NTS, Volunteer Form for Deployment Consideration, Puerto Rico - Caribbean Recovery 2017, 2018 Hurricanes, Hurricane Maria - 2017, Hurricane Irma - 2017, Hurricane Harvey Response, 2019 Hurricanes, Ham Aid, 2020 Hurricanes, Served Agencies and Partners, 2021 Hurricanes, Public Service Honor Roll, SKYWARN Recognition Day, ARES, ARRL References, ARRL Lab, Tech Portal, Radio Technology Topics, Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), Clubs, Volunteer Opportunities, The ARRL Foundation, Donate to ARRL, Youth, Recruiting & Outreach, Collegiate Amateur Radio, Hamfests and Conventions Calendar, ARRL Publication Dealers, ARRL Store, List all Products, Return Policy, Shipping and Tax, Customer Service/Support, Handbook, Product Notes, Site Index, Centennial, Privacy Policy, ARRL Strategic Plan, Advertising and Other Business Opportunities, ARRL on the Purpose of Amateur Radio, Library, Ideas, Media and Public Relations, Copyright, Organization Structure, Visit Us, ARRL Social Media, General Information, Contact ARRL, Employment Opportunities, ARRL "Give us a reading on the 1202 program alarm," Armstrong said. The famed astrologer has been credited with predicting numerous major events from throughout history, but what predictions did he make for 2023? Only limited radio bandwidth was available to transmit the video signal from the lunar landings, which needed to be multiplexed with other communication and telemetry channels beamed from the Lunar Module Eagle, back to Earth. The Apollo crew and to spend 21 days in quarantine after returning to Earth. (SSPL/Getty Images), Both the Command Module and the Service Module. [3] Mike Inchalik, president of Lowry Digital, mentioned that his company would only restore the video and would not remove defects (such as reflections that looked like flag poles). Jennifer lives in Los Angeles. What is really interesting about that story though, is the fact that within 30 minutes of landing on the Moon, that story was circulating around NASA that, hey guess what, they saw something on the rim of the crater, they were all upset, they didnt know what to do, they didnt know if they should go out.. The main air-to-ground recordings and on-board recordings from the historic mission have been publicly available online for decades. The signal on the home-built equipment came through approximately 5-10 seconds earlier than the signal on TV. Rutherford, now an assistant editor of the central Kentucky newspaper The Record, was interviewing me concerning the productive history-of-astronomy research program operated out of the Jefferson Community & Technical College observatory. Shortly after the Apollo 11 Lunar Module eagle touched down on the Moon with astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, radio communications were cut short. The fact NASA has not been back to the Moons since the Apollo Programme wrapped up has been another point of contention between conspiracy theorists and Moon landing sceptics alike. Today a person can sneeze and let the whole world know about it through Twitter or Facebook, so it is hard to believe that the lunar eavesdropping project could have almost completely disappeared into the microfilm drawers but so it had. Wiseman set out to find the missing audio records after being contacted by John Hansen of the University of Texas at Dallas for a speech technology research project Hansen was developing. "I'd like to enter Aldrin in the oatmeal-eating contest," says Collins. Its contents were transmitted to the ground periodically during the mission. Now Hear This! Mr Childress said: The astronauts apparently talked about seeing extraterrestrial objects on the Moon, including flying saucers parked along the edge of a crater within their view.. Alan Butler, author of Who Built the Moon?, said on Ancient Aliens: One of the most interesting questions with regard to our interaction with the Moon, is why we have never gone back there since the end of the Apollo missions. This story has been corrected to reflect that. Download Gta 5 Bir Polisin Hayati Riza Baba Gorevde Arka Sokaklar rapid si usor Ekim 20, - Gncellenmi: Ekim 20, - 1 Facebook; Twitter Ar acn YOKMU ARKA SOKAKLARDAN TELF. "I would appreciate if you could see if you could find the map " (Modern-day Cape Canaveral.). This shaved the digitization time down to four months. Since the real-time broadcast conversion worked, and was widely recorded on both videotape and film, the backup video was not deemed important at the time. The Apollo 11 Onboard Audio Tape Database cross references the tape numbers to the Mission Elapsed Time (MET) that was on each tape. NASA clarifies what they are", "Las Vegas man almost tossed the Apollo 11 moonwalk tapes he sold for $1.8 million", "3 original NASA moon landing videos sell for $1.82 million at auction", "Original Apollo 11 landing videotapes sell for $1.8M", "One Small Step, One Rare Recording: See the Moon Landing Like Never Before", "Space Week: Lost Moon landing tapes discovered", "Australian Geographic to screen lost Moon footage", "Apollo Experience Report Television System", "Missing tapes could reveal clearer moon", "NASA Releases Restored Apollo 11 Moonwalk Video", "TV show of the century: A travelogue not atmosphere", "One giant blunder for mankind: how NASA lost moon pictures", "NASA orders search for missing moonwalk tape", "Comparison photographs of the Apollo 11 Lunar Television as seen at Goldstone, Honeysuckle Creek, Parkes and Houston", "The Moonwalks as seen at Honeysuckle Creek", "NASA Erased First Moonwalk Tapes, But Restores Copies", "The search for the Apollo 11 SSTV tapes", "1 Small Step for a Cam: How Astronauts Shot Video of the Moon Landing", "On Eagle's Wings: The Parkes Observatory's Support of the Apollo 11 Mission", Restored Apollo 11 EVA, published on July 17, 2014 by NASA on YouTube, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Apollo_11_missing_tapes&oldid=1128110495, This page was last edited on 18 December 2022, at 12:23. [25], On July 6, 2019, Sotheby's announced that they would have available for sale, on July 20, three 2-inch (50mm) video tape reels out of a total of 1,150 reels bought at a government surplus auction in 1976, at a price of $218 US dollars. He hopes to have a new Apollo 11 portal built in time for the mission's 50th anniversary next year. At the present time, Apollo 11 is about 134,000 nautical miles [about 248,000 km] from Earth. This was to be the third crewed Apollo mission to land on the Moon, but was aborted due to the onboard explosion. If the one-inch (25mm) data tapes, containing the raw unprocessed Apollo 11 SSTV signals, were to be found, modern digital technology would allow for significantly better conversion and processing. At the proper moment, when the atmospheric density was great enough and the external temperatures and speeds were low enough, the parachute would deploy, leading to a gentle splashdown in the Pacific Ocean approximately 5 minutes later, where the astronauts could then be safely recovered. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of theTerms and Conditions. "The real story is the mission control side of things," says Ben Feist, a Toronto-based software engineer who is organizing and processing the audio for placement on a NASA-sponsored website. According to NASA, the footage was converted for broadcast and uplinked to a satellite, then downlinked to Houston before it appeared on commercial television. Rutherfords story briefly mentioned how Baysinger had been previously successful in constructing a device to detect radio signals from Jupiter and in tracking and reproducing pictures transmitted from Earth-orbiting satellites. I was also intrigued because both in my classes and in our observatory public outreach programs I encounter people who ask whether I think we really went to the Moon. (Heritage Space/Heritage Images/Getty Images), This schematic drawing shows the stages in the, return from a lunar landing mission. [11] It then fed that field, and an appropriately time-delayed copy of the first field, to the NTSC Field Interlace Switch (encoder). The database includes a description of the mission status at that time. NASA names nine astronauts for Boeing, SpaceX flights in 'new era' for spaceflight. In mission control, astronauts Charles Duke Jr., James Lovell Jr. and Fred Haise Jr. keep in contact with the Apollo 11 astronauts during their lunar landing mission on July 20, 1969. [29][30] Although Sotheby's described these tapes as "the best surviving NASA videotape recordings of the historic Apollo 11 Moon Landing" and "the earliest, sharpest and most accurate surviving video images of man's first steps on the moon",[31] a statement from NASA said these tapes "contain no material that hasn't been preserved at NASA". Engineer Gary Johnson hand-drew schematics for rewiring the Apollo Service Modules jettison controller, and the changes were made just after the next flight: Apollo 12. Rutherford opened the Courier story with Thanks to some homemade electronic equipment, including a rebuilt 20 year old radio receiver from an Army tank (see Figure 2) and an antenna made of spare pieces of aluminum, nylon cord and chicken wire (see Figure 3 and 4), a small band of Louisvillians was able to eavesdrop Sunday (July 20) night on the American astronauts conversation directly from the moon.. An unanswered question in this story is whether there were other lunar eavesdropping projects conducted by Amateur Radio operators. Could he get unedited, unfiltered information about the Apollo 11 landing by eavesdropping on the radio signals transmitted from the lunar surface? The story discussed how Baysinger recorded 35 minutes of conversation from VHF signals transmitted between astronauts Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins (he did not attempt to pick up the encoded S-band signals from the main Moon-Earth communication link).1 These 35 minutes included the time during which President Richard Nixon transmitted a message of congratulations to the astronauts. Fortunately for everyone, none of the debris resulting from the Service Modules re-entry impacted the Command Module, and the astronauts all arrived safely back on Earth. All of the Apollo spacecraft included onboard voice recorders, activated during much of each mission to record the crew's conversations. NASA is aware that some of the moonwalk tapes are up for sale this year. 3. Hansen's research is focused on developing better speech recognition technology to analyze taped discussions of groups trying to solve problems. The back-and-forth between astronauts and mission control seldom gets much attention. Fortunately for everyone, they did get lucky. He independently detected radio transmissions from the Apollo 11 astronauts on the lunar surface. But now that NASA and the University of Texas, Dallas have digitized 19,000 hours of recordings from the historic Apollo 11 mission, we can listen in on some of the most remarkable examples of the teamwork between astronauts and their ground-based colleagues. [1], Nafzger stated that the team did find several post-conversion copies of the broadcast that were of higher quality than what had been previously seen by the public. [20] On August 16, 2006 NASA announced its official search, saying, "The original tapes may be at the Goddard Space Flight Center or at another location within the NASA archiving system" and "NASA engineers are hopeful that when the tapes are found they can use today's digital technology to provide a version of the moonwalk that is much better quality than what we have today. So Hansen's team ordered a custom-built read head that allowed all 30 tracks to be played back at the same time. The astronauts needed an answer. Does 'stagehand reflected in astronaut's' visor prove it was filmed in a studio? George's Apollo tapes are expected to sell for $1-2 million on the upcoming 50th. The US space agency has boldly announced in February this year it will renew its focus on permanently returning to the Moon. [3] NASA released some partially restored samples on its website after the news conference. [1] In the early 1980s, NASA's Landsat program was facing a severe data tape shortage and it is likely that during this period the tapes were erased and reused. The NASA chief said: Its important that we get back to the Moon as soon as possible. The problem was that there were two types of thrusters on board the Service Module: the Minus X RCS jets and the RCS roll jets. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. It made recordings onboard the Lunar Module, but the DSEA flown on the Eagle during Apollo 11 malfunctioned. - Nov 12, 2018 6:00 pm UTC. In short order I was talking to Baysinger via phone and e-mail, learning more about the lunar eavesdropping project. And NASA has uploaded the full audio to the publicly accessible archive.org, an invaluable resource for historians, filmmakers, and any others keen to savor the full Apollo 11 experience. Our discussion drifted into the subject of science being done in unexpected places by a small homegrown operation (such as a Kentucky community college observatory). We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. "Roger, we got you, we're go on that alarm," came the reassuring reply. That meant it would have been necessary to play back each tape 30 times a process that would have taken years. The velocity is 4,216 feet per second [1,285 m/s]. [14], This low-quality optical conversion of the Apollo 11 moonwalk video imagesmade with a TV camera taking pictures of a video monitoris what was widely recorded in real-time onto kinescope film and NTSC broadcast-quality two-inch quadruplex videotape. And those records are now preserved for future generations. The U.S.S. [INSIGHT]Alien shock claim: UFO hunter says he has spotted 'god-like' beings[PICTURES]Apollo 15 astronaut's Moon landing confession: 'Can't do anything now'[INSIGHT]. Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! "If it does not occur again, we're fine.". 225 Main Street Baysingers wife and daughter watched the Apollo 11 landing on TV while Baysinger and Rutherford listened via Baysingers equipment. These are not necessarily major milestones of the mission but are some of the more interesting and clearly recorded conversations the crew members had among themselves as the mission progressed. China wants to bring moon bits to Earth heres how they will do it. If the Command Module and the Service Module had collided or interacted in any sort of substantial, unplanned-for way, the return of the first moonwalkers could have been as disastrous as the Space Shuttle Columbias final flight. Had those two modules collided, the astronauts on board would have had a failed re-entry, killing all three passengers. NASA Moon landing: Apollo 11 landed on the Moon on July 20, 1969, NASA Moon landing: Conspiracists are intrigued by two minutes of radio silence, Moon landing: How NASA hid secret ceremony on Apollo 11 from public, Mystery as flaming object spotted spiralling through sky over UK, UFO sighting on NASA ISS live stream - alien hunters in shock claim, Moon landing: A timeline of the 1969 Apollo 11 Moon landing, SHOCK claim footprint does not match Neil Armstrong's boot. An ablative heat shield on the outside of the Command Module protected the capsule from the heat of re-entry (from space into Earths atmosphere), which is sufficient to melt most metals. This was difficult since the weather was cloudy and the Moon not easily visible. (NASA / AFP / Getty Images), Astronaut Edwin E. Buzz Aldrin Jr., Lunar Module, Pilot, stands near a scientific experiment on the lunar surface. The prophecies of Nostradamus: What did he predict for 2023? Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. [1], On November 1, 2006, Cosmos magazine reported that some NASA telemetry tapes from the Apollo project era had been found in a small marine science laboratory in the main physics building at Curtin University in Perth, Western Australia. Perhaps because there was nothing to hear that couldnt be heard on CBS, Baysinger did not attempt to eavesdrop on any other Apollo missions. Rutherford moved on to other stories. With the original flaw, the thrusters fired in a pattern that put the Command Module at risk. Re-entry, in principle, ought to be straightforward for the astronauts returning from the Moon. (SSPL/Getty Images), Although there are no known photographs of the, Apollo 11 Command Module descending towards splashdown in the Pacific Ocean, all of the crewed Apollo missions ended in similar fashion: with the Command Modules heat shield protecting the astronauts during the early stages of re-entry, and a parachute deploying to slow the final stages of descent to a manageable speed. My searching through Google and various databases, asking among those knowledgeable in the history of astronomy and querying various print and Web Amateur Radio publications has turned up only one other case of independent detection of Apollo transmission from the Moon. If it failed, it would lead to certain death, similar to the demise of the Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov. If the Service Module had collided with the Command Module, a re-entry disaster similar to Space Shuttle Columbia could have occurred just as the USA was taking the conclusive steps of the Space Race. By the late 1960s Baysinger was working professionally for WHAS and experimenting on the side with radio astronomy and satellite tracking. "It's executive overflow," another voice answered, indicating that Eagles computer was doing too many things at once, and was postponing its lower-priority tasks. Neil Armstrong became the first person to step onto the lunar surface on July 21, 1969, at 02:56 UTC; Buzz Aldrin joined him 19 minutes later. Collins was impressed with Baysingers work. [8], When the Apollo TV camera radioed its images, the ground stations received its raw unconverted SSTV signal and split it into two branches. Eagle was just 33,500 feet from the surface and still descending. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin raise the American, Flag on the Moon, with the shadow of the Lunar Module (where the camera is mounted) seen in nearby. "Once the audio gets out there, maybe people will say, 'Hey, that was my Dad, or that was my Granddad,'" he said. Image Above: Apollo 11 Lunar Module Pilot Buzz Aldrin. In the aftermath of Apollo 11, investigators determined that the proper procedure for avoiding contact would be to properly time the firing of both the roll jets and the Minus X jets, which would lead to a 0% probability of contact between the two spacecrafts. Inside, youll find many additional details about this event, including interview snippets with Gary Johnson himself. Apollo 11 mission officials relax in the Launch Control Center following the successful Apollo 11 liftoff on July 16, 1969. Prior to moving to New York, she spent years writing for independent media outlets across the Middle East and aims to produce accurate coverage of science stories within a regional context. [13] They concluded that the data tapeswith the SSTV signalwere shipped from Australia to Goddard and then routinely erased and reused a few years later. The Apollo 11 Onboard Audio Tape Database cross references the tape numbers to the Mission Elapsed Time (MET) that was on each tape. That is the disintegrating Service Module. [6] These SSTV signals were received by radio telescopes at Parkes Observatory in Australia, the Goldstone tracking station in California, and Honeysuckle Creek tracking station, also in Australia. [12] When Armstrong first came down the Lunar Module's ladder, he was barely visible because the contrast and the vertical phase were not set correctly by the scan converter operator. The research team conducted a multi-year investigation in the hopes of finding the most pristine and detailed video images of the moonwalk. Brown, flying about 450 miles (725 km) away from the re-entry point, reported the following: I see the two of them, one above the other. NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine told a press conference NASA will go to the Moon as soon as possible. The moonwalk's converted video signal was broadcast live aro At a 2009 news conference in Washington, D.C., the research team released its findings regarding the tapes' disappearance. The Service Module was jettisoned from the Command Module early, and the damage is clearly visible on the right side. Each of the 170 tapes making up the collection held 30 separate audio channels, and the tape recorder needed to play the tapes the only one of its type in existence could only read one track at a time. [18], News that these analog data tapes were missing emerged on August 5, 2006, when the print and online versions of The Sydney Morning Herald published a story with the title One giant blunder for mankind: how NASA lost moon pictures. Show more. Shortly after the. The last astronaut to walk the Moon was Gene Cernan of the Apollo 17 mission the 11th and final man to set foot on Earths only natural satellite. If, for example, the fuel were to slosh around after the Service Module and the Command Module separated, that could lead to a certain window of uncertainty in the resultant trajectory. Neither had some workers back at mission control. The combined original and copied fields created the first full 525-line interlaced frame and the signal was then sent to Houston. What did the alarm mean? The agency conducted an intensive search at the time, but could not find the tapes. But these men were the first, and they will remain the foremost in our hearts. The footage has been . To broadcast the SSTV transmission on standard television, NASA ground receiving stations performed real-time scan conversion to the NTSC television format. When I got back to Rutherford about how I was interested in the story and had found it in the July 23, 1969 Courier-Journal, he mentioned that Baysinger actually still lived in Louisville retired from a radio career but still active in ham radio. It focuses on the 1969 Apollo 11 mission, the first spaceflight from which men walked on the Moon. Apollo 11 Onboard Voice Transcription (5.5 Mb PDF). It was only through luck that such a catastrophe was avoided. The data tapes were used to record all transmitted data for backup. The launch and this one corrective burn were so successful that the other three scheduled SPS maneuvers were not even needed. [3] The multinational research team looking into the missing tapesmostly retired engineers who had worked on the original broadcast in 1969was represented at the event by Richard Nafzger from the Goddard Space Flight Center and Stanley Lebar, the former lead engineer at Westinghouse who developed the Apollo Lunar Camera and the Apollo Color Camera. On July 16, 1969, the world watches as the three Apollo 11 astronauts attempt the impossible: to ride a controlled explosion off Planet Earth, land on another celestial body and return home. "How did they do it? [11] The converter then repeated the whole process with each new frame downloaded from space in real time. "Trade you that for a piece of gum. Related: Watch NASA's Apollo 11 Moonwalk Moments in This Archive Video. Going bonkers might be the biggest. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook. [28], NASA held a news conference at the Newseum, in Washington, D.C. regarding the missing tapes on July 16, 2009 the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11's launch from Cape Kennedy. This NASA picture taken on April 17, 1970, shows, the Service Module (codenamed Odyssey) from the Apollo 13 mission. On July 20, 1969, NASA astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon. Atkinsons book, Eight Years to the Moon, comes highly recommended by me if youre interested in the behind-the-scenes details and rarely-told stories from the Apollo era. Mr Bara, who also appeared on the History Channel, said both of NASAs astronauts were evidently upset by something they saw on the Moon within 30 minutes of landing. [35][36], Photograph of the original SSTV signal of Aldrin and Armstrong at the foot of, For the purposes of clarity and simplicity in this article, 60 fields and 30 frames per second are used. As a result, many of its recordings are barely, if at all, audible, with a constant high-pitched background tone. 3These searches were done in August 2009. We have a tape of the air/ground [communication] during the launch phase. Heres the story youve never heard. So-called Moon landing experts who have studied the Apollo 11 mission have boldly accused NASA of holding back vital information on what really happened on July 20, 1069. You can unsubscribe at any time. By then, 20 seconds had passed since the alarm sounded. How did they send everybody to the moon? The Truth Was Out There! (Image credit:. On July 20,the Eagle (lunar module) undocked from the Columbia (command and service module), made a powered descent, and landed on the Moons surface. Some scientists and NASA researchers have even gone as far as to claim NASAs astronauts came across evidence of alien activity on the Moon. Then the network pool feed was sent by microwave relay to New York, where it was broadcast live to the United States and the world. From Apollo 11 landing by eavesdropping on the 1969 Apollo 11 landing by eavesdropping on the Internet Modules collided the! Launch and this one corrective burn were so successful that the recordings could be made available the! Research is focused on developing better speech recognition technology to analyze taped of... And still descending the first man to walk on the Moon not easily.. Were transmitted to the Moon download the newspaper, order back issues and the... 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apollo 11 missing 2 minutes audio