household support fund application form wolverhampton

56. This funding covers the period 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023 inclusive. Energy bills may be of particular concern to low income households during the period of The Fund and LAs should prioritise supporting households with the cost of energy. The Household Support Fund is for people living in Waverley who are without sufficient resources to . The cost is picked up by a TPO, for example, the food bank. Authorities wishing to work with TPOs to deliver The Fund must carry out suitable due diligence checks to ensure they are viable and able to deliver the support. Household Support Fund The Household Support Fund was created to help those in need. In exceptional cases of genuine emergency, where existing housing support schemes do not meet this exceptional need, the Fund can be used to support housing costs. 89. the total amount you have paid will be the same across the four tables. The government recently announced that a new household support fund grant will be available to help those most in need this winter. The funds should not be used for any economic undertaking. 1. This will be due to insufficient funds to process all requests. . If you are eligible for the HSF, you will receive a voucher up to the value of 25 for food or 50 towards home heating. Funds should be spent or committed before 31 March 2023 and cannot be carried over for future usage. There is a limited amount of funding available, and it is being distributed on a first come first served basis. Forgot Username? 107. The definition of spend includes grant funding that has been provided to vulnerable households, within the scope of the eligibility criteria, and within the period of The Fund 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023. This funding runs from April to September 2022. Some of the funding will be set aside for applicants who come directly to the council for assistance. The Fund should primarily be used to support energy bills for any form of fuel that is used for the purpose of domestic heating, cooking, or lighting, including oil or portable gas cylinders. This includes reasonable costs incurred administering The Fund. Payment of The Fund from DWP to Authorities will be made in arrears after the interim MI return in January 2023 and the final MI return at the end of grant period in April 2023 after we have verified the MI. Note: County Councils and Unitary Authorities will be referred to as Authorities and the Household Support Fund will be referred to as The Fund throughout the remainder of this guidance. They will look to identify good practice and identify case studies where appropriate. household support fund application form wolverhampton 30 0 Comments pet friendly cabins in gatlinburg tn by owner Telephone: 0800 121 4433. 80. The fund will close on 31 March 2023 . . A customer may only receive payment through 1 application route unless there are exceptional circumstances, or you have a child in reciept of High Level Disability Living Allowance (DLA). 52. Authorities who have signed and returned the relevant section (Annex C) of the current DWP/LA MoU have legal permission to access DWPs Searchlight portal and specific UC, Pension Credit, ESA (IR) and HB only data through a monthly data share for the purpose of The Fund. 28. Applications will be reviewed within 7-10 working days. 129. Authorities are also encouraged to use existing tools at their disposal to verify personal bank accounts. 64. An example would be the award of a food voucher on 31 March 2023 to a vulnerable household. This publication is available at If you have any queries about the content of this guidance or use of the funding, you can contact the DWP. 71. The Fund can be used to support wider essential needs not linked to energy and water should Authorities consider this appropriate in their area. If you are in crisis and have no food or utilities please contact our Welfare Crisis team on 0191 643 2777, and select option 2. . Any referral agency in the voluntary or statutory sector can refer a client in . Education Settings in Staffordshire will be provided with 20.00 supermarket eVouchers for their children that meet the . As paragraph 5 above, Authorities should also have a process to consider applications for support. For example, any application process should be easy to access and to navigate. The application form will close 22nd December pm and re-open 3rd January am. We expect Authorities to work with district councils to ensure support is going to those with genuine need and to help minimise the risk of fraud on housing support. Part of the Government's package of cost of living support, the Household Support Fund is intended to help low-income households with essentials including heating, food, rent and clothing. Local Authority (the name of your Authority), LOCAL_AUTHORITY_CODE (the standard lookup code for your authority), TYF_LA_ID_CODE (the Transfer Your File code for your authority), For each postcode sector (POSTCODE_OUTWARD_CODE) in a ward (WARD_NAME), (WARD_CODE), Number of Households in the ward with UC Limited Capability to Work group (HAS_LCW_LATEST_AP), Number of UC households in the Authority without children (HHS_NO_CHILDREN_IN_LA), Number of UC households in the Authority with children (HHS_WITH_CHILDREN_IN_LA), Number of children in the Authority in UC households with children (NO_OF_CHILDREN_IN_LA), Number of UC households without children in the postcode sector that are below the Free School Meal income threshold and free prescription threshold (HHS_NO_CHILDREN_PRESC_OR_FSM), Number of UC households without children in the postcode sector that are below the Free Prescription income threshold (HHS_NO_CHILDREN_PRESC), Number of UC households without children in the postcode sector that are below the Free School meal income threshold (HHS_NO_CHILDREN_FSM), Number of UC households with children in the postcode sector that are below the Free School Meal income threshold and free prescription threshold (HHS_WITH_CHILDREN_PRESC_OR_FSM), Number of UC households with children in the postcode sector that are below the Free Prescription income threshold (HHS_WITH_CHILDREN_PRESC), Number of UC households with children in the postcode sector that are below the Free School meal income threshold (HHS_WITH_CHILDREN_FSM), Number of children in UC households in the postcode sector that are below the Free School Meal income threshold and free prescription threshold (CHILDREN_PRESCRIPTIONS_OR_FSM), Number of children in UC households in the postcode sector that are below the Free Prescription income threshold (CHILDREN_PRESCRIPTION), Number of children in UC households in the postcode sector that are below the Free School meal income threshold (CHILDREN_FSM). The MI template should be completed as per guidance below. 87. A recent copy (withinthe last 3 months) of the bank statement for the bank details used in your claim, this needs to be the bank account that your household bills come out of and clearly shows your name, address, account number and sort code. This may include social workers, housing and family support services and may incorporate intelligence and data from wider childrens social care systems to help identify and support individuals, families and households within the scope of The Fund. As with District Councils, Authorities should make arrangements with any TPOs as quickly as possible. There may be groups who are vulnerable to rising prices even though they are supported through these schemes, for example large families or single-income families. This is not an award made directly to vulnerable households by an Authority. 102. Total - Table 3 Row 1 column g, Table 4 row 1 column g, Table 5 Row 1 column f and Table 6 column row 1 d are protected and will automatically add up spend across the different headings. Check whether the de minimis regulation exception applies. Authorities must use their judgement to decide what legal powers and funding can be used to support individuals who are ineligible for public funds or statutory housing assistance. Whichever way you use the funding, including where you work in partnership with others, you should consider all Subsidy rules (previously State Aid) issues. Household Support Fund Household Support Fund In this section Household Support Fund notice How does the scheme work? Authorities also have access to their own non-DWP data to help identify vulnerable households who may be eligible for support under The Fund. The Fund can be used to provide support with essentials linked to energy and water (for example period products, warm clothing, soap, blankets, the purchase of equipment such as fridges, freezers, ovens, slow cookers), in recognition that a range of costs may arise which directly affect a households ability to afford or access energy, food and water. Household Support Fund. There is no prescriptive definition of essentials. reason for the return (for example, expired voucher), what the original spend was reported against in their. If multiple awards are made to the same household throughout the period of The Fund each award should be counted separately. By proactive support we mean any awards made as a result of the Authority proactively identifying recipients. Funding will be used primarily to support households with essentials costs related to food, energy and water bills. The fund is designed to provide short-term financial support to households who are struggling to afford household essentials. Authorities may also wish to establish if other forms of support are available to the household. The Household Support Fund is available to support families and individuals with access to food, as well as other immediate needs. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. What the Household Support Fund is. 113. If the payment is in relation to both food and energy in equal measures put 50% of the award in each of the two categories. You can apply for support from the Household Support Fund if: You are in receipt of universal credit, income support, personal independence . Where possible, any payments made into a bank account should be in the same name of the person that is eligible for that payment. Total LA spend this is the total of the above. 74. It also provides the framework that Authorities need to work within and the arrangements for distribution of funding and reporting. Authorities are encouraged to ask neighbouring Authorities to work together to help prevent double provision and/or no provision especially where allocation of provision is by school in one area and by residential address in another. Normally households can receive only one HSF3 award via an application to either the VCS or the council. Completed MI returns should be sent to the DWP. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. 112. Individuals in this group are not eligible for a means-tested Cost of Living Payment and so this data share will allow Authorities to identify them and more easily consider their need for support. 79. 63. Authorities must operate an application-based service for support to ensure those in need have a route to emergency support. The grants will be issued on a first come, first served basis. Individuals in receipt of some other form of housing support could still qualify for the other elements of The Fund, such as food, energy, water, essentials linked to energy and water and wider essentials. Support is available to households in Birmingham over the summer using funding from the government's Household Support Fund. When an application is made, we will take some personal information. Support which can make a quick but sustainable impact on energy costs is particularly encouraged; for example, insulation of hot water tanks, fitting draft excluders to a door, or replacing inefficient lightbulbs or white goods. 128. Households will be awarded an amount that will vary dependent on the make up of the household. Wider essentials. The government has announced an extension of the scheme supporting vulnerable households, including pensioners and those with children, with a focus on food and energy costs. This will always be the month of the extract. Where a household needs assistance with food, the following amounts will be awarded: Where a household needs assistance with fuel, the following amounts will be awarded: You will need to contact them first. 21. Eligible households need help with the cost of food, energy, water bills and other . . We also require you to copy your Chief Financial Officer/Section 151 Officer into the email, providing this assurance when you return the MI template to DWP. On 30 September 2021, the government announced that vulnerable households across the country would be able to access a new 500 million support fund to help them with essentials over the winter. suz-36-ice-white+ 4 () suzukirm 250 2001-2012 39. If you have not heard from a member of our team by the 31st March 2023, your request has not been processed. The total value of grant spent, the volume of awards made by the charity or voluntary organisations providing the food bank and number of households helped should be entered in Table 3 (The Authority or food bank provider will need to provide the split between household composition to the best of their ability) and column b (Food Excluding FSM support in the holidays) of Table 4. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Energy and water. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. The Chancellor spoke in the House of Commons on Wednesday, March 23, and announced that he is doubling the Household Support Fund to 1 billion, to give local authorities the support they need to help people in their local area. Note, all cells which automatically populate are shaded grey and are protected. If a claimant attempts to claim an award from the Household Support Fund by making a false declaration or providing false evidence or statements they may have committed an offence under the . In exceptional cases of genuine emergency, it can additionally be used to support housing costs where existing housing support schemes do not meet this exceptional need. 116. 17. This fund is designed to be used to support households in the most need particularly those who may not qualify for other types of government support. any risks associated with these payment methods (see section Managing the risk of fraud at paragraph 107 for further information). have fuel costs but who cannot access the 400 of energy support from the Energy Bill Support Scheme or the equivalence package confirmed on 29 July 2022. Household Support Fund October 2022 to March 2023 The Household Support Fund is money given to councils by the Government to help people in need of financial support. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. Authorities must work together with District Councils to ensure the funding meets its objectives by identifying those most in need. DO NOT CONTACT US ASKING FOR UPDATES. The IFR application form includes NHS number, name and address, date of birth, GP details, diagnosis, requested intervention and other information relevant to the request. Where Shire Counties pass grant allocations to District Councils, District Councils should pass the information relating to columns a, b and c to the County Council/Unitary Authority to collate the information and send one collated template to DWP. Cambridgeshire Holiday Voucher Scheme (CHVS) Assistance through Household Support Fund ended on 31 March 2022. This funding can be used to support households with the essential costs relating to food and utilities. 78. At the end of the The Fund we will also ask for a summary of spend against the final delivery plan with this due at the same time as the final MI in April 2023. In line with previous grants the Barnett formula will apply in the usual way to additional funding in England, the devolved administrations will receive up to 79 million of the 500 million (41 million for the Scottish Government, 25 million for the Welsh Government and 14 million for the Northern Ireland Executive). The Fund can be used to provide support with food, whether in kind or through vouchers or cash. It is important to stress that The Fund is intended to cover a wide range of low income households in need including families with children of all ages, pensioners, unpaid carers, care leavers and disabled people. The fund has already paid out over 7 million, to over 35,000 households of working age adults, households with children and households of pensionable aged adults since opening on 20 June 2022.. Authorities that do not have the mechanisms in place to administer this grant should consider whether District Councils are better placed to do so on their behalf. This is because you know that the purpose of the grant is for children and the nature of support is clothing which comes under wider essentials. Where eligible, ongoing housing support for rent must be provided through the Housing cost element of, In exceptional cases of genuine emergency, households in receipt of. You can apply if you: Are aged 18 or over. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. Further information on Searchlight can be found in the Local Authority Searchlight Training Pack available in the Searchlight folder on Glasscubes (the LA/DWP online collaboration tool). This guidance sets out the required collaboration between the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), LAs, including their delivery partners (such as District Councils as well as any charitable or third-party organisations) to successfully meet the policy intent within the agreed framework. The objective of The Fund is to provide support to vulnerable households in most need of support to help with significantly rising living costs. 67. For the purpose of The Fund committed spend relates to grant funding that has been spent and delivered to vulnerable households even though the vulnerable household may not have used their grant funding. The MI template should be completed as follows: 91. Please do not contact us about the funding, we'll be in touch if you're eligible. It should not include amounts allocated to TPOs that have not been spent during the reporting period. Table 4 relates to grant spend, volume of awards made, and households helped in relation to food, energy and water bills, essentials linked to energy and water bills, wider essentials, and (in exceptional circumstances) housing costs. The Authority directly provides vouchers to vulnerable households as a result of the Authority proactively identifying the recipients. The interim MI return will be used to determine eligible spend to 31 December 2022 and an interim grant payment will be made to your Authority for this period when the information in your return has been verified. Paragraphs 17,18, 87 and 88 have been amended/added to provide guidance where an authority receives unspent TPO funding or expired vouchers after submitting their final management information. how they plan to provide support to vulnerable households, in other words, paying into bank accounts, use of cash and vouchers, provision of goods. You can also complete apply for the grant with the Citizens Advice online form. Table 6 access route The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) announced a new grant, the Household Support Fund (HSF) to cover the period 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023. The breakdown of the award is detailed below. By doing this you confirm that the Section 151 Officer has agreed the correctness of spend reported. Table 5: Total Value of Awards Split by Types of Support. Therefore, if an Authority identified a group of potential claimants who may be eligible for The Fund from their own records, they can access Searchlight to verify each claimants DWP benefit entitlement (although benefit entitlement is not a condition of support). Volumes: this is the number of individual/separate payments made to vulnerable households within the eligibility criteria. Shown below is a worked example of how the MI template should be completed. 1. In relation to housing costs this must include checking whether the household could receive DHPs. Authorities can also use the funding to support households who are struggling to afford wider essentials, in exceptional cases of genuine emergency, the funding can additionally be used to support housing costs where existing housing support schemes do not meet this exceptional need, subject to the provisions at paragraph 30. work together with District Councils and third parties including, where necessary and appropriate, other local services. All Authorities are encouraged to ensure, wherever possible, that any vouchers issued are redeemed before the end of The Fund, or shortly thereafter, or consider recycling unused vouchers. The funding comes from the Government's Household Support Grant. This cell will automatically populate from the figures in rows a and b. Facilities grants can range from minor works such as installing ramps to major works such as extensions (up to a maximum of 30,000). Please visit our new page for the latest HSF news. 10. This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. So, for example, ensuring all charities are registered and taking extra caution if they are new organisations. Authorities that plan to order vouchers in bulk should attempt to be realistic in the volumes ordered to avoid holding large stocks of unused vouchers at the end of The Fund. The fund was extended to 30 September 2022 with an additional 500 million of funding to be used by local authorities to support vulnerable households. Within 'Household Support Fund (April to September) final guidance' HTML document: The fund is designed to provide short-term financial support to vulnerable households who are struggling to afford household essentials this winter. The definitions will be updated to include information regarding the additional data share of those who are in receipt of HB only when the details are confirmed. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. We may need the Authority to explain why that is the case and provide supporting evidence. 14. Priority is given to supporting Food and Fuel, however other household essentials can be considered. If you suspect fraud, you should notify DWP of the: 120. Residents in financial hardship can self-refer to the Household Support Fund for support with food and energy vouchers, or alternative . This will be checked against DWP records. Failure to return the MI by the deadline may result in a delayed payment or a payment being refused. The current Southampton HSF (1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023) will offer the following support: Help for low-income families with children: We will be using the Southampton HSF to provide schools with supermarket vouchers. Phone: 01902 551166. The Household Support Fund was created to help those in need. 119. Authorities should not make The Fund eligibility conditional on being employed or self-employed, or directly linked to a loss of earnings from employment or self-employment. 122. 22. 117. Where Authorities proactively identify households, they should consider how they can ensure that they are focusing on those in the most need to prevent escalation of problems. 111. Table 6: Total Value of Awards Split by Access Routes. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. Household Support Fund Application Form. A food bank operates on an open basis where anyone can turn up and pick up food and supplies. Every area must operate at least part of their scheme on an application basis. In accordance with their general legal duties, Authorities must have a clear rationale or documented policy/framework outlining their approach, including how they are defining eligibility and how households access The Fund. Local Welfare Provision. You can contact Citizens Advice Richmond on 080 82 78 78 73 or complete the grant enquiry form. Use whatever information is already available or reasonable to collect to be as accurate as possible. Loans are for people living in Wolverhampton. 34. This HSF Extension covers the period 1 April 2022 to 30 September 2022. Authorities are therefore encouraged to explore ways in which this group may be supported and must record the total value of awards granted to disabled people in their Management Information (MI) returns for this grant (see paragraphs 64-68). The Government has extended the Household Support Fund, giving Norfolk 6.67 million to support people struggling to pay for food, fuel, energy and water bills. How the money will be allocated. The household support fund can be used to support wider essential needs that are not linked to energy and water, and those may include, but are not limited to, support with other bills, including broadband, phone bills, clothing and essential transport-related costs. 5. Authorities should either gather information or check existing records they hold or have access to, in order to establish whether the household includes a child or a pensioner (as defined below) or a disabled person and complete columns a, b and c accordingly. October 2022 to April 2023 Funds from the Department and Work and Pensions has been split into four categories. Under the Equality Act 2010, all public authorities must comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty. 110. Loans may be accessed through Wolverhampton City Credit Union. Therefore, a disabled person is someone who has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term negative effect on their ability to do normal daily activities: substantial is more than minor or trivial, for example it takes much longer than it normally would to complete a daily task like getting dressed; long-term means 12 months or more, for example a breathing condition that develops as a result of a lung infection. These may include, but are not limited to, support with other bills including broadband or phone bills, clothing, and essential transport-related costs such as repairing a car, buying a bicycle, or paying for fuel. Household support grant application form. 6. DWP is providing funding to County Councils and Unitary Authorities (including Metropolitan Councils and London Boroughs), under section 31 of the Local Government Act 2003, to administer The Fund and provide assistance to households most in need. If the Authority has any grounds for suspecting financial irregularity in the use of any grant paid under this Determination, it must notify DWP immediately, explain what steps are being taken to investigate the suspicion and keep DWP informed about the progress of the investigation. 3. The Fund can exceptionally and in genuine emergency be used to provide support for historic rent arrears built up prior to an existing benefit claim for households already in receipt of, advertising and publicity to raise awareness of The Fund, income below the thresholds of 7,400 per year for, those with a Limited Capability for Work indicator within the last assessment period, and, those whose award is subject to the benefit cap, those in receipt of the Removal of the Spare Room Subsidy and Local Housing Allowance (available from Autumn 2022), the National Insurance number, names, addresses and contact telephone numbers of those in receipt of Guarantee Credit and/or Savings Credit element of Pension Credit and their appointees if appropriate, as well as for all claimants on income-related, the National Insurance number, names, addresses and contact telephone numbers of customers who are in receipt of, at or below the Free School Meal income threshold, at or below the free prescription income threshold, and, small IT changes, for example, to facilitate. 12. 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household support fund application form wolverhampton