there are no thieves in this town analysis

Thanks to Gustavo Martnez for his help. The DIJIN and the SIJIN is very confusing even for us. Daniel: The people in charge of investigating crimes in Bogot. Now, however, he corrects line by line as he works. Penguin. Thats not news for Telfono Rosa. The books on display. Edgar: I thought a lot of people looked suspicious. He heard the news on La Lucirnaga. I told him, no, if its on La Lucirnaga theyre just messing with people.. Radio Ambulante tells the stories of Latin America. Edit. We are calling from who knows where, who knows where. They called me from Mexico, Argentina, Europe, France, Spain. If he could give me a discount. Someone who steals millions and millions of dollars gets eight years in prison and someone who steals a book by Gabo gets 20. Supervisor: We went to another place. lvaro: They were asking me, Where did you get the book, how much did it cost, how did Garca Mrquez inscribe it for you, why did he inscribe it for you, where were you, who had the keys? And I said, Me, I was the only one who had them. How do you know you are the only one? Because they told me I was the only one.. And on top of that the Telfono Rosa comes out once a week. I looked at the display case and the lock was missing. It seems like there was some kind of agreement to turn over the book, and thats that. Edgar and the guard stood at the exit of the Pavilion and told everyone who tried to leave. Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "No One Writes To The Colonel" by Gabriel Garca Mrquez. Camila: Ill explain: El Tiempo is one of the most important newspapers in the country and Telfono Rosa is a news section or rather, a gossip section about celebrities in Colombia that comes out once a week, every Sunday. What Edgar cared about was getting the scumbag who stole the first edition of One Hundred Years of Solitude. About 40 thousand dollars. lvaro thanked them and was clearly moved. Which is to say, it would be nice if all of the cases the police handled where recommended cases and they were just as efficient when they deal with the robbery of an average, ordinary citizen. Camila: Because he got him old books. All he managed to think was, I dont want more books from the collection to get stolen. So he asked Luca to remove all of lvaros books and store them in a safe place. How? 20 years in prison for stealing a book? Juan Vicente Valbuena: The Attorney General considers the theft of Gabriel Garca Mrquez work a serious attack on our cultural heritage. Find us on NPR One in your app store. I met him and he gave me the nickname libroviejero [man with the old books]. He held a press conference just to talk about the incident. Are you crazy?! But they didnt, When David found out that the story was already all over the media, he got fair security on the phone, a retired colonel. Having found the book in record time was a victory for the police: only six days after the report was filed. There are some details that certainly, for now. He picked up the book and looked at the price: 180 Uruguayan pesos, which at that time was about seven dollars. Were going to send a squad car for you.. What Edgar cared about was getting the scumbag who stole the first edition of, I thought a lot of people looked suspicious. 174 times the minimum wage, enough to buy, I dont know, a small apartment in the southern part of Bogot. Garca Mrquez died on April 17, 2014, at home in Mexico City following complications from pneumonia; he was 87. They said they had found out that someone had the book and that this person had set up a meeting with a possible buyer. lvaro: To ask for the phone number of the person in charge of Telfono Rosa. Don't miss out on an interactive map that shows the book's journey throughout Latin America: As a collector, lvaro knew exactly what a first edition looked like. All he managed to think was, I dont want more books from the collection to get stolen. So he asked Luca to remove all of lvaros books and store them in a safe place. Nothing I did in films was mine. From what I understand, it isnt open because they arent looking for the culprits, but it isnt closed because they havent found them. Others, including the supervisor, realize that something had dropped to the ground: a box. He went into a tiny bookstore and asked for the Latin American literature section. More than double what the supervisor told me. Yes, it will close. It may be from here, but I dont really care.. Listen: Supervisor: So, if you want to buy a book and you know that on the intersection of streets 10 and 13 youll get your socks stolen with your shoes still on, well youre going to turn around, do you understand? Supervisor: I mean, a lot of years are going to go by but the case isnt going to close. No, of course not. "I didn't know anyone was allowed to write things like that. Camila: He got out and the shopkeeper, before giving him the book. No one wanted to give a statement. In other words, she didnt follow Davids instructions? They threw the box and started running.. Damaso is a 20-something layabout and petty thief married to a middle-aged washerwoman named Ana. The story is all over the world.. Camila: The thing is, they found the book but not the thief. Not at all. Camila: His copy of One Hundred Years of Solitude. Damaso is a night prowler who frequents the local bar and pool hall. Supervisor: So I spend a lot of time with them because sometimes theyre victims of the gangs that operate downtown too. So it occurred to him to call a journalist friend who worked at El Tiempo. Everything was very strange. But before he left he asked to use their restroom. And what did he say about recovering the book? And when I turned my head and looked, I saw a first edition of. He felt like everyone at the bookstore was looking at him with an expression of, lvaro: Like shame, disbelief, alarm, fear. I hold the rank of supervisor. Instead I said, yes, of course.. He picked up his satchel and left. My guide introduced me to another officer but neither of them knew why I was there. And I couldnt believe it. They put a type of caution tape in front of the display cases, like at a crime scene, and the order was not to move until lvaro arrived. And I would tell them A first edition of. 64. They arrived at the police station and the chief of police, Palomino. Were very, Theres a superhero in Argentina. Camila: During all this, David wasnt at the fair. David wasnt just in charge of that bookstore, he was also the president of the Association of Independent Booksellers, the ACLI [by its initials in Spanish]. And he opened the box and there was the book. Previous Nobody. agitated (adjective) feeling or appearing troubled or nervous. lvaro answered and said Whats up, David? And I said, listen lvaro, they stole your, Yes. The day-to-day life of the colonel, which doesn't amount to much, is handled with the precise detail of a painter. He was at en event at his bookstore when he found out the news was everywhere. Their encounter with the dead man changes them, from the inside out. I didnt even open the display case. But we have to close this circle with the capture of those responsible. Its the only version I have of what happened. The crime that Damaso commits is blamed on what is referred to as the "blackman". Im calling David. How can that be? Why would the theft of a single book mean so much to a country like Colombia? Memory Changes. And he said return my book or pay for it. Someone who steals millions and millions of dollars gets eight years in prison and someone who steals a book by Gabo gets 20. Its the only version I have of what happened. In 1982, he won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Camila: Sort of. For instance, people started coming up with really crazy and sometimes very disrespectful theories. But not just any copy. I told them about the story I was doing and that I wanted to interview the lieutenant. Were talking about a lot of money. He said that the National Police were investigating the case and that he had to make it clear that not only were the individuals who stole the book responsible, but also anyone who bought it. Daniel: Of course, everyone understands how valuable that book is. I was in total disbelief. We sat down and he showed me the book. Then he wrote the facts: when it was stolen and recovered, and it ends with this: Today, May 14th 2015, I am handing it over to the National Library of Colombia so that it may remain there and serve as a symbol of gratitude for all Colombians. And it was the first time the ACLI was in charge of the bookstore at the fair. It will only close the moment someone is captured. There was nothing there. But what caught my attention was that there were slightly different versions of where the book had been found. Camila: Very hard. On social media you could read things like: User 1: Thats why this country is backwards. The book wins the Primera Plana prize in Argentina on June 20. Were very, Translation: There Are No Thieves in This Town. When they get out to run, they hear gunfire. Hey man, you heard anything? No, man.. Hi, Im Daniel Alarcn. One day, before the start of the fair, when they were setting up the bookstore, lvaro came with his books and arranged them himself. The ones that have a restricted lane. Basically what he is saying is what all of us Colombians already know more or less: that the police give priority to cases involving more important people, people with money, famous people. It was the second time I cried. But made-up people and stories are featured on the show to make fun of whats going on in the country. An officer met me and brought me to a small office filled with empty cubicles. He didnt give a lot of details about how the operation went. But the guard was a little confused and at one point asked what are we looking for, again?. lvaro: Edgar didnt talk to me at all. Were you able to figure out how much it would really cost? Writer: There Are No Thieves In This Town. lvaro: And she says lvaro, you have no idea what kind of shit storm this has caused. They looked like something out of the last century: there were two panes of glass one was sliding and they were held shut by a little lock, a keyhole with a saw-toothed shaped plate. Something weird is going on, he said. Camila: The lieutenants desk was the same as the others. I even started to be a little afraid that I would open a bag and find it. No One Writes to the Colonel is published in Colombia. lvaro: Well, sure, so they can say something, you know? Like great, now what? is one of the most important newspapers in the country and Telfono Rosa is a news section or rather, a gossip section about celebrities in Colombia that comes out once a week, every Sunday. Camila: Not much. lvaro went back to his house. Thanks to la Productora Snica, Sandra Acero and Jos Luis Pearedonda. Daniel: Thats a big deal. 20 years in prison for someone who stole a book by Gabo and eight for someone who committed crimes against humanity. If I had known, I would have started writing a long time ago." How may I help you? They radioed the poor police officer. And today I want to tell you the story of that book. He wanted the whole thing to be over, so early that week he called Consuelo Gaitn, the director of the National Library, and told her: Please, I want to make this donation really, really quickly. My name is Luca Fernanda Buitrago Montaez. But before he left he asked to use their restroom. And that proves to us that Colombians, like Garca Mrquez says, are capable of the worst as well as the best. But the supervisor put it better. We showed up and they said, listen, there was a guy here who was interested but hes going to go to Preservencia to buy it there because those guys are pissed off and dont want to come over here because they know the book is a touchy subject.. Thanks for listening. This very same box. From all over the world. "Diary of a Shipwrecked Sailor. lvaro: Are you crazy?! But on Friday, six days after the robbery, lvaro was in his bookstore, working, when a friend called him and said: Its just that my dad heard it did. Overview; View 1 Edition Details; Reviews Lists; Related Books; Publish Date. Its a decrepit building. Camila: lvaro told Edgar that he was going to take the rest of the books and told him to bring a box. lvaro: They put out an all-points bulletin and somehow discovered I dont know how that the book was going to be taken out of the country. Until finally in April 2016 they gave me an appointment to meet with the lieutenant in charge of the case. I mean, at that point I was much more worried and I really wanted to go figure out what had happened with the police because I was really worried that this was going to turn into a big story in the media and we hadnt even filed a report. Camila: Not knowing what he was going to do, Edgar put the box in storage and ordered that no one touch it. Then they told him he had to go to a press conference. Would we be able to do that? And many of his short stories and novellas those brief yet dynamic interludes should be approached with the same reverence as his longer, major works. And as soon as I got there Luca told me weve been robbed. They were about to close the fair and the police never arrived. rotund (adjective) (of a person) plump; having a full rounded shape. And I turned around and saw that the book was missing. But at the time no one thought it was a shoddy lock. Until Friday, around two in the afternoon, he went back to one of the bookstores on the intersection of streets 10 and 13. He picked up the book and looked at the price: 180 Uruguayan pesos, which at that time was about seven dollars. Weve got a recommended case here. What is really important and what I take away from all this extends beyond the book. How long were they at it? When I went out to eat breakfast, I also went by the bookstore. His friend asked him to tell her everything in detail. alternative approach to traditional music. Everything was very melodramatic. In 14 days, 520 thousand visitors came to the fair, more than 70 thousand more than the previous year. But its really hard to search that many people, isnt it? Yes, those. Camila: When David found out that the story was already all over the media, he got fair security on the phone, a retired colonel. This book doesnt belong to me anymore. Book Quotes "There are no thieves in this city #juice" Other books like "There are no thieves in this city #juice" Home Manufacture and Use of Unfermented Grape Juice. Daniel: And at this point what is David doing? lvaro needed a moment before he could start the interview. Palomino: We know they were going to sell it for more than 120 million pesos. Camila: lvaro still didnt tell anyone anything. I mean, it wasnt all of the first editions because they wouldnt all fit, but it was something representative of his work. They looked like something out of the last century: there were two panes of glass one was sliding and they were held shut by a little lock, a keyhole with a saw-toothed shaped plate. The worst. Some of them told me that they had already said what they could about the issue. I asked the supervisor if that meant they werent looking for the culprits anymore. Listen: So, if you want to buy a book and you know that on the intersection of streets 10 and 13 youll get your socks stolen with your shoes still on, well youre going to turn around, do you understand? Camila: The officers jump out of the cars, and he tells me that there were four or five guys there when the police came and they started running. One of his stories, "There are No Thieves in This Town," was filmed by an experimental group for presentation at the 1965 Locarno Film Festival. Camila: About 40 thousand dollars. More than a year ago, in May 2015. lvaro: He said, I cant believe it. Daniel: Welcome to Radio Ambulante, from NPR. Avatar: Calea Apei era in desfasurare la 20th Century Fox inainte ca Disney sa-l cumpere. Camila: In other words, he wasnt just worried about how he was going to pay for the book, but also about what would become of the association. Edgar: To open their bags. And lvaros book was on display along with others from his private collection, in an exhibit inside a bookstore that David was running. Garca Mrquez had died a year earlier, in April 2014, and this book fair was being held in his honor. What can be done? Luca: The media came first, then the police. Edgar: And I would tell them A first edition of One Hundred Years of Solitude is missing.. Weve got a recommended case here. He stopped in front of the display, saw that the book was missing and put his hands on his head. She had sustained them by borrowing from friends, paying for groceries on monthly installments, and not paying any rent to the landlord for six months. It was an expression like I dont understand whats happening.. Damaso stop the wrong persecution. Because the whole thing started to break down. The inscription says: To lvaro Castillo, the book peddler, like yesterday and as always, from your friend Gabriel. You guys who are going to be downtown, a book by Gabriel Garca Mrquez was stolen in one of those bookstores, so you need to get in touch with your contacts about it.. Taking out the cards, like they were shit to me, and leaving them on the desk. He showed me the inscription and then he showed me something else. Daniel: How come they hadnt even filed a complaint? So I spend a lot of time with them because sometimes theyre victims of the gangs that operate downtown too. They hired two security guards who were only tasked with watching the bookstore, and on top of that, they agreed that one person on their staff would be at the cases at all times. It seems like there was some kind of agreement to turn over the book, and thats that. In other words, people who sell things with dubious origins. That was the phrase the supervisor used. But what are their names, man? Camila: No. May I speak with the press department of the police, please? Camila: Good morning. As well as anyone who acquires it. Im Daniel Alarcn. Lupa is our new app for Spanish learners who want to study with Radio Ambulante's stories.More info at Smoke Rings (2k16 version) [Bonus] There Are No Thieves In This Town. Directed by. I mean, yes, the book was found and everything was well and good. Their number? I dont know, those guys came to sell the book but they are asking for a lot.. 04. In this context it means something like ridiculous. Their number? I dont know, those guys came to sell the book but they are asking for a lot.. While Edgar was searching people, Luca knew that she had to call someone, but she thought: Luca: I cant tell lvaro myself. With a possible buyer they said they had found out that someone had the book it really. Very, Translation: there are no Thieves in this Town a little confused and at this point is. Isnt going to close the moment someone is captured Luis Pearedonda he picked the! 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there are no thieves in this town analysis