new york supreme court part rules

A party or a proposed intervenor must: (1) file the disclosure statement with its first appearance, pleading, petition, motion, response, or other request addressed to the court; and. Tax and Condemnation Part Rules. Proceedings Involving Custody of an Indian Child. A single memorandum of no more than 7,000 words shall be submitted by each side. (i) The paper does not have an index number; Documents that are required to be filed and served electronically in accordance with this section or paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) of section 202.5-bb of these rules may nevertheless be filed and served in hard copy where required by statute or court order, where the document is an application that may by statute be presented without notice, or provided the document is accompanied by the affirmation or affidavit of the filing attorney or unrepresented litigant stating that: (1) a deadline for filing and service fixed by statute, rule or order of the court will expire on the day the document is being filed and served or on the following business day; and (2) the attorney, filing agent therefor , or unrepresented litigant is unable to file and serve such document electronically because of technical problems with his or her computer equipment or Internet connection. (1) The decision and order of the hearing officer shall be rendered expeditiously and, in a small claims tax assessment review proceeding, the notice required by section 733(4) of the Real Property Tax Law shall be attached to the petition form. (b) In such a case, the papers opposing a motion for summary judgment shall include a correspondingly numbered paragraph responding to each numbered paragraph in the statement of the moving party and, if necessary, additional paragraphs containing a separate short and concise statement of the material facts as to which it is contended that there exists a genuine issue to be tried. The length of the time slot allotted to each matter is solely in the discretion of the court. Oral Argument. (b) Absent exigent circumstances, prior to contacting the court regarding a disclosure dispute, counsel must first consult with one another in a good faith effort to resolve all disputes about disclosure. Amended (a)(1). (c) The contents and form of each appraisal report, including any rebuttal, amended or supplementary report, shall conform to the requirements of sections 202.59(g) and 202.60(g) of this Part. (d) Every order of reference which does not set forth a date certain for commencement of the trial or hearing shall contain the following provision: and it is further ORDERED that if trial of the issue or action hereby referred is not begun within 60 days from the date of this order, or before such later date as the referee or judicial hearing officer may fix upon good cause shown, this order shall be cancelled and revoked, shall be remitted by the referee or judicial hearing officer to the court from which it was issued, and the matter hereby referred shall immediately be returned to the court for trial. Parties shall meet and confer at the outset of the case, and from time to time thereafter, to discuss the scope of the privilege review, the amount of information to be set out in the privilege log, the use of categories to reduce document-by-document logging, whether any categories of information may be excluded from the logging requirement, and any other issues pertinent to privilege review, including the entry of an appropriate non-waiver order. (viii) claw-back or other provisions for privileged or protected ESI; The subject matter jurisdiction of the Commercial Division including both substantial monetary thresholds and carefully chosen case types (see 202.70[a] and [b]) is designed to ensure that it is the forum of resolution of the most complex and consequential commercial matters commenced in New Yorks courts. Not later than four business days after receiving such a letter, any affected opposing party or non-party shall submit a responsive letter not exceeding three single-spaced pages. Rule 11-e. To express their consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Commercial Division, parties may include specific language in their contract, such as: "THE PARTIES AGREE TO SUBMIT TO THE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION OF THE COMMERCIAL DIVISION, NEW YORK STATE SUPREME COURT, WHICH SHALL HEAR ANY DISPUTE, CLAIM OR CONTROVERSY ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE VALIDITY, BREACH, ENFORCEMENT OR TERMINATION THEREOF. (2) The matters to be considered at the conference may include, among other things: (i) applications for pendente lite relief, including interim counsel fees; (ii) compliance with the requirement of compulsory financial disclosure, including the exchange and filing of a supplemental statement of net worth indicating material changes in any previously exchanged and filed statement of net worth, and, including the number and length of depositions, the number of interrogatories, and agreement of the parties to comply with Guidelines on Electronically Stored Information. 202.5-b. The plaintiff in a matrimonial action shall cause to be served upon the defendant, simultaneous with the service of the summons, a copy ofthe automatic orders set forth in this section in a notice that substantially conforms to the notice contained in Appendix F. The notice shall state legibly on its face that automatic orders have been entered against the parties named in the summons or in the summons and complaint pursuant to this rule, and that failure to comply with these orders may be deemed a contempt of court The automatic orders shall be binding upon the plaintiff immediately upon riling of the summons, or summons and complaint, and upon the defendant immediately upon service ofthe automatic orders with the summons. (f) For good cause shown, the court may alter the limits on the number of depositions or the duration of an examination. filed Feb. 16, 1988 eff. Forms shall be available at no cost at each County Clerk's office. The appraisal reports also shall contain photographs of the property under review and of any comparable property that specifically is relied upon by the appraiser, unless the court otherwise directs. If the parties wish to continue talks with the neutral beyond the initial conference, an arrangement will have to be made to retain such neutral at terms agreed to by the neutral and the parties. Alternatively, subject to meeting the jurisdictional and procedural requirements applicable to the Commercial Division and the federal courts, the parties to a contract may consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of either the Commercial Division of the Supreme Court or the federal courts in New York State by including such consent in their contract. At that time, counsel shall be prepared to argue the motion, discuss resolution of the issue(s) presented and/or schedule a trial or hearing. Amended (1)(b), (1)(c), and added (1)(c)(6) & (1)(c)(7) on Dec. 4, 2012. (b) Commencement of Small Claims Tax Assessment Review Proceeding. (2) At the pretrial conference, the court shall fix a date for the commencement of trial, which shall be no later than eight weeks after the date of the conference. 22. Section 202.9-a Special proceedings authorized by subsection (d) of section 9-518 of the Uniform Commercial Code. Section 202.35 Submission of papers for trial. Settlement and Pretrial Conferences. 9. Section 202.8-e Temporary Restraining Orders. Parties in uncontested matrimonial actions shall use the forms Removal of actions without consent to courts of Ltd. jurisdiction. Counsel are encouraged to work together to select a mediator or neutral evaluator that is mutually acceptable and may wish to consult any list of approved neutrals in the county where the case is pending. (d) In actions where the cause of death is in issue, each party shall serve upon all other parties copies of the reports of all treating and examining medical providers whose testimony will be offered at the trial, complying with the requirements of paragraph (b)(1) of this section, and the party seeking to recover shall deliver to all other parties authorizations to examine and obtain copies of all hospital records, autopsy or post-mortem reports, and such other records as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section. (2) No person who has served as a hearing officer shall be eligible to serve again until all other hearing officers on the Panel have had an opportunity to serve. Part 12c, Hon. (a) To the maximum extent possible, discovery disputes should be resolved through informal procedures, such as conferences, as opposed to motion practice. (a) All motions shall be returnable before the assigned judge, and all papers shall be filed with the court on or before the return date. injury and wrongful death (b) Application for Final Order and Judgment of Registration. (d) The costs and burdens of discovery of ESI shall be proportionate to its benefits, considering the nature of the dispute, the amount in controversy, and the importance of the materials requested to resolving the dispute. (d) Pretrial Proceedings. Added (f) & (g) on Dec. 29. 8. The court may further direct that any agreements reached in this regard shall be reduced to a written stipulation. County Court judge; ex parte applications in Sup. (2) An attorney seeking to obtain an interest in any property of his or her client to secure payment of the attorney's fee shall make application to the court for approval of said interest on notice to the client and to his or her adversary. 2. Section 202.20-h Pre-Trial Memoranda, Exhibit Book and Requests for Jury Instructions. How can companies ensure A separate affidavit will be required explaining such stated cause of difference. (a) Each court appearance before a Commercial Division Justice for oral argument on a motion shall be assigned a time slot. Where an order for relief pursuant to section 503 of Title 11 of the United States Code has been entered, the assignee shall file with the clerk a certified copy of such petition in bankruptcy, together with proof by affidavit on the part of the assignee showing that he has turned over all assets of the assigned estate to the trustee or receiver in bankruptcy. Any issues with respect to fault, custody and finance that are not specifically described in writing or on the record at that time may not be raised in the action unless good cause is shown. Amended (a). (3) In each round, the questioning of the seated prospective jurors shall be conducted first by counsel for the plaintiff, followed by counsel for the remaining parties in the order in which their names appear in the caption. 202.44 Motion to confirm or reject judicial hearing officer' s report . (ii) Upon application by an assignee or a creditor, setting forth that a part or the whole of the estate is perishable, the nature and location of such perishable property, and that there will be a loss if the same is not sold immediately, the judge presiding, if satisfied of the facts stated and that the sale is required in the interest of the estate, may order the same to be sold with or without notice to creditors. Amended on June 13, 2022, effective effective July 1, 2022. (a) Petitions for Registration. Historical Note (5) In all original creditor and debt buyer actions, the affidavit of non-expiration of statute of limitations set forth in subsection (e), effective October 1, 2014. Section 202.48 Submission of orders, judgments and decrees for signature. In the event a filer shall file and serve documents in hard copy pursuant to this paragraph, each such document shall include the notice required by paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of section 202.5-b, and the filer shall, as required, file those documents with the NYSCEF site within three business days thereafter. An authorized e-filing user may authorize another person to file a document electronically on his or her behalf in a particular action using the User ID and password of the user, but, in such event, the authorized e-filing user shall retain full responsibility for any document filed. Such consultation must take place by an in-person or telephonic conference. 202.5-c Electronic Document Delivery System Except as provided in subdivision (b) of this section, in an action not yet assigned to a judge, the court shall not accept for filing a notice of motion, order to show cause, application for ex parte order, notice of petition, note of issue, notice of medical, dental or podiatric malpractice action, statement of net worth pursuant to section 236 of the Domestic Relations Law or request for a preliminary conference pursuant to section 202.12(a) of this Part, unless such notice or application is accompanied by a request for judicial intervention. (h) Where a motion must be made within a certain time pursuant to the CPLR, the submission of a motion notice letter, as provided in subdivision (a), within the prescribed time shall be deemed the timely making of the motion. (C) The court may refer the case to the ADR coordinator or other designated court official in the judicial district where the case is pending for assignment, at no charge to the parties, of a neutral selected from the roster of neutrals or mediators under Part 146 of the Rules of the Chief Administrative Judge. (i) matrimonial actions as defined by the civil practice law and rules; Any person seeking recognition of a judgment, decree or order rendered by a court duly established under tribal or federal law by any Indian tribe, band or nation recognized by the State of New York or by the United States may commence a special proceeding in Supreme Court pursuant to Article 4 of the CPLR by filing a notice of petition and a petition with a copy of the tribal court judgment, decree or order appended thereto in the County Clerks office in any appropriate county of the state. (2) No fee required. Rule 1. Unless the moving party can demonstrate that there will be significant prejudice by reason of giving notice, a temporary restraining order will not be issued ex parte. Actions may be removed to courts of limited jurisdiction without consent pursuant to the provisions of CPLR 325(d) as follows: (a) from the Supreme Court in counties within the First, Second, Eleventh and Twelfth Judicial Districts to the Civil Court of the City of New York; (b) from the Supreme Court in counties within the Ninth Judicial District to county and city courts within such counties; (c) from the Supreme Court in counties within the Tenth Judicial District to county courts within such counties; (d) from the Supreme Court in counties within the Third Judicial Department to county and city courts within such counties; (e) from the Supreme Court in counties within the Fourth Judicial Department to county and city courts within such counties; (f) from the County Court of Broome County to the City Court of Binghamton; (g) from the County Court of Albany County to the City Court of Albany; (h) from the Supreme Court and County Court of Nassau County to the District Court of Nassau County and to the city courts within such county; and. At any time, the court on its own motion may vacate a note of issue if it appears that a material fact in the certificate of readiness is incorrect, or that the certificate of readiness fails to comply with the requirements of this section in some material respect. ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that the Supreme Court shall retain jurisdiction to hear any applications to enforce the provisions of said Settlement Agreement, if any, or to enforce or modify the provisions of this judgment, provided the court retains jurisdiction of the matter concurrently with the Family Court for the purpose of specifically enforcing, such of the provisions of that (separation agreement)(stipulation agreement, if any), as are capable of specific enforcement, to the extent permitted by law, and of modifying such judgment with respect to maintenance, support, custody or visitation to the extent permitted by law , or both; and it is further, ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that any applications brought in Supreme Court to enforce the provisions of said Settlement Agreement, if any, or to enforce or modify the provisions of this Judgment shall be brought in a County wherein one of the parties reside; provided that if there are minor children of the marriage, such applications shall be brought in a County wherein one of the parties or the child or children reside, except, in the discretion of the judge, for good cause. A term of court is a four-week session of court, and there shall be 13 terms of court in a year, unless otherwise provided in the annual schedule of terms established by the Chief Administrator of the Courts, which also shall specify the dates of such terms. (iv) the party on whose behalf the deposition is being taken. Designating an application as an emergency without good cause may be punishable by the issuance of sanctions pursuant to Part 130 of the Rules of the Chief Administrative Judge. (g)Nothing in this rule is intended to: (i) address whether a remote witness is deemed unavailable, within the meaning of CPLR 3117 and its interpretive case law, for the purposes of utilizing that witness deposition at trial; or (ii) alter the Courts authority to compel testimony of non-party witnesses in accordance with New York law. (d) Jurisdictional motions where issues, including application of long arm jurisdiction, may be dispositive; (7) The affirmative on the accounting shall be with the assignee; the objections to the account may be presented to the court or designated referee in writing or be brought out on a cross-examination. Exhibits not previously demanded which are to be used solely for credibility or rebuttal need not be pre-marked. If the trial exhibits are voluminous, counsel shall consult the clerk of the part for guidance. The movant shall specify in the notice of motion, order to show cause, and in a concluding section of a memorandum of law, the exact relief sought. In the discretion of the Uniform Commercial Code court judge ; ex parte applications in Sup than words. Forms shall be available at no cost at each County Clerk 's office affidavit be! Review Proceeding section 202.48 Submission of orders, judgments and decrees for signature applications Sup. 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new york supreme court part rules